Featured Articles

My Dinner With the Pope

My Dinner With the Pope

I spent last week living and studying at the Vatican as a guest lecturer at the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, or PASS. PASS is an organization of scholars that explores ideas of interest to the Vatican. Last week, PASS addressed the philosophy of St. Thomas...

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Is the Drug War Finally Over?

Is the Drug War Finally Over?

The U.S. government just convicted Juan Orlando Hernandez of a drug offense. Who’s he? He’s the former president of Honduras. U.S. officials charged him with conspiracy to import hundreds of tons of cocaine into the United States. Last Friday, a federal jury in New...

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The End of the End of Ideology

The End of the End of Ideology

In 1960, Harvard sociologist Daniel Bell published a book called The End of Ideology. It argued that it was time to put aside all our ridiculous arguments of the past – socialism, fascism, liberalism, anarchism, technocracy, etc. – and just recognize that elites like...

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Taking Rights Seriously

Taking Rights Seriously

“If all mankind minus one were of one opinion,Mankind would be no more justifiedIn silencing that one person,Than he, if he had the power,Would be justified in silencing mankind.”  -- John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) The world is filled with self-evident truths --...

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Murder in Gaza

Murder in Gaza

Good work, Mr. President Biden. You have managed to do what America’s enemies have not – creating widespread hatred for the United States around the globe. Your destruction of the Gaza refugee camps has inflamed antisemitism everywhere. There is widespread disgust and...

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