RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

The Liberty Report

Elliott Abrams To State Dept: You Can’t Be Serious!

Hardline neocon Elliott Abrams is rumored to be under consideration for Deputy Secretary of State in the Trump Administration. He is meeting President Trump today. Abrams has never seen a war, intervention, or regime change that he hasn’t enthusiastically endorsed. Each of the policies he has endorsed has ended up in disaster. Libya? Afghanistan? Iraq? Syria? Ukraine? How could anyone so wrong be so right for a senior position? More in today’s Liberty Report:

Iran ‘On Notice’ – Will Trump Pull The Trigger?

Does President Trump’s National Security Advisor, Gen. Michael Flynn, realize that both his reasons for putting Iran “on notice” are completely bogus? Iran’s test firing a ballistic missile is not a violation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action or the related UN resolution. And the Yemeni Houthi attack on a Saudi naval vessel had nothing to do with Iran. Does he realize his rationale is fabricated and presents it anyway? Or is he that ill-informed that he has no idea? With either case there is reason to be alarmed. Does Trump mean to start a war with Iran? How will Russia react? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Settled Science? A ‘Climate Change’ Dissident Speaks Out

Should “settled” science allow dissident research? Or must all scientists conform to conventional wisdom? Today’s Liberty Report is not so much a debate about climate change, but rather about attempts to silence one scientist whose research led her to draw different conclusions. One could easily be in favor of the prevailing notion that climate change is human-caused and still be concerned about the tendency to silence dissenters. We speak with climatologist Dr. Judith Curry about what it’s like to deviate from the scientific orthodoxy:

Droning On: More US Bombs On Yemen

Why is President Trump continuing the failed Middle East policy of President Obama? Last weekend’s drone strike on Yemen was supposedly aimed at al-Qaeda operatives, but it also killed a significant number of innocent women and children. And al-Qaeda? They are the greatest beneficiaries of the US-backed Saudi war against Yemen. We are supposedly fighting al-Qaeda while backing those who are helping al-Qaeda? Does it make sense? We discuss in today’s Liberty Report:

Trump’s Travel Ban: Targeting Terrorism…Or Iran?

President Trump’s recent Executive Order banning entry to citizens of seven mostly-Muslim countries for 90 days has sparked protest and outrage. Lost in the din created by the protests is the fact that these seven countries have something in common: they have been targeted by the US for bombs or regime change. Where Iraq and Syria are now considered terrorist threats, for example, before US regime change and invasion there was no terrorist problem. Iran has never attacked or threatened the United States, but it is on the list of banned countries. Saudi Arabia was complicit in the 9/11 attacks on the US and 15 of the 19 attackers were Saudi citizens, however somehow the Saudis escaped President Trump’s notice. Is this really about protecting us from terrorism, or is it about politics? We discuss today in the Liberty Report:

How To Really Reform Military Spending : Is Cutting Waste Enough?

Washington is talking about military spending reform…again. Much of the noise emanating from the think tanks on this subject is intended to maintain the policy status quo at all costs while giving the impression that money is being spent more carefully. But the issue is not whether the practice of charging $800 for hammer can be eliminated, but rather whether the United States really needs to maintain 800 military bases overseas. Real reform versus phony reform in today’s Liberty Report:

Is Medical Marijuana A Crime?

When authorities found out that Shona Banda treated her severe Crohn’s Disease with cannabis after all other treatments (and multiple surgeries) had failed, they took away her child and are trying to send her to prison for 30 years. But she is fighting back! We speak with Ms. Banda about her struggle for health freedom in today’s Liberty report…

McCain’s $5 Trillion Military Budget: Will It Make America Great Again?

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) wants to spend five trillion dollars over the next five years in a massive build-up of the US military. Dozens of ships will be be built, as well as more than a hundred new fighter jets — including the problem-plagued F-35. The Army and Marines will greatly expand. McCain’s goal is to be able to fight a conventional war in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. It’s as if we are back in 1950! How much do McCain’s donors in the military-industrial complex love this budget? We can only imagine. But will Trump bite? Is this the kind of spending that would really “make America great again”? As Alibaba gazillionaire Jack Ma put it so well recently in Davos, the US has wasted $14 trillion on wars over the past 30 years. More on this today in the Liberty Report:

Executive Power In The Age Of Trump

Although the Founders expected the legislative branch of government to be first among equals, especially in the past 20 years the executive branch has consolidated power at the expense of Congress and the Courts. But the two losing branches have been more than complicit in the process. What does this bode for our future? We turned to noted Constitutional scholar, Louis Fisher, who has written more than 500 articles and 24 books on this important issue. You won’t want to miss this episode of the Liberty Report:

Antiwar And Anti-Violence: The Revolutionary MLK

Martin Luther King’s 1967 sermons and speeches against the Vietnam war may not be as well-remembered as his famous “I have a Dream” speech, but they demonstrate a commitment to the spirit of the Nobel Peace Prize he won in 1964. Others who have won this award have not pursued a peaceful course, including the outgoing US president. King’s war opposition was strongly opposed by those who championed his work in favor of civil rights, including the LBJ administration. It may also be what got him killed. We look at the antiwar King in today’s Liberty Report:

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