President Trump’s State Department has for the first time cancelled US funding for Palestinian security forces who cooperate with their Israeli counterparts to reduce violence in the West Bank. As Israel appears poised to annex the West Bank, is this a pre-text for that action? Is there a quid pro quo for Trump in suspending this aid that no one wants to talk about? Watch today’s Liberty Report:
The Liberty Report
'Bring Our Troops Home' – With Idaho Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin
by Daniel McAdams | Feb 11, 2020 | The Liberty Report
There is a growing grassroots movement among conservatives across the United States to encourage US withdrawal from seemingly endless wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. State legislatures are getting in the game, passing legislation restricting state guard units from deploying overseas unless war has been declared by Congress. Idaho Lt. Governor Janice McGeachin has spearheaded efforts across the country to end endless wars. Watch today’s Liberty Report:
Trump's 2021 Budget: Big Gift For Military Spendthrifts
by Daniel McAdams | Feb 10, 2020 | The Liberty Report
The annual charade of the Executive branch presenting a budget proposal for the next year began today. President Trump presented a massive $4.8 trillion budget proposal that gives the impression of slashing domestic spending while boosting spending on militarism. Do we really need what the Pentagon is buying? Do military spending increases really make us safer…or less safe? Watch today’s Liberty Report:
A Progressive Appeal To New Hampshire Libertarians, With Tulsi Gabbard
by Daniel McAdams | Feb 7, 2020 | The Liberty Report
US Rep. and Democratic Party presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard joins today’s Liberty Report to discuss the real resonance of her antiwar message among New Hampshire voters. But why is the corporate media and even her own party doing its best to make sure that her voice is not heard? How did she come to turn against US foreign interventionism, after enlisting in the military early in the 2000s? Watch today’s Liberty Report:
Trump's State Of The Union – 'America First' or Neocon Foreign Policy?
by Daniel McAdams | Feb 6, 2020 | The Liberty Report
While Trump’s State of the Union speech did not overly focus on foreign policy, what he did say would have been music to neocon and pro-empire ears. Trillions for the US military machine and plenty of new enemies to gear up to fight. Plenty of elections to interfere with. Is this “America first”? Watch today’s Liberty Report:
Washington's Lonely Mr. No – With Rep Thomas Massie
by Daniel McAdams | Feb 5, 2020 | The Liberty Report
Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie walks the walk. He built his home with his own hands – totally off the grid. In today’s program we get his thoughts on the coronavirus, his colleagues on Capitol Hill, impeachment, his surprise Republican primary opponent…and much more. Today on the Liberty Report:
Iowa Caucus Fiasco: Something New, Or Deja Vu?
by Daniel McAdams | Feb 4, 2020 | The Liberty Report
Last night’s Iowa Democratic Caucus has devolved into a poster child for how NOT to conduct an election. This is nothing new. Conspiracy, incompetence, and group-think have perhaps all come together to deliver a huge political present to President Trump. Maybe democracy itself is the problem. Watch today’s Liberty Report:
Coronavirus – Are The Chinese Telling The Truth?
by Daniel McAdams | Feb 3, 2020 | The Liberty Report
The latest coronavirus outbreak, originating from the Wuhan Province, is causing increasing panic in the public health and the financial markets. The Chinese are building hospitals at the speed of light in attempt to contain the virus, while putting millions under quarantine. What do we know about the latest outbreak and about other previous outbreaks? How much is truth and what is propaganda? Watch today’s Liberty Report:
House Vote Today: Can Congress Prevent War On Iran?
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 30, 2020 | The Liberty Report
Today the US House of Representatives will take up two bills designed to head off war on Iran. Are the measures appropriate? Do they do as they are advertised? Should they be supported? Or is it more smoke and mirrors? Heavy legislative analysis in today’s Liberty Report:
'Deal Of The Century' For Israel/Palestine…Or Dud Of The Century?
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 29, 2020 | The Liberty Report
President Trump rolled out his “deal of the century” for Israel/Palestine peace and as could be predicted it was dead on arrival as far as the Palestinian side was concerned. Was it designed to fail? Was it designed to boost Bibi? Is endless involvement in Israel/Palestine issues really in the US interest? Watch today’s Liberty Report:
More Bombs Than Ever! Trump Escalates Obama's 'Good War' In Afghanistan.
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 28, 2020 | The Liberty Report
President Trump dropped more bombs on Afghanistan last year than in any of the past ten years. Yet “victory” is further away than ever. Aside from the riches being reaped by the bombmakers, what are we achieving in this 19 year war? Watch today’s Liberty Report:
US Embassy Hit In Iraq – Does This Mean War?
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 27, 2020 | The Liberty Report
As anti-US protests raged across Baghdad, rockets were fired into the green zone with at least one hitting the US embassy complex. The neocons will surely blame Iran (again) and argue for a military escalation. Will this mean the hot war is back on the menu? Watch today’s Liberty Report:
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