Peace and Prosperity Blog

Shut Down the CDC Already

Shut Down the CDC Already

What is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) supposed to do? Here is the answer from the CDC website’s “about” page: Saving Lives, Protecting People TM CDC is the nation’s leading science-based, data-driven, service organization that protects the...

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Killer Shots and Justice

Killer Shots and Justice

A Rasmussen Reports survey of American adults conducted last week found that 28 percent of the polled individuals “personally know” someone whose death “may have been caused by side effects of COVID-19 vaccines.” These same experimental coronavirus “vaccine” shots...

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Big Brother in the Big Apple

Big Brother in the Big Apple

“Big Brother is protecting you.” That is a quote from New York City Mayor Eric Adams in a Saturday article at Politico. Adams made the comment in defense of the extensive web of high-tech surveillance his city government deploys against people in America’s most...

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