RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

Growing Risk of US-Iran Hostilities Based on False Pretexts, Intel Vets Warn

Growing Risk of US-Iran Hostilities Based on False Pretexts, Intel Vets Warn

As President Donald Trump prepares to host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu next week, a group of U.S. intelligence veterans offers corrections to a number of false accusations that have been levelled against Iran.February 26, 2018MEMORANDUM FOR: The PresidentFROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)SUBJECT: War With IranINTRODUCTIONIn our December 21st Memorandum to you, we cautioned that the claim that Iran is currently the world’s top sponsor of terrorism is...

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Is the (Tea) Party Over?

Is the (Tea) Party Over?

The recently-passed big-spending budget deal’s failure to generate significant opposition from the “tea party” has led some to pen obituaries for this once-powerful movement. These commentators may have a point. However, few of them understand the true causes of the tea party’s demise.The movement commonly referred to as the tea party arose in opposition to the 2008 bank bailouts. The tea party grew as its focus shifted to opposition to President Obama’s policies, particularly his stimulus...

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Syria’s Two East-Ghouta Campaigns: One For Liberation, The Other To Save Terrorists

Syria’s Two East-Ghouta Campaigns: One For Liberation, The Other To Save Terrorists

Daily mortar and missile attacks against the Syrian capital Damascus have been ongoing for years but intensified in recent months. The often quoted Syrian Observatory notes: ... raising to 116 persons at least including 18 children and 14 citizen women, who were killed as a result of the fall of these shells since the beginning of escalation on the capital Damascus and its suburbs on the 16th of November, and the SOHR documented the injury of more than 563 persons who were injured in these...

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What Would an ‘America First!’ Security Policy Look Like?

What Would an ‘America First!’ Security Policy Look Like?

Republicans love to caricature Democrats as big spenders whose only approach to any problem is to throw money at it. As with most caricatures, it is made easy by the fact that it is mostly true. At least when it comes to domestic entitlement programs, nobody can top the party of FDR and JFK when it comes to doling out goodies to favored constituencies paid for by picking someone else’s pocket.However, Republicans are hardly the zealous guardians of the public purse they would have us believe....

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Why One War When We Can Have Two!

Why One War When We Can Have Two!

"We will continue to prosecute the campaign against terrorists, but great-power competition – not terrorism – is now the primary focus of US national security." Henceforth Russia and China will be America’s main enemies, with Iran and North Korea thrown in for good measure.So declared US Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, last week in a statement of profound importance for the world. For the past seventeen years, the US military has been laying waste to the Muslim world in the faux "war on...

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Nobody Wants to Talk About What Many Mass Shooters Have in Common

Nobody Wants to Talk About What Many Mass Shooters Have in Common

In the aftermath of yet another mass shooting in the United States, the internet and broadcast news alike are inundated with commentary about why this keeps happening in America. Some blame guns, others blame mental health, and still others confidently blame false flag events and crisis actors.But one commonality among numerous mass killings in the United States remains absent from these conversations. It is always reported when details of the shooter are published, but the widespread...

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Something For Everyone: Mueller Indictment a Boon for Partisan Status Quo

Something For Everyone: Mueller Indictment a Boon for Partisan Status Quo

Last Friday, depending on which side of the partisan divide one was watching from, President Trump was either vindicated or his treachery was confirmed. The impetus for these seemingly disparate reactions was Robert Mueller’s indictment against 13 Russian nationals, the latest and largest indictment to result from his investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. However, over the nine months that Mueller’s investigation has been active, it has...

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America’s Elite Thinks it Has a Divine Right to Rule the World

America’s Elite Thinks it Has a Divine Right to Rule the World

America’s ruling class has a curious attitude to democracy. It seems to be interpreted as something that’s good for the US and its allies but bad for critters who won't accept their role in the "America-led international order."First off, let me be clear. I think all foreign electoral interference is wrong. In any country. And if it’s eventually proven that Russians meddled in America’s 2016 presidential election, I certainly won't condone it. But I’ve have always doubted that the Russian...

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Mueller’s Comic Book Indictment: How to Prosecute A Great Big Nothingburger

Mueller’s Comic Book Indictment: How to Prosecute A Great Big Nothingburger

We have always heard that a determined government prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich, and now we know it's true. After 38 years in the prosecution racket, Robert Mueller just made his biggest score ever -- that is, he nailed a great big Nothingburger.But he also did a lot more than that. Mueller's 37-page comic book indictment actually unmasks -- inadvertently to be sure -- the distinctly un-terrifying essence of the whole Russian meddling narrative. In fact, the crude social media emissions...

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Russiagate Suddenly Becomes Bigger

Russiagate Suddenly Becomes Bigger

It’s hard to know where to begin. Last Friday’s indictment of 13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies by Special Counsel Robert Mueller was detailed in a 37 page document that provided a great deal of specific evidence claiming that a company based in St. Petersburg, starting in 2014, was using social media to assess American attitudes. Using that assessment, the company inter alia allegedly later ran a clandestine operation seeking to influence opinion in the United States regarding...

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Merchants of Death: America’s Toxic Cult of Violence Turns Deadly

Merchants of Death: America’s Toxic Cult of Violence Turns Deadly

We are caught in a vicious cycle.With alarming regularity, the nation is being subjected to a spate of violence that terrorizes the public, destabilizes the country’s fragile ecosystem, and gives the government greater justifications to crack down, lock down, and institute even more authoritarian policies for the so-called sake of national security without many objections from the citizenry.Take the school shooting that took place at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., on...

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Ex-CIA Director Thinks US Hypocrisy About Election Meddling Is Hilarious

Ex-CIA Director Thinks US Hypocrisy About Election Meddling Is Hilarious

Take off the terrorist’s mask, and it’s the CIA. Take off the revolutionary’s mask, and it’s the CIA. Take off the Hollywood producer’s mask, and it’s the CIA. Take off the billionaire tech plutocrat’s mask, and it’s the CIA. Take off the news man’s mask, and guess what? It’s the &*#$ CIA.CIA influence is everywhere. Anywhere anything is happening which could potentially interfere with the interests of America’s unelected power establishment, whether inside the US or outside, the depraved,...

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Is the (Tea) Party Over?

More Gun Violence: Let’s Look Beyond Politics

Another terrible school shooting took place in Parkland, Florida last week and unfortunately many politicians and pundits have used the tragedy – as they often do – to push their own agenda. Many will use the tragedy to argue that Americans should be prohibited from owning guns. As if anti-gun laws would dissuade a disturbed or violent individual intent on causing harm. Those intent on mass murder don’t obey gun laws.It’s unfortunate that while many are quick to demand that guns be taken away...

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The US-UK Deep State Empire Strikes Back: ‘It’s Russia! Russia! Russia!’

The US-UK Deep State Empire Strikes Back: ‘It’s Russia! Russia! Russia!’

There’s no defense like a good offense.For weeks the unfolding story in Washington has been how a cabal of conspirators in the heart of the American federal law enforcement and intelligence apparat colluded to ensure the election of Hillary Clinton and, when that failed, to undermine the nascent presidency of Donald Trump. Agencies tainted by this corruption include not only the FBI and the Department of Justice (DOJ) but the Obama White House, the State Department, the NSA, and the CIA, plus...

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Dutch Lies Over Putin’s ‘Aggression’ Expose NATO War Agenda

Dutch Lies Over Putin’s ‘Aggression’ Expose NATO War Agenda

Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte was this week forced to bear a parliamentary vote of no confidence after his foreign minister finally came clean over a dangerous lie he has been telling for two years concerning Russian President Vladimir Putin.Halbe Zijlstra quit in shame on Monday as the country’s foreign minister after admitting that a story he had peddled about personally hearing Putin plotting to create a “greater Russia” was false. That then forced premier Rutte to endure a “no...

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There is No Justice in Our World

There is No Justice in Our World

A gathering of rich oil Arabs pledged $30 billion this week at a meeting in Kuwait to start rebuilding war-shattered Iraq. Sounds nice but these kinds of conclaves are notorious for offering big but delivering little. The event was billed as helping Iraq repair war damage caused by ISIS. In fact, most of the damage from that short-lived conflict was caused by US bombing and a few Russian air strikes. ISIS, as this column has long been crying in the wilderness, was largely a paper tiger...

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Will Hunter's Plea Deal Save Joe?

Today's breaking news that Hunter Biden has accepted a "slap on the wrist" plea deal on gun and tax charges has ended a nearly five year investigation into the "first son." But...

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