RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

The Liberty Report

Macron Changes Trump’s Tune: ‘We’re Staying In Syria’

Just weeks after vowing to get US troops out of Syria “soon,” a meeting with French President Macron has changed President Trump’s tune. Now he is talking about a large and sustained footprint in Syria to, he claims, keep Iran from taking control of the Mediterranean. Defense Secretary Mattis added that the US must continue occupying Syrian territory until a UN peace process — i.e. “regime change” — can take place. We’re back to 2011…but worse. Trump’s endless flip-flops in today’s Liberty Report:

Unintended Consequences Of Trump’s Syria Attack

President Trump’s recent missile attack on Syria has led the Russians to re-think its decision to put on hold a Syrian government request for the Russian S-300 missile defense system. Particularly with Russian troops still operating in Syria, Russia may well decide to deliver the system to the Assad government. The Israelis, who have conducted more than 100 bombing raids on Syria since the start of the war in 2011, threaten to destroy any missile defense system targeting Israeli planes while they are bombing Syria. Far from solving any strategic or tactical US goals in the region, the US missile attack has made the waters all the more dangerous. Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Will Trump Tear Up Iran Deal? “No Plan B”

President Trump has vowed to never again sign the required waiver to allow US participation in the Iran JPCOA deal to continue. He last signed in January and is due to sign again or let the deal fall apart on May 12th. European leaders are desperately trying to convince him to remain in the deal. Trump is demanding new restrictions be unilaterally placed on Iran by the other partners, specifically in the area of ballistic missiles and Iran’s support for militias in Syria fighting ISIS and al-Qaeda. Iran has rejected the idea that it must make new concessions and points to the fact that the US has not lifted sanctions as the deal requires. May is going to be a showdown – who will blink? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Former UK Ambassador Reveals Truth About Syria

You would have to have cabbage for brains to accept the UK and US government version of what happened in Douma, Syria, just over a week ago, says Liberty Report special guest, former UK Ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford. Assad was on the verge of re-taking Eastern Ghouta, a deal was made with terrorists to leave the region, and one of the last strongholds was about to fall. We are to believe all of a sudden Assad chose that time to “gas his own people”? And all the evidence they can point to is that a government helicopter was dropping bombs in the area. It was a battle – bombs were being launched by both sides. What happens next as the official narrative of what happens continues to collapse? Tune in to a very special episode:

Fool’s Errand – 17 Years In Afghanistan

An endless war in Afghanistan, where the US takes the side of the communists it opposed in the 1980s. No end in sight and no one even knows what victory looks like. Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, Syria — once the US gets involved it becomes just another government program that can never be cancelled. In today’s Liberty Report, Scott Horton joins us in-studio to discuss his new book, Fool’s Errand – Time to End the War in Afghanistan, and the many other US empire wars. Could the Afghan war have been avoided even though Afghanistan had hosted al-Qaeda? Horton tells us exactly how the US could have pursued its national interest and national security without a 17 year quagmire:

US Grasping At Straws In Syria

Trump’s National Security Advisor John Bolton was on the phone with Egypt’s intelligence chief trying to organize a Arab army to take over US duties occupying northeastern Syria. The Trump Administration’s big idea is to have the Saudis lead the occupation to “prevent ISIS 2.0 from emerging in the area.” That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense considering the fact that the Saudis were behind the creation of ISIS 1.0! As media arrives on the ground in Syria begins looking into US claims of a Syrian government gas attack in Douma, they are finding the US narrative does not match the facts on the ground. Congress thinks a new authorization for the use of military force might do the trick. All in all it seems the US has no idea why it remains in Syria. There is no policy but to continue doing what Obama started in 2011. Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

On The Ground In Syria – With Special Guest Vanessa Beeley

Independent investigative reporter Vanessa Beeley is on the ground in Syria reporting in the aftermath of the US/UK/France air strikes over the weekend. What’s the real story of the purported gas attack in Douma? How extensive was the damage from US missiles? What will happen with the OPCW investigation? Join us for a very special Liberty Report:

Cooler Heads Prevailing On Syria? Let’s Hope!

While Defense Secretary Mattis says the Pentagon is “still looking” for evidence a chemical attack even took place in Syria last weekend, President Trump has seemingly backed off his Tweet yesterday threatening Russia with missiles. Meanwhile, despite a mainstream media attempted blackout of alternative voices a few are getting through and being heard. Former UK Ambassador to Syria was unequivocal in a recent BBC interview: the recent “chlorine attack” in Syria was staged. Do we have a glimmer of hope? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Trump’s Madness In His March To War

President Trump this morning Tweeted a warning to Russia that US missiles were heading toward Syria (and Russians in Syria). The Russian ambassador to Lebanon reconfirmed in an interview that Russia would target not only incoming missiles but the sources of those incoming missiles. Today Syrian aircraft relocated to Russian bases in Syria and Russian military officers deployed to the Syrian parliament. If Trump goes ahead with a large-scale attack on Syria over an alleged chlorine attack on Syrian civilians the escalation may continue to the unimaginable. Will the US president at least wait until an investigation determines whether there even was an attack? And why are the Brits so eager to join in the attack? Something to do with the Skripal fiasco? A special edition of the Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Will Cohen Raid Lead Trump To Attack Syria?

Special Counsel Robert Mueller was supposed to be investigating whether the Trump Campaign colluded with the Russians to get Trump elected president. As predicted it’s gone far off the rails, with a FBI raid yesterday on the president’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen. The issue? Whether Trump had an affair some 11 years ago and paid hush money to the woman. As Trump finds himself increasingly hobbled by his own Justice Department, however, we can be sure that the neocons with whom he has surrounded himself are whispering in his ear what a jolly little war might do for his popularity. The USS Donald Cook is steaming toward a Russian naval base in Syria and the president is threatening to make Syrian president Assad “pay big” for an alleged chlorine gas attack that no one has yet proven even took place! Will the president’s “wag the dog” move blunder us into a major war with Russia and possibly China? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Another False Flag – Will Trump Escalate In Syria?

After the pro-rebel White Helmets claimed over the weekend that Syria’s Assad has “again” gassed his own citizens, President Trump is threatening massive retaliation. Russia has stated that it would strike any source of incoming missiles into Syria. Will President Trump listen to his neocon advisors and ignore Russian warnings? Are we about to blunder into WWIII without even any evidence? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Trump: ‘Just Kidding. We’re Staying In Syria.’

Just a week after President Trump told an Ohio audience that US troops would be removed from Syria “very soon” and brought back home “where they belong,” he has again changed his tune. After a neocon uprising in their various think tanks and journals and after a meeting with Defense Secretary Mattis, Trump did an about-face yesterday and grumbled that he’d keep them in for a while longer. Some say six months. Was Trump purposely misleading in Ohio, or is he really that pliable? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

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