Why is the mainstream media so horrible? They all parrot each other and they never suffer when they are wrong. They are not judged by their readers, but by their peers. Imagine if restaurants were so judged — how terrible food would be. Bestselling author, legendary investor, and one of the most important intellectuals of our time, Nassim Nicholas Taleb joins today’s Liberty Report to discuss his new book, Skin in the Game, as well as the ongoing disaster in Syria and President Trump’s nominee to be next Secretary of State and much more. Tune in!
The Liberty Report
Will Torture Make America Great Again?
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 14, 2018 | The Liberty Report
President Trump’s nomination of Mike Pompeo to head up the State Department and Gina Haspel as CIA chief removes the mask from the ugly, warmongering neocon face. Pompeo wants a war with Iran — NOW! And Haspel personally oversaw some of the most gruesome torture conducted by the CIA — and then ordered the evidence of the crime destroyed! Pompeo and Haspel belong behind bars, not behind Administration desks. More on this — and a way we can stop them! — in today’s Liberty Report:
Are Millennials Abandoning Liberty? – With Special Guest Jeff Deist
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 13, 2018 | The Liberty Report
Have the Sanders and Trump phenomena made a dent in the appeal of liberty to young people? Mises Institute president Jeff Deist joins today’s Liberty Report for a frank discussion on the topic. The Liberty movement, according to Deist, must rely on stronger minds than those who might be more easily distracted by the political fad of the day. Plus a bonus issue in today’s program: What on earth is happening to Trump’s State Department and CIA?? Does it matter?
Military Coup: Pentagon To Ignore Congress On Yemen
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 12, 2018 | The Liberty Report
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) asked for a Defense Department opinion on proposed Senate legislation to limit US military action in Yemen. The Pentagon told McConnell that it would ignore any such legislation, as the president is “commander in chief.” Has there been a military coup in the US? And is Congress going to do anything about it? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:
Google And Geek Squad: Arms Of The Deep State?
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 8, 2018 | The Liberty Report
Best Buy’s Geek Squad has been discovered acting as undercover FBI informants, snooping on their customers’ computers and reporting anything that looks amiss to the FBI…for cash payments! And Google is teaming up with the Pentagon to help it better analyze drone footage for targeting and other purposes. While once it seemed the big tech firms would provide us protection against the ever-prying eyes of the national security state, it seems now they have become arms of the national security state. We look at this troubling phenomenon in today’s Liberty Report:
North Korea Breakthrough? Don’t Tell The Neocons!
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 7, 2018 | The Liberty Report
While North and South Korea are making incredible progress toward de-escalation of tensions — with a successful high-level meeting recently in the North — the neocons are still calling on the US to launch a “preventative” strike on Pyongyang. They do not even seem deterred by North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un’s suggestion that ending his nuclear program is on the table. Will President Trump green light direct negotiations or will the neocons win out (again)? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:
Trump’s Foreign Policy: Who Benefits From Chaos?
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 6, 2018 | The Liberty Report
Why is President Trump’s foreign policy so incomprehensible? He says he does not want to let the enemies know what he’s doing, but often he does not do what he says. He said we should get out of Syria just a few days ago, but in today’s press reporting he is apparently demanding a new plan to attack Syria. What gives? Watch today’s Liberty Report:
Trump Is Right On Iraq
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 5, 2018 | The Liberty Report
Over the weekend, President Trump told an audience at a fundraiser that the US attack on Iraq was the “worst decision ever.” As we approach 15 years since the launch of “shock and awe,” the truth of Trump’s words are evermore obvious. As president, however, he has the power to correct that terrible decision and not just for Iraq but for every country “liberated” by previous presidents. He can end the US military presence in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, etc. Will he do it? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:
‘Take The Guns First’ – Trump’s War On The Second Amendment
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 1, 2018 | The Liberty Report
President Trump shocked his base of supporters yesterday when he recommended that police grab guns of those they suspect shouldn’t have them before any due process takes place. He is also appearing to cave in to demands primarily from Democrats that more restrictions on gun ownership be implemented. While the shooting in Florida was a tragedy, as we point out in today’s Liberty Report a recent university study has shown that school shootings are significantly down over the past 20 years. It is a largely manufactured crisis in search of more restrictions on our liberties:
Behind The State Department’s $40 Million Troll Farm
by Daniel McAdams | Feb 28, 2018 | The Liberty Report
The State Department’s “counter-propanda” office, the “Global Engagement Center” has recently had its budget doubled by a $40 million cash transfer from the Pentagon. What does this mean? The US government will do much more meddling in the internal affairs of foreign countries with the excuse that it is “countering” unproven Russian meddling in the US elections and political life. Much of the money will go to NGOs that toe the US government line and act as force-multipliers for US neocon propaganda. The project is an assault on non-interventionists in the US. More in today’s Liberty Report:
More North Korea Sanctions: Who Benefits? Who Suffers?
by Daniel McAdams | Feb 26, 2018 | The Liberty Report
President Trump has wasted no time to ramp up tensions after the brief Olympic North/South Korea thaw. He has announced “heavy” new sanctions on North Korea and any country that dares trade with North Korea. Will the US military begin boarding foreign-flagged ships on the high seas? Chinese and Russian ships? That is what is being threatened. Will sanctions do the trick this time? And if not will President Trump launch a war? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:
Will ‘Extreme Security’ Solve The School Shooting Problem?
by Daniel McAdams | Feb 22, 2018 | The Liberty Report
Should we make schools even more like prisons to keep kids safe from mass shootings? Should we further restrict firearm ownership among private citizens? Is that the problem? Or is there a deeper problem in our society that is making some people violent? How about the Pentagon’s involvement in the production of some 1,800 films and television programs that portray it in a favorable light? Is it the military-industrial complex that survives and thrives from Washington’s aggressive foreign policy — which relies on keeping people frightened to drum up support? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:
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