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The Last Wunderwaffe

The Last Wunderwaffe

F-16s, Romanian bases, and NATO pilots I shall return yet again to the prospect of “Made in the USA” F-16s sallying forth boldly into eastern Ukraine to "teach the cabbage heads what Airpower (capitalized) really means." From what information I've been...

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War and the Constitution

War and the Constitution

Can the president fight any war he wishes? Can Congress fund any war it chooses? Are there constitutional and legal requirements that must first be met before war is waged? Can the United States legally attack an ally? These questions should be front and center in a...

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War and the Constitution

War and Indifference

Which is more destructive to personal liberty, a government that engages in secret wars or a public and news media that are indifferent to it? In the current American toxic stew of anti-Russian hatred and beating of war drums -- in President Joe Biden’s America -- we...

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The Vietnamization of Ukraine

The Vietnamization of Ukraine

As Ukraine’s defeat in the war moves closer, the neocons are desperate to draw the US further into the fight. Over the weekend, former US State Department official Victoria Nuland told ABC News that the US must help facilitate Ukrainian missile attacks deep inside...

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The Vietnamization of Ukraine

Final Nail in America’s Coffin?

When future historians go searching for the final nail in the US coffin, they may well settle on the date April 20, 2024. On that day Congress passed legislation to fund two and a half wars, hand what’s left of our privacy over to the CIA and NSA, and give the US...

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