At a time of heightened tensions in the Middle East, U.S. forces have been deployed in Israel ahead of a large-scale joint Israel-U.S. military exercise set to start next week, the Times of Israel reports.According to the Times, the drill will simulate a major...
Featured Articles
Turkish Invasion Pits Neocons Against Traditional Imperialists
by Mike Whitney | Feb 2, 2018 | Featured Articles
US foreign policy in the Middle East is not merely adrift, it is in a state of severe crisis. Even as Turkish tanks and warplanes continue to pound US allies in northwestern Syria (The Kurds), power-brokers in the White House and the Pentagon are unable to settle on a...
The Biggest Threat to our Country
by Jacob G. Hornberger | Feb 2, 2018 | Featured Articles
The New York Times recently profiled three military veterans who are running for Congress. All three are women and all three graduated from the US Naval Academy in Annapolis. The Times highlighted the military experience of the women, which they plan to rely on to...
Meet the Corrupt Billionaire Who Has Brought About a New Cold War
by Philip Giraldi | Feb 1, 2018 | Featured Articles
One has to ask why there is a crisis in US-Russia relations since Washington and Moscow have much more in common than not, to include confronting international terrorism, stabilizing Syria and other parts of the world that are in turmoil, and preventing the...
Dennis Kucinich Hit with Spurious Criticism over Fox News Connection
by Adam Dick | Feb 1, 2018 | Featured Articles
A recent poll places Dennis Kucinich, who announced his run for Ohio governor on January 17, in second place among five Democratic primary contenders. When you are doing well in an election, like appears to be the case with Kucinich, you can expect attacks, including...
The People v. Trump: Is There a Case for the 25th Amendment?
by harley | Jan 31, 2018 | Featured Articles
The media is of one mind: Donald Trump is mentally incompetent and must be removed from office before he blows us all to hell. It says so on Vox, New York Review of Books, CNN, The Intercept, CNBC, The Nation, Bill Moyers, Salon, and theNYT. A new book, The Dangerous...
The US Empire Has up to 1,000 Military Bases in 80 Countries
by Darius Shahtahmasebi | Jan 31, 2018 | Featured Articles
On the weekend of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Baltimore University hosted more than 200 activists in the peace, environment, and social justice movements to launch a new initiative known as the Coalition Against US Foreign Military Bases, the Nation reported.In a...
The First Amendment Does Not Give Us Freedom of Speech
by Jacob G. Hornberger | Jan 30, 2018 | Featured Articles
A special insert in Sunday’s New York Times reflects that it’s not just people in countries run by totalitarian regimes that are indoctrinated by the state. It also happens in representative democracies like the United States, especially owing to the government’s...
Golden Boy Robert Mueller's Forgotten Surveillance Crime Spree
by James Bovard | Jan 29, 2018 | Featured Articles
When Robert Mueller was appointed last May as Special Counsel to investigate Trump, Politico Magazine gushed that “Mueller might just be America’s straightest arrow — a respected, nonpartisan and fiercely apolitical public servant whose only lifetime motivation has...
The Last Fed Chairman?
by Ron Paul | Jan 29, 2018 | Featured Articles
Last week the Senate confirmed Jerome Powell as Federal Reserve Chairman by a vote of 84-13. This is in contrast to the contentious debates and closer votes over Janet Yellen’s confirmation in 2014 and Ben Bernanke’s confirmation for a second term in 2010. Powell...
Russiagate Isn’t About Trump, And It Isn’t Even Ultimately About Russia
by Caitlin Johnstone | Jan 28, 2018 | Featured Articles
MSNBC’s Chris Hayes recently asked a question of his Twitter following that was so heavily loaded it wouldn’t be permitted on most interstate highways: “Aside from genuine cranks, is there anyone left denying it was the Russians that committed criminal sabotage in the...
America’s National Defense Is Really Offense
by Philip Giraldi | Jan 26, 2018 | Featured Articles
On Friday, the Pentagon released an unclassified summary of the 2018 National Defense Strategy report. On the same day, Secretary of Defense James Mattis delivered prepared remarks relating to the document.Reading the summary is illuminating, to say the least, and...
Is the Trump Revolution Over?
by Paul-Martin Foss | Jan 26, 2018 | Featured Articles
A year after President Donald Trump’s inauguration, analysts and commentators are assessing both his performance in the first year of his presidency as well as the outlook for the remainder of his first term. Entering office as a surprise winner and a political...
Lew Rockwell: ‘It’s About Time the US Realized it Needs to Get Out of Afghanistan’
by RT | Jan 25, 2018 | Featured Articles
The US has no business in Afghanistan but it loves war and could be there for another 17 years, killing hundreds of thousands more people, according to Lew Rockwell, chairman of the Ludwig von Mises Institute.The US State Department confirmed Tuesday that several...
Playing ‘Kurdish Card’ in Syria Backfires on US As Turks Move In
by James George Jatras | Jan 25, 2018 | Featured Articles
What the result will be of Turkey’s offensive against the Kurdish-held enclave of Afrin in northwest Syria may not be clear for a while, but two things are already certain. Bad decisions in Washington provided the trigger, and Washington’s regional position will...
Destroying, Suppressing Evidence is FBI Standard Procedure
by James Bovard | Jan 24, 2018 | Featured Articles
Congressional investigators were rocked this weekend when the FBI notified them that five months of text messages from a top FBI investigator into the Trump campaign’s Russian connections had mysteriously vanished.The FBI-issued cell phone of Peter Strzok, whose...
Trump’s National Defense Strategy Has the Pentagon Popping Champagne
by Andrew Bacevich | Jan 24, 2018 | Featured Articles
Here’s what we can say about the Trump administration’s just-released National Defense Strategy: it’s not a strategy and its subject is not defense. Bearing the imprimatur of Pentagon chief James Mattis, the NDS—at least the unclassified summary that we citizens are...
It’s Time We Saw Economic Sanctions For What They Really Are – War Crimes
by Patrick Cockburn | Jan 23, 2018 | Featured Articles
The first pathetic pieces of wreckage from North Korean fishing boats known as “ghost ships” to be found this year are washing up on the coast of northern Japan. These are the storm-battered remains of fragile wooden boats with unreliable engines in which North Korean...
Why Does Washington Hate Bashar al-Assad?
by Philip Giraldi | Jan 23, 2018 | Featured Articles
The Donald Trump administration is planning to install a 30,000 strong armed “security force” in northern Syria along the borders with Turkey and Iraq. This presumably will tie together and support the remaining rag-tags of allegedly pro-democracy rebels and will fit...
Rex Tillerson at Hoover
by David R. Henderson | Jan 22, 2018 | Featured Articles
On Wednesday morning last week, I, as a research fellow with the Hoover Institution, got to attend a speech by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. It was followed by a Q&A session with former Secretary of State and my Hoover colleague Condoleezza Rice....
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- Putin Gives Trump a Meaningless Concession, But Sticks to June 2024 Positionby Larry C. Johnson
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