RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

The Liberty Report

Without Authority, Obama’s Syria War Illegal

As the US State Department goes around the world lecturing other countries about how they must adhere to the rule of law, the White House again proves it is one of the most lawless entities on earth. The Constitution is clear; the War Powers Resolution is clear: the president is not allowed to commit the US military to combat without a Congressional declaration or at least authorization. Yet the president has been bombing Syria for a year and now is sending in US ground troops with no legal authority to do so. Congress is the president’s partner in crime and we are the victims – today on the Liberty Report:

Is Germany’s Migrant Crisis Leading To War?

Hundreds of thousands of migrants from the Middle East, Africa, even western Asia are pouring into western Europe through central Europe as Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel has laid down a welcome mat. Meanwhile political pressure within Germany builds, as villages of just 100 or more residents are told they must house thousands of refugees who know neither the language nor the customs of the area. Parties like the Alternative for Germany are enjoying increased popularity and electoral success. Is Germany — and the EU — headed for a crack-up? More today in the Liberty Report:

The Rise Of America’s Secret Government

With creation of the Central Intelligence Agency came a secret government that was unaccountable to the American people. It assassinated foreign leaders, journalists, and others who it determined were enemies. It overthrew governments it felt were not toeing the US line to the required degree. There were minor smack-downs like the Church Committee in the 1970s, but in all the “secret government” has continued to amass power and defy the American people. What role did this secret government have in major events like the assassination of President Kennedy? Today’s Liberty Report is joined by David Talbot, author of the explosive new book, “The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government.” Watch below:

Russian Plane Down Over Egypt. Blowback?

The apparent downing of a Russian passenger plane over Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula over the weekend has, as could be predicted, produced no shortage of theories as to who or what is behind it. Was it ISIS-affiliated Islamist terrorists who control much of the area? They took “credit” for the attack but do not seem to have the technical means to carry it out. A bomb on board? Blowback for Russian bombs on Syria? Today’s Liberty Report takes a look at the various theories and at the bigger picture:

Saudi Arabia vs. Iran: Why Are We In The Middle?

It’s bad enough that the US government feels the need to back any state in the Middle East, but of all states to back why Saudi Arabia? This head-chopping champion state tells the US it must back head-choppers in Syria against a secular leader — in the name of democracy which doesn’t exist in Saudi Arabia — and the US dutifully signs on. Iran is certainly no angel, but is its civil liberties record any worse than the Saudis? Our “allies” in the Middle East today in the Liberty Report:

Is Liberty Rising?

Economic and foreign interventionism have led us to the edge of the abyss. The Federal Reserve bails out the connected elite and the neocon interventions enrich the military-industrial complex. In both cases the middle class suffers. The interventionists are intellectually bankrupt. Thankfully there are more resources available than ever to help educate us on the ideas of liberty, which offer the only real alternative to the failed policies of the past. Today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report is joined by RonPaulLibertyReport.com editor Chris Rossini to discuss our next moves:

Hill Budget Battle: Another D.C. Charade?

Today the House is expected to vote on the budget “compromise” bill — outgoing Speaker John Boehner’s swan song before retirement. The budget agreement tears up the “sequester” of 2011, which was supposed to limit spending but of course never operated as advertised, and opens the floodgates for billions more to the warfare state and the welfare state. The warfare state doesn’t keep us safe and the welfare state doesn’t help those in need. Both help Washington above all. Campaign for Liberty’s Norman Singleton joins the Ron Paul Liberty Report for a behind-the-scenes look at today’s Hill action:

Are We Looking For A Fight In The South China Sea?

The US guided-missile destroyer USS Lassen ventured into the 12 mile exclusion set up by the Chinese around two islands it is constructing in the South China Sea. The stated purpose of the US “violation” of Chinese territory was to establish a precedent so as to keep shipping lanes open in the area. Considering that 80 percent of Chinese exports pass through the area, however, it seems unlikely that China would take the economically suicidal move of restricting shipping. So is this just more US saber-rattling thousands of miles from home? Tune in to today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Blair’s Iraq ‘Apology’: Sincere Or Spin?

Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair over the weekend offered an apology of sorts over the disaster produced by the 2003 US/UK invasion of Iraq. He’s “sorry” that the intelligence was wrong, he said, but he’s not at all sorry that Saddam Hussein was overthrown. This “apology” comes on the heels of the White House leaked document showing that while Blair was claiming to the British public that he was dedicated to diplomacy with Iraq, he was making deals with President George W. Bush to push the war option. Today’s Liberty Report takes a look at Tony “Phony” Blair:

Israeli Nuclear Panel Supports Iran Deal

Israel’s Atomic Energy Commission has endorsed the Iran nuclear agreement, concluding that it would prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. The Commission joins dozens of former high-ranking security and intelligence personnel in Israel who agree that the deal is a net positive for Israel. Back in the US the neocons have dominated the debate, joining their ally Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in predicting doom and gloom if the world backs off its war footing against Iran. Of course Netanyahu has been predicting an Iranian atomic weapon is imminent since at least 1992, so like the neocons his credibility is low. Meanwhile, the rest of the world is beating down Iran’s door for trade opportunities now that the sanctions regime is effectively over. Everywhere but the US, that is. More on the other side of the Iran debate in today’s Liberty Report:

Benghazi Questions No One Dares Ask

Today’s Benghazi Committee hearings will not focus on the central issue: US interventionist foreign policy which set the stage for the inevitable attack that followed. Hillary Clinton made the point in her opening statement that US embassies have been attacked many times in the past and she is right. But no one wants to question why they attack. Here’s a hint: it’s not because we are rich and free. Democrats and Republicans are out to score political points from the hearings. Both agree on the policies. Both agree on interventionism. Without major changes, neither will do a thing to change the root cause of such events: US interventionism. Today’s Liberty Report explores questions you will not hear in today’s hearing:

Our Syria War Is Over – Time To Come Home

Four years into a pointless intervention in Syria — with several more years of US “regime change” planning beforehand — the utter disaster that the neocons and interventionists have produced is laid bare before the world. Assad is in power, al-Qaeda and ISIS are strengthened, Syria is devastated, the US is billions of dollars poorer. The Russian entry into the fight against ISIS and al-Qaeda should be a clear signal to the Obama Administration that this is not our war. The message of today’s Liberty Report is clear: Run, don’t walk from this neocon misadventure.

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