RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

The Liberty Report

Rep. Thomas Massie Targeted for Defeat

Phillip M. Baily reported Wednesday at the Louisville Courier Journal on a apparent effort by national Republican Party figures to defeat United States House of Representatives Member Thomas Massie (R-KY) in the 2020 Republican primary.

Why the effort to defeat Massie? Maybe it is because Massie has been a strong advocate for nonintervention overseas and respect for liberty in America since he won election to the House in 2012.

Want an introduction to why powerful people behind the scenes would like to see Massie exit the House? Check out this April of 2017 interview of Massie at the Ron Paul Liberty Report in which Massie challenges the US government’s interventionism overseas, including via military attacks pursued by both Democratic and Republican presidents:

Massie is a member of the Advisory Board for the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.

Trump In A Box: Iran Demands Right To Enrich ‘To Any Level’

President Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran deal continues to backfire, as he is discovering that the other side can also exert “maximum pressure.” With the US out of the deal but still demanding a right to dictate the terms to those who remain in the deal, Iran is exercising its right within the deal to suspend abiding by the terms if other parties do the same. Where will this lead? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Pompeo Claims Iran Broke Nuclear Deal – Is He Lying?

As Iran exceeds limits on its stockpile of enriched nuclear material, the Trump hawks are screeching that Iran has broken the JCPOA nuclear agreement. They don’t want Americans to know that Iran’s reaction to the initial breach of agreement by the US is legal under the terms of the deal. Join us for today’s Liberty Report:

Trump Meets Kim In North Korea – Why Are The Democrats Hysterical?

President Trump made history over the weekend as the only US president to set foot in North Korean territory. After, he held talks with North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-Un for about an hour. Rather than point out the benefits of diplomacy over saber-rattling, however, Democrat leaders and candidates as well as the media slammed the president’s move. Do they have a point, or is Trump actually pursuing peace? We take a different view in today’s Liberty Report:

Iran/US Escalation – Blame Pompeo And Bolton?

The US/Iran conflict is coming to a crisis point this weekend, with a vote in the Senate on war powers, Iran set to breach its agreed to stockpile limits on enriched nuclear material, and strong words of warning from the Russian government. Will this weekend’s Trump/Putin meeting in Japan de-escalate tensions? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

US Arms Dealers Getting Rich On Yemen’s Misery

As the Saudi genocide of Yemen continues, everything’s coming up roses for the US arms dealers who are supplying the Saudi killing machine. Billions in arms sales are made yearly and foreign agents lobbying for the Saudis and the United Arab Emirates are making millions. Meanwhile, millions of Yemeni civilians face starvation, disease, and death in the four year Saudi war of aggression on them. Today’s Liberty Report:

Politics As Usual: Senate Refuses To Hold Iran War Debate

The Senate Majority Leader is attempting to block consideration of an amendment to the National Defense Authorization bill that would withhold funds for any attack on Iran without Congressional approval. As usual, the debate is not about whether or not to go to war or even debate a war, but to make partisan political points. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Iran Downs US Spy Drone: Who’s The Aggressor?

The downing of a US spy drone near (or within) Iranian airspace has – conveniently for neocons – raised tension and further boxed in President Trump. Pressure on Trump for a military response to Iranian “aggression” will increase. Will he take the bait this time? Or will more such provocations be needed? We look at the options in today’s Liberty Report:

Pompeo At CENTCOM: Pushing ‘Tactical Assault’ On Iran?

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has taken the extraordinarily unusual move of traveling to Miami to meet with (and browbeat?) heads of US Centcom and Special Operations Command. Are military leaders balking as neocon plans for “tactical assault” seem to be gaining ground? Where’s Trump? Where’s Congress? Where’s the Pentagon? Who’s in charge? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Credibility Crisis: No One Believes Pompeo On Iran Attack

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s rush to judgement that Iran was behind the apparent attacks on two tanker ships last week has not galvanized world opinion against Iran, as the neocons hoped. Instead, it was met with high skepticism even among Washington’s closest allies. Has the neocon practice of massively exaggerating and endlessly issuing threats finally destroyed US credibility on the world stage? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

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