RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

The Liberty Report

Macedonia: Another Color Revolution

The current government in Macedonia, elected freely just a year ago, has been under pressure by NGOs financed by the US and European governments as well as George Soros. The problem? Lack of enthusiasm about western sanctions on Russia and an initial agreement to participate in the Turkish Stream gas pipeline project with Russia. Today the Ron Paul Liberty Report looks at this latest color revolution:

Soros Seeks to Expand War in Ukraine…Why?

Hacked emails show billionaire George Soros is fighting to save the US-backed president of Ukraine. He promised President Poroshenko to call up US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew and ask for some more money for Ukraine. He is demanding that the US start supplying weapons to Ukraine to attack separatists in the east. Tune in to the Liberty Report for more on why this super powerful mogul is playing the region like a chessboard:

TSA is The Danger – 95% Fail Rate

Just after the acting administrator of the TSA told Congress what a great job his agency is doing at keeping Americans safe, an internal investigation into the TSA found that agents failed to detect mock bombs 95 percent of the time. Perhaps they were too busy stealing things from our suitcases? Today the Ron Paul Liberty Report takes a look at the failed TSA and the failed approach of depending on the government to keep us safe:

Will Congress Save PATRIOT Act…And Does It Matter?

Portions of the PATRIOT Act are set to expire Sunday at midnight unless Congress finds a way to extend them. What might we expect from the race to maintain the NSA’s bulk collection of our telecommunications? And if somehow those provisions expire, does it mean that the NSA will stop spying on us? Tune in to the Ron Paul Liberty Report with special guest Norman Singleton, formerly Dr. Paul’s legislative director on Capitol Hill, for a breakdown of the expected Hill action:

The Hollywoodization Of War

Hollywood has long been content to churn out pro-war propaganda at the behest of the government, but the presentation of war as a risk-free exercise where the US always wins is feeding a dangerous militarism in the United States. The Ron Paul Liberty Report visits with former CIA officer Phil Giraldi to discuss his recent article on how Hollywood and popular video games mis-represent war:

Who Won’t Fight in Iraq?

US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter claimed that the Iraqi army, trained and equipped by the US for a decade or more, lacks the will to fight against the ISIS takeover of their country. The Iraqis and Iranians countered that the US is ineffective in its ten month bombing war on ISIS. Today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report looks at the bigger picture, at the real failure — which is a failed strategy:

New Evidence US Backed ISIS

Thanks to a lawsuit by Judicial Watch, a 2012 Defense Intelligence Agency assessment has been released, in heavily redacted form, that indicates the US Intelligence Community knew from the beginning that its regime change policy in Syria would boost al-Qaeda and ISIS. Yet they did it anyway. They knew they needed the extremists if they were going to achieve their goals. But what about the blowback? Join this special Memorial Day edition of the Ron Paul Liberty Report, to see where next Washington’s neocons want to abuse US troops:

A Military ‘Pivot to Asia’

As China reclaims land in the South China Sea, the US sends in spy planes to buzz the construction. China warns the US to leave them alone. US, with bases all over the South China Sea area, objects to what it views as Chinese military activity in the region. Is this Obama’s “Pivot to Asia”? Or a diversion from the failed wars against ISIS and the failed proxy war in Ukraine? Tune in to the latest Ron Paul Liberty Report:

US Failure in Iraq and Syria: Troops on the Way?

The US bombing operation against ISIS in Syria and Iraq is all but a failure. A few days ago, Ramadi in Iraq fell to ISIS. More recently, Palmyra in Syria fell. If anything, ISIS seems stronger after US strikes began. Now, the US government is shipping weapons to Iraq to destroy the US weapons left behind by the fleeing Iraqi army in Ramadi. Does anyone think plans to send in US ground troops are being shined up for presentation to the president? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report for more:

Cashless Society: More Attacks on Our Privacy

In Louisiana if you want to purchase from a secondhand store with cash, the seller is required to inform the state about your purchase, along with invasive personal information about you. Other states may follow this anti-cash trend. Already several countries overseas are restricting or prohibiting the use of cash to make purchases. In the US this means the government will know everywhere you have been, everywhere you have shopped, everything you have purchased. Think about that for a moment. For Ron Paul’s thoughts on it, go to his Liberty Report today:

US Allies Flee Ramadi, US Weapons to ISIS

Ramadi, the capital of Iraq’s Anbar province, was captured by ISIS over the weekend. The Iraqi army deserted their posts, leaving scores of US-provided weapons behind. Also, over the weekend US special forces troops conducted a military operation on Syrian soil without permission from the Syrian government. The neocons are pushing for another US invasion of Iraq and of Syria as well. Watch the Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Bin Laden Killing: Who’s Telling The Truth?

Famed investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has written a powerful piece concluding that the Obama Administration’s version of the killing of Osama bin Laden was like something out of Wag The Dog — totally fabricated. Of course the Administration disputes his sources. Who’s telling the truth? Who’s lying? Tune in to the Ron Paul Liberty Report:

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