RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

The Liberty Report

Trump’s Saudi Statement: Missing The Real Message

Members of the #Resistance are trashing President Trump’s statement of unwavering friendship with Saudi Arabia despite his own CIA reportedly concluding that the Saudi prince was directly involved in the killing of a dissident journalist. But they are missing the point in demanding that the US “punish” Saudi Arabia. The solution is not to “punish” the Saudis. The solution is to cease providing the the weapons to kill Yemen and to re-assess the US relationship with Iran. In a special Ron Paul Liberty Report we discuss how all of Washington gets the Khoshoggi case totally wrong:

New Study: War On Terror Cost $5.9 Trillion (And Counting). Do You Feel Safe?

Seventeen years of “war on terror” has cost the United States nearly six trillion dollars. How are we doing? Any victories? Nope. Not a one. In Afghanistan the Taliban re-claim new territory daily. Iran’s influence has increased due to our policies. Al-Qaeda was viewed by the Washington warmongers as an ally in the fight to overthrow Assad in Syria. Are we getting ripped off? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Chaos In Israel: Are Bibi’s Days Numbered?

Just days into a ceasefire with Gaza, the Israelis sent commandos in to assassinate a Hamas leader. Hamas then surprised Israel with more than 400 rockets in retaliation, leading to another ceasefire agreed by Netanyahu. But this time his defense minister was having none of it. He wants a conflict and is threatening to bring down the government if he does not get one. What’s next? Tune in to the Liberty Report:

Iran Again Found ‘In Compliance’…Yet Bolton Vows To ‘Squeeze Hard!’

In the first International Atomic Energy Agency inspection since the Trump Administration slapped back all sanctions, Iran has been given a clean bill of health regarding the terms of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreement. Iran is keeping up its end of the bargain even as the US claims it is not doing so. Trump’s neocon National Security Advisor John Bolton has vowed to “squeeze” Iran until the economy crumbles if Tehran does not bow to US demands. Will sanctions work? If US sanctions on Russia are any indication, they may well backfire. More in today’s Liberty Report:

100 Years After The ‘War To End All Wars,’ Lessons Of History Are Still Unlearned

No wonder the wars have continued – without pause – since WWI, the “war to end all wars”: the lessons have still not been learned. That much was evident in French President Emmanuel Macron’s speech over the weekend, blaming nationalism and populism for the war. In fact, the real reasons are far different and provide a stark warning for our times: a declining power (UK) sought to prevent a rising power (Germany) from presenting an economic threat to the old order. The parallels with our time, where the “unipolar moment” with the US at the apex has begun to fade and with that fade have come endless US threats against rising powers like Russia and China. Isn’t there a better way than war? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Trump Fires Sessions – A ‘Constitutional Crisis’?

President Trump’s acceptance of his Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ “resignation” letter has caused a paroxysm of protest among the #resistance movement who see impeachment just around the corner. Suddenly a Jeff Sessions they have despised since his appointment is the linchpin of US democracy! Is it all about politics and nothing about policy? Is the “war at home” getting all the more dangerous? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

House Goes Blue – Blessing In Disguise For Trump?

What will be the result of the “blue ripple” of the Democrat majority in the House and the resulting split government? Will we see “gridlock” as many pundits are predicting? Unfortunately, when it comes to warfare and welfare (especially corporate welfare), the two parties are more alike than at odds. Look for “compromise” moves that will increase spending on militarism and welfareism. More in today’s Liberty Report:

‘The Most Important Election Of Our Lifetime!’ – Does It Really Matter?

There was plenty of noise in the run up to today’s mid-term election in the US, but were there any real differences when it comes to substantive issues? Or was it all about manufactured outrages designed to motivate people to support this or that tribe with no real thought? Was there any real debate on war? Privacy? NSA spying? None at all! The most important election in our lifetime? Ha! Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Iran Sanctions Back On! Is War On The Way?

The Trump Administration is determined to bring Iran to its knees. With a new round of “crippling” sanctions targeting any country doing business with Iran, is the US just isolating itself from the rest of the world? Is it hastening the end of “dollar hegemony” that US foreign policy has to this point sought to prop up? Is the law of unintended consequences about to bite hard? Today’s Liberty Report was recorded before a live audience at Brazosport College in Lake Jackson, TX:

Feeding The Deep State: Trump’s Big Intel Boost An Attack On Liberty

The 2018 US intelligence community budget saw its biggest increase in ten years and is now higher than it has ever been. President Trump’s backers often claim that he’s in Washington to fight the deep state, but it doesn’t get more “deep state” than the US intelligence community. How to explain this massive increase? Do they think we are safer and more free with an even larger spy network watching us and meddling in the rest of the world’s affairs? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

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