When the latest US-trained batch of fighters were sent into Syria, many were immediately captured by al-Qaeda. So much for US training. Some of the others called for US military air support which was granted. Subsequently, President Obama announced that the US would use airstrikes to protect any future fighters it sends into Syria — whether against ISIS or even the Syrian government. Does this mean the US is now at war with Syria? And where is Congress? Today’s Liberty Report looks at the rapidly escalating US military mission in Syria:
The Liberty Report
Ron Paul Plays Hardball
by Daniel McAdams | Aug 4, 2015 | The Liberty Report
When are the neocons and the hawks going to stop getting us into more trouble, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews asked Ron Paul during an appearance on Hardball. “Well I wish they’d look at reason and look at what is happening,” replied Paul, but “I think it’s unfortunately going to stop when we go broke and there’s nothing left and then the people will find out that it is a total failure.”
The other consequence of the constant wars the US is engaged in, added Paul, is that eventually the wars get turned inward against the American people. And that’s why we have this attack on civil liberties.
“But I concentrate on foreign policy in my new book, he adds, because “these wars are needless, they are immoral, they are unconstitutional, and they hurt us.”
Paul and Matthews discuss the “Giuliani Moment” in Ron Paul’s 2008 run. Paul points out that while many said his campaign was finished because of his discussion of blowback in the debate, in fact from that moment his candidacy actually took off and it was Giuliani who was all but finished.
Chris Matthews finishes the interview telling his audience that if they like the way this man is thinking, his new book is titled Swords into Plowshares.
Watch the whole interview here:
Marines Declare F-35 Fighter ‘Operational’
by Daniel McAdams | Aug 3, 2015 | The Liberty Report
The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is, at a total cost of $1.5 trillion, the biggest military boondoggle in US history. The “next generation fighter” has been plagued with cost over-runs and serious functional problems. The fighter jet will not even have a gun until 2017. But it is being built in a total of 45 states and several foreign countries, so no Member of Congress would dare try to kill this beast. Last week the US Marines declared the jet to be “operational” — but if you read the fine print there is little reason to think they will be flying it anytime soon. Today’s Liberty Report looks at one of the worst examples of military Keynesianism:
MH-17 Shootdown After One Year: What Do We Know?
by harley | Jul 30, 2015 | The Liberty Report
The US still claims Russia bears some or all of the responsibility for the shootdown of Malaysian Airlines flight MH-17 last July, however the Obama Administration still has not released any information to back its claims. Yesterday a resolution to set up a UN tribunal to investigate the crash was vetoed by Russia, which prompted the US to again suggest that Russia was behind the attack. What do we know and what should we know now that a whole year has passed since the tragedy? The Liberty Report discusses the issue with former CIA officer Phil Giraldi:
Obama’s Kenya Debacle Shows Folly of Interventionism
by Daniel McAdams | Jul 29, 2015 | The Liberty Report
Every time US officials try to lecture foreign leaders about what their social policies should be, resentment is created. Far from following the dictates of Washington, often the endless hectoring turns foreign leaders and citizens against the US. Even if the policies urged on by Washington were sound, they would be rejected due to this resentment. Today’s Liberty Report takes a look at President Obama’s recent trip to Kenya, where he lectured the president on homosexuality and women’s issues. Also we step back to look at just why it is that this approach is counterproductive from a pragmatic standpoint:
US Escalation: A No-Fly Zone in Syria?
by Daniel McAdams | Jul 28, 2015 | The Liberty Report
According to recent press reports, the US and Turkey have agreed to carve out a piece of Syria for a “no-fly” zone where the Syrian government cannot bomb ISIS or the US-backed insurgents. Meanwhile, Turkey has been bombing the Kurds in the region, who are known as the real “boots on the ground” against ISIS. A “no-fly” zone in Syria will require a massive US bombing campaign against the Syrian government — the kind of bombing that was soundly rejected by the American people in 2013. Will they get away with it this time? Tune in to the Ron Paul Liberty Report for the scoop:
$100 Million to Sink Iran Peace Effort
by harley | Jul 28, 2015 | The Liberty Report
Will Congress be swayed (or threatened) enough by the neocons and AIPAC to defeat the Iran agreement? Will US media propaganda turn the current majority in favor of the agreement to a majority opposed? What happens if the US backs out of the deal? Will the other major powers facing increased economic trade with Iran follow the US back down the path of sanctions? Tune in to today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:
The Deadly Fallacy of Good Intentions
by Daniel McAdams | Jul 21, 2015 | The Liberty Report
From “humanitarian” interventions to regulating what we put in our bodies, the “good intentions” of governments often produce the most horrific results. Today’s Liberty Report looks at the worst of tyrannies — those constructed for your own good:
NSA Spies on Enemies…And Friends!
by Daniel McAdams | Jul 20, 2015 | The Liberty Report
What are the long-term consequences of recent revelations that the NSA has for decades spied on the top leaders of the closest US allies? While neither German Chancellor Merkel nor French President Hollande have been particularly outwardly annoyed at the revelations, what will French and German citizens feel about such an affront to national pride? And what of US spying on French industry — was it stealing technology to help well-connected US firms? More on this today in the Ron Paul Liberty Report:
In His Own Words: Ron Paul On His New Book, Swords into Plowshares
by Daniel McAdams | Jul 17, 2015 | The Liberty Report
On today’s Liberty Report, Ron Paul sits down with co-host (and RPI Director) Daniel McAdams to explain his new book, Swords into Plowshares. Why did he write such personal book about war? What were his early memories of World War II? His grandmother’s great words of wisdom about governments and war. And more:
Torture Conspiracy: Doctors Collude With CIA
by Daniel McAdams | Jul 16, 2015 | The Liberty Report
A recent report commissioned by the American Psychological Association showed that several of its members surreptitiously assisted the Central Intelligence Agency in designing new forms of torture. Even the APA’s person in charge of ethics was caught trying to re-write the ethics rules to allow for such horrific behavior. Today the Ron Paul Liberty Report takes a look at what happens when doctors serve the state instead of their patients:
Iran Deal: Peace Opportunity or ‘Historic Mistake’
by Daniel McAdams | Jul 14, 2015 | The Liberty Report
Does today’s announcement that a deal was reached with Iran bode well for our peace and prosperity in the future? Not if the neocons get their way — and they have only begun to fight. Look for them to pull out all stops in their manic determination to strangle this baby in its crib. What does Ron Paul think about the deal? Tune in to today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report to find out:
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