What are the origins of today's unrest in Ukraine? Is this a continuation of the Orange Revolution? Is it a coup d'etat? How much of a role is the US and EU playing in fomenting the current troubles today?Listen to the whole interview below:
Peace and Prosperity Blog
Ron Paul: Rein In Obama or Suffer the Consequences
by Adam Dick | Jan 30, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Speaking with host Neil Cavuto on Fox Business, RPI Chairman and Founder Ron Paul addresses President Barack Obama’s distressing emphasis in the State of the Union Speech on expanding presidential power and using executive orders to bypass the Congress. While Paul...
Geneva II, Iran, Syria, Ukraine: Daniel McAdams Talks with Jay Taylor
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 29, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
RPI Director Daniel McAdams is interviewed by Jay Taylor, host of "Turning Hard Times Into Good Times." The two discuss the Geneva II talks on Syria, the US demand that Iran not be included, the myth of "Arab Spring," and more...
Hillary Clinton’s Responsibility for Libya’s Misery
by Michael S. Rozeff | Jan 25, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Libya is a mess, we are told, worse than when Gaddafi was around. Who was instrumental in attacking Libya in an outright aggression? Hillary Clinton. One headline at the time read “Clinton credited with key role in success of NATO airstrikes, Libyan rebels”.In that...
Hillary’s Hasty Rush to War on Syria
by Michael S. Rozeff | Jan 24, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Hillary Clinton backed Obama’s call for military strikes (i.e., war) against Syria. She was sure, based on the U.S. intelligence and interpretations, that Assad had ordered chemical weapons attacks several weeks earlier on August 21, 2013. To this day, that assertion...
Ron Paul: Obama NSA Reform Speech Is “Nonsense,” Public Can Defeat Politicians on Spying
by Adam Dick | Jan 24, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
RPI Chairman and Founder Ron Paul, interviewed this week on Fox Business, calls President Barack Obama’s mass spying reform speech “a lot of nonsense.” Paul proceeds to express that he is “hopeful and optimistic” that the American people, whose sentiment is shifting...
Judge Napolitano: Obama’s NSA Proposals Maintain Totalitarian Hallmarks
by Adam Dick | Jan 23, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Speaking Tuesday with host Steve Doocy on Fox News, Judge Andrew Napolitano, an RPI Advisory Board member, concludes that the mass spying program reform proposed in President Barack Obama’s Friday speech maintains the program’s “hallmarks of a totalitarian...
The Economic ‘Success’ of US Interventionism
by Chris Rossini | Jan 22, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
The Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal recently released their 2014 Index of Economic Freedom. Usually, such lists never really catch my attention. I have little interest in them, considering the sources especially.However, Ron Paul, in a recent episode...
Iran, Syria and the Tragicomedy of U.S. Foreign Policy
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 21, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
As the Joint Plan of Action and Geneva II diplomatic initiatives, dealing with Iran and Syria, respectively, RPI academic advisor Hillary Mann Leverett speaks with Scott Horton for Pacifica Radio with words of caution to those who think the new Senate bill imposing...
How Dare They Invite Iran to The Syria Peace Conference!
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 21, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon had the temerity Monday to invite Iran to participate in the "Geneva II" conference on the ongoing crisis in Syria. Though one might believe Iran has a legitimate interest in a conflict right in its neighborhood, the US refused to...
Ron Paul: Congress’ Failure to Check Executive Branch Would Astound Founders
by Adam Dick | Jan 19, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
"I’m sure the Founders would be astounded," says RPI Chairman and Founder Ron Paul, "that this responsibility of the Congress to keep the executive branch in check was given up so easily."Speaking with Charles Goyette on Friday during their weekly podcast, Paul...
Kerry’s Geneva II Delusions
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 18, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Secretary of State John Kerry is in a bind. The US claims that the purpose of its two-plus year covert and overt support for rebels in Syria is to establish democracy in that country. But to get there the US has backed an artificially cemented together gaggle of...
Ron Paul on the “Total Failure” of US Intervention in Iraq
by Adam Dick | Jan 16, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Speaking with Charles Goyette during their weekly podcast conversation on Friday, RPI Chairman and Founder Ron Paul details the “total failure” of the United States government’s decades-long intervention in Iraq. Paul also addresses the George W. Bush Administration’s...
War with Iran? New Sanctions? RPI’s McAdams and Jay Taylor Discuss
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 15, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Daniel and Jay discuss Syria and Iran. Why are the neocons so obsessed? Why is the US so paranoid about Iran? What about the trade deal between Russia and Iran?
Most Egyptians Oppose Messianic American Democratizers
by Col. W. Patrick Lang | Jan 14, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
It is comical to watch American TV anchors question reporters on the ground in Cairo concerning the sentiment of the Egyptian masses with regard to the army backed government that replaced Muslim Brotherhood rule. The anchors are sure that the masses must be hostile...
RPI’s McAdams and Tom Woods: Fallujah, Iran Sanctions, Back-to-Iraqers, and More
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 14, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Listen to RPI's Daniel McAdams on the Tom Woods Show today, taking apart Iraq, Iran, al-Qaeda, and the neocons who are still having their way with US foreign policy.
Gates Too Kind About Biden?
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 13, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates thinks Vice President Biden is a decent guy but a bit loopy. In his new book, Duty, Gates writes on Biden that: ...he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades. The...
It’s An Al-Qaeda World
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 13, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Is "Al-Qaeda" a franchise today for groups who believe in the ideas of the original "Al-Qaeda"? What is the connection between "Al-Qaeda" and Saudi Arabia today? And what is the level of threat today? RPI Director Daniel McAdams and Tel Aviv University's Yoram...
Has Robert Gates Become One of Us?
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 8, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Is former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates becoming a non-interventionist? Has he taken the hard road to conversion that begins with all faith in US power projection and coercive influence and ends up with frenzied and joyous clicking through the pages of LRC and...
Back to Iraq? You Bet!
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 7, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
As usual, the interventionists who run the US foreign policy establishment are drawing all the wrong conclusions from the news that the former "al-Qaeda in Iraq" (now "al-Qaeda in Iraq and Syria") has set up shop in the notorious Fallujah. Sen. John McCain and his...
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- Getting Russia Wrong: A Quarter Century of Putinby James Carden
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