RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

The Liberty Report

Why Is The Media Ignoring The Explosive Biden Scandal(s)?

With the exception of a few in the mainstream media – such as Tucker Carlson – there has been a total blackout on what appear to be a credible and very damning tidal wave of information on corrupt Biden business deals. Last night Tucker Carlson interviewed one individual in the center of the scandals with first-hand information. So why won’t the media do its job and look into the story – whether to confirm or debunk it? Instead, Democrat operatives and deep staters have been brought back to scream “Russia Russia Russia!” Also today, coronavirus tyranny hits churches here and abroad. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Bill Gates Slams 'Pseudo-Expert' Dr. Scott Atlas

Billionaire software developer Bill Gates is furious that President Trump is now listening to the moderate approach to Covid presented by Dr. Scott Atlas and is increasingly at odds with Anthony “mandatory mask” Fauci. In an interview yesterday Gates slammed the Stanford University professor and University of Chicago Medical School graduate as a “pseudo-expert.” Is this actually good news? Also today, what is the contextual meaning of the 2.1 million Covid deaths? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Is The New Covid 'Surge' All About The Election?

The fear and panic is being stoked heavily, once again, about surges in cases and surges in hospitalizations. Former FDA Director Scott Gottlieb (who is on the board of at least seven big pharma and medical policy companies) is calling for a “mandatory nationwide mask mandate”! Are we really returning to April levels of Covid, or is this a last-minute political ploy just a week from election day? Plus…Florida orders an investigation into all reported Covid deaths. Today on the Liberty Report:

Debate Preview: Why's Biden Hiding? Why No Foreign Policy?

Tonight the two US presidential candidates are set to square off again in a debate. The former vice president has cancelled campaign appearances this week to “prepare” for the event. The debate commission said no foreign policy among the topics. Also today: the Biden scandal worsens. And…are Russia AND Iran trying to fix our elections? Plus: suicides on the increase. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

The Coronavirus War On Children

NPR is reporting on several new studies concluding that schools are not nearly as dangerous for either students or teachers regarding coronavirus and also that the death rate from the virus is plunging. This is NPR – the mainstream media. So why does the war on children continue? Also in today’s program: “excess deaths” – it’s not who you think! A return to lockdown in the US. And more Republican saber rattling toward China. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

'All These Idiots…Got It Wrong!' Trump Turns Hard On Fauci

Speaking on a conference call yesterday, President Trump made what appears to be a final and irreversible break with the “lockdown” and “facemask” policies of Anthony Fauci and the rest of the Covid “experts” who have spent the past half year or so attacking civil liberties in the name of fighting a virus. Will this last-minute attack on Fauci and all the other “idiots who got it wrong” pay dividends as the campaign winds toward the finish? Plus today: Dallas Morning News runs pro-Great Barrington Declaration op-ed: is the tide finally turning? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

There They Go Again! Adam Schiff Blames RUSSIA For Biden's Laptop

Deja vu! Once again those Russians have come through to plant disinformation during a US presidential campaign! This time they are accused of being involved with Biden’s son Hunter’s laptop. Rep. Adam Schiff claims he’s as sure about Russian activity this time as he was sure of Trump collusion with Russia last time. How did that one work out? Also today, White House top Covid advisor Dr. Scott Atlas has his Tweets yanked – more politicization of science? And…the California governor does not want you to sing. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Is Social Media Censorship An Attack On Speech?

The social media suppression of an investigative report in the New York Post about the business dealings of Joe Biden’s son, with conservatives pointing out the double standards and biases of these companies’ policies. Are they right? Is there a solution? Plus today: Scott Gottlieb and crony capitalism, Gov. Newsome on the hot-seat, and strong words from Judge Napolitano. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Meltdown! Pelosi Goes Rabid On Wolf Blitzer!

Yesterday’s appearance of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Wolf Blitzer’s CNN news program was one of the most astonishing moments in television news history. What led Pelosi to go completely off the rails at Wolf, accusing him of being a shill for the Republican Party and of not caring about people in need? What’s going on here? Also today, Dr. Scott Atlas has stinging words for lockdowners, Houston’s mayor again moves the goalposts as the infection rate drops, Bill Gates warns that we cannot be normal again until a “super-vaccine” arrives, and an update on Michigan. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Fauci To Trump: 'No More Rallies!'

The Trump/Fauci feud is heating up, as Fauci is furious about being featured in a campaign ad and Trump slams his pitching and prognostications. Fauci fired back by claiming that Trump’s campaign rallies are dangerous virus spreading events. Is this the end for “Deep State” Fauci? Also today…are people getting Covid twice? Plus, a vaccine setback – what does it mean? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Victory? WHO Official Calls Lockdowns 'Ghastly Global Catastrophe'

A senior official at the World Health Organization has come out strongly against the official position of his own organization, arguing over the weekend that lockdown policies are “catastrophic” and cause more harm than they solve. The scorched earth these policies have left behind are now producing more poverty and deaths than the virus. Also today, blockbuster new peer-reviewed medical journal article demonstrates that school closures are killing more kids than Covid. And California Governor Newsome begs people to stay after he’s made California a living hell. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Rigging The Election: Can They Unilaterally Cancel Presidential Debates?

The Commission on Presidential Debates unilaterally – they claim – decided that there can be no more presidential debates in person so the next one must be “virtual.” The Trump camp cried “foul,” claiming that precautions can be taken to make it “safe.” Is a unilateral cancellation of a presidential debate in the heat of an election a form of rigging the vote? Also today, the slow – but successful – slog through the courts to defeat tyrannical rule in the name of fighting a virus. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

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