John Bolton, White House national security adviser and notorious Iraq-era hawk, is a man on a mission. Given broad latitude over policy by Donald Trump, he is widely held to be driving the US confrontation with Iran. And in his passionate bid to tame Tehran, Bolton cares little who gets hurt – even if collateral damage includes a close ally such as Britain. So when Bolton heard British Royal Marines had seized an Iranian oil tanker off Gibraltar on America’s Independence Day, his joy was...
Featured Articles
Lindsey Graham On Gaza: 'Kill 'em All!'
After Israel's bombing of a Gaza refugee camp this week killed scores of civilians, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told CNN that there should be "no limit" on the number of civilians...
Lindsey Graham On Gaza: 'Kill 'em All!'
After Israel's bombing of a Gaza refugee camp this week killed scores of civilians, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told CNN that there should be "no limit" on the number of civilians...
Peace & Prosperity Blog
Is It A Crime To Insult the Police?
Arena, Wisconsin is a village of roughly 800 people, most of whom are white, politically liberal, and materially comfortable. Despite having a very low crime rate, the village...
Is Brzezinski Pushing Ethnic Cleansing for Eastern Ukraine?
Global chessboard enthusiast Zbigniew Brzezinski has a plan for Ukraine. In a recent speech to the Woodrow Wilson Center, excerpted by the Atlantic Council, he argues forcefully...
Ron Paul: US Threatening Greater Middle East War, Stock Market Crash, and Oil and Gold Rise
Over at the Ron Paul Channel, RPI Chairman and Founder Ron Paul is warning of consequences from the US government escalating its military involvement in Iraq. Paul concludes:...
Ukraine’s Chocolate King Oligarch — Daniel McAdams on Scott Horton Show
RPI Director Daniel McAdams is back on the Scott Horton Show to discuss the latest events in Ukraine, which continues to burn as much attention focuses on the implosion of Iraq....
RPI’s Adam Dick Discusses the Drug War, Elections, and Smokey and the Bandit on the Lions of Liberty Podcast
RPI's Adam Dick joined the Lions of Liberty Podcast on Thursday for a discussion of the drug war and advancing liberty through electoral politics. Dick discusses with host Marc...
Despite $72 Billion Intel Collection Budget, US Has No Clue About Iraq
Thanks to the always astute MoA blog for pointing out that for the estimated $72 billion per year the US government spends on intelligence gathering (the actual figure is...
‘Your Tax Money to Arm The Jihad’: Ron Paul Speaks With Charles Goyette
Don't miss Ron Paul's discussion with Charles Goyette this week. Dr. Paul points out the foolishness of arming jihadists in one country and feigning surprise when they attack a...
Rep. Walter Jones on Foreign Policy: ‘We in America are in the Eleventh Hour’
Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC), an RPI Advisory Board member, discusses in-depth in a Friday C-SPAN Washington Journal interview his opposition to continued borrowing and spending for...
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