The Liberty Report

Mosul: Another ‘Mission Accomplished’

From February to June, an estimated 5,800 civilians have been killed in Mosul by US coalition airstrikes, a significant escalation in civilian deaths over the previous US Administration. With Mosul now “liberated” by US and Iraqi military forces, there is virtually nothing left of the city. Now we are told that we have to spend more billions of dollars rebuilding the city that we just destroyed, and once again training new Iraqi military forces to make up for all those killed in this campaign. Does this sound like a sensible US foreign policy? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Back To Benghazi – Are More US Troops The Answer?

The Obama Administration’s lies (crafted mostly by Hillary Clinton) to “justify” a US attack on Libya were grotesque and the “liberation” of that country created a living hell on earth for the very citizens we were supposed to be saving. After six years of chaos and a 2012 attack on a US installation in Benghazi, the Trump Administration is reportedly preparing a policy shift on Libya that will bring permanently-stationed US troops into the country. How does yet another overseas US military mission square with President Trump’s campaign promise to put America first? We discuss in today’s Liberty Report:

Partial Syria Ceasefire (Again). Who’s Winning, Trump Or Putin?

There is plenty to be positive about coming from last week’s face-to-face meeting between Presidents Trump and Putin. One indicator of how important/well the meeting went was the fact that the mainstream media immediately reverted to its “Russia hacked the election” obsession, even as the pillars of that absurd assertion fall, one by one. The agreement on ceasefire zones in parts of southwest Syria are also a positive sign if it means the US and Russia are taking a step back from direct confrontation in that country. However, there are pitfalls. Will it mean more US military involvement in Syria, guarding these new zones? And one simple trick Trump can use to get the “Russia hacked the election” off his back. This and more in today’s Liberty Report:

Trump Meets Putin – Who Has the Upper Hand?

Today, just one day before his long-anticipated meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin, President Trump has given a fiery speech in Poland denouncing Russian “meddling” in Ukraine and Russian support for the Syrian government. He also affirmed that the US would “stand firmly behind” NATO’s Article 5 on mutual defense. What might this mean for tomorrow’s meeting? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Let South Korea Be South Korea

President Trump has taken to Twitter again to condemn North Korea’s July 4th ballistic missile test and to chide China for not “putting a heavy move” on North Korea. China has blasted back that tensions are liable to spin out of control if all parties are not more careful. Meanwhile, South Koreans have a new president who claims to be more in favor of dialogue with the North than confrontation. Why won’t the US let him give diplomacy a chance? If, as polls show, 80 percent of South Koreans want more dialogue with the North, why should we get in the way? Tune in today’s Liberty Report:

Declaring Independence – A Novel Idea!

Thomas Jefferson got so many things correct in his draft of the Declaration of Independence. From the opening to the conclusion, the blueprint for a free and prosperous confederation of independent states was laid out. Many things have gone wrong since then…but in many areas we have made progress! In today’s Liberty Report, Ron Paul breaks down where we are some 241 years after that fateful day…

‘The Putin Interviews’ – Oliver Stone Speaks Out!

What makes legendary film-maker Oliver Stone tick? How is he able to reach millions with such powerful messages? What motivated him to make his most recent and very controversial “The Putin Interviews,” which is driving the neocons and Washington elites crazy? Today’s Liberty Report catches up with Stone from his Paris hotel room for a very lively and spirited conversation. You will not see this kind of interview on the mainstream media, which has been in “attack” mode since the film came out. Watch it here — and don’t miss Stone’s surprise ending!

Is Civil War Coming To Saudi Arabia?

What does Saudi King Salman’s surprising succession shake-up earlier this month tell us about stability in the kingdom? Perhaps more than we might think. The new crown prince, bin Salman, is the warhawk architect of the genocidal war on Yemen and the strange blockade of Qatar. The young crown prince is very close to the Trump family and is very well-regarded in Israel. And he hates Iran. Will internal unrest over a failing economy and foreign military adventurism spell doom for young bin Salman? We look at the evidence in today’s Liberty Report:

More Americans See Liberty In Decline. Why?

According to a new Gallup survey, over the past eleven years Americans’ satisfaction with the level of freedom in the country has declined by 16 percent. The US freedom ranking in the world has dropped from 11th to 71st. No other wealthy democracies have experienced such a decline. What’s behind it? The Snowden revelations? Endless wars? Financial system? Our take in today’s Liberty Report:

Trump’s Super Fake Syria News: More US Attacks Expected

Last night the White House released a shock statement that the Syrian government was about to use chemical weapons “again” on its citizens and that the United States would launch a massive response. At the time, the AP reported that neither the State Department nor the Pentagon or intelligence agencies seemed to know anything about it. US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley warned that any attack on citizens of Syria would be automatically blamed on Assad (as well as Russia and Iran). It seems Trump is ready for a massive attack on the Syrian government — coincidentally just a day after a major piece by Seymour Hersh showed that the US intelligence community knew that the April “chemical attack” was no such thing but that Trump launched 59 Tomahawk missiles anyway. Trump constantly accuses CNN of purveying “fake news,” but he has shown himself to also be a master at fake news. Something they have in common. More in today’s Liberty Report:

Republicans Still Pushing False Flags In Syria And Cold War With Russia

Seymour Hersh’s shocking new investigative report shows that US intelligence knew there was no Assad chemical attack in April, but that President Trump was so influenced by media images (which may have been faked) that he fired 59 Tomahawk missiles into Syria anyway. Meanwhile, rank and file Democrat Members of Congress are growing frustrated over their leadership’s continuing obsession with Russia as public opinion shifts on the issue. Republican Members are pushing for more Russia sanctions. Political shifts, on today’s Liberty Report:

Russia/Iran Sanctions Delayed In House: Policy Change…or Deep State Pressure?

The Senate recently passed a new round of sanctions on Iran and Russia (98-2), with House concurrence likely by a similar margin. Then out of nowhere came concerns over a money/tax bill originating in the Senate instead of the Constitution-mandated House. Is Congress suddenly concerned about the Constitution? Don’t believe it. The delay in House action on the bill is being seized by Democrats as yet more proof that Trump and the Republican Party are in the pay of Putin and thus will not pass new sanctions. What’s really at play in the delay? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

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