A new spy story has been making the rounds in Washington, but this time it involved a brave Russian official who allegedly was allegedly recruited while in the Russian Embassy in Washington in 2007 and then worked secretly for the CIA until he was exfiltrated safely...
Philip Giraldi
Israel Spies and Spies and Spies
by Philip Giraldi | Sep 17, 2019 | Featured Articles
Here we go again! Israel is caught red handed spying against the United States and everyone in Congress is silent, as are nearly all the mainstream media which failed to report the story. And the federal government itself, quick to persecute a Russian woman who tried...
Trump the Russian Puppet. A Story That Just Will Not Die
by Philip Giraldi | Sep 12, 2019 | Featured Articles
Certainly, there are many things that President Donald Trump can rightly be criticized for, but it is interesting to note how the media and chattering classes continue to be in the grip of the highly emotional but ultimately irrational “Trump derangement syndrome...
Trump Foreign Policy as Theater of the Absurd
by Philip Giraldi | Sep 10, 2019 | Featured Articles
One might be forgiven for thinking that the foreign policy of the United States is some kind of theatrical performance, like a comic opera, with new characters appearing on stage willy-nilly and then being driven off after committing an incredible faux pas only to be...
Lindsey Graham’s Blank Check. Why a Defense Agreement With Israel Would Be a Disaster for Americans
by Philip Giraldi | Aug 22, 2019 | Featured Articles
Two world wars began because of unconditional pledges made by one country to come to assistance of another. On July 5, 1914, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany pledged his country’s complete support for whatever response Austria-Hungary would choose to make against Serbia...
Punishing the World With Sanctions
by Philip Giraldi | Aug 15, 2019 | Featured Articles
Sanctions are economic warfare, pure and simple. As an alternative to a direct military attack on a country that is deemed to be misbehaving they are certainly preferable, but no one should be under any illusions regarding what they actually represent. They are war by...
Quincy Who? Another New Think Tank Tests the Waters
by Philip Giraldi | Aug 8, 2019 | Featured Articles
Think tanks sprout like weeds in Washington. The latest is the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, which is engaged in a pre-launch launch and is attracting some media coverage all across the political spectrum. The Institute is named after the sixth US...
The Spy Game: It Ain’t What It Used to Be
by Philip Giraldi | Aug 1, 2019 | Featured Articles
The Tehran government has announced the arrest of seventeen Iranian citizens caught spying for America’s Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Some of those arrested have already been sentenced to death. It is the third major roll-up of CIA agents in Iran that I have...
No Accountability in Washington. The CIA Wants to Hide All Its Employees
by Philip Giraldi | Jul 25, 2019 | Featured Articles
Government that actually serves the interests of the people who are governed has two essential characteristics: first, it must be transparent in terms of how it debates and develops policies and second, it has to be accountable when it fails in its mandate and ceases...
The Death of Privacy: Government Fearmongers to Read Your Mail
by Philip Giraldi | Jul 11, 2019 | Featured Articles
It is discouraging to note just how the United States has been taking on the attributes of a police state since 9/11. Stories of police raids on people’s homes gone wrong are frequently in the news. In one recent incident, a heavily armed SWAT team was sent to a St....
Goodbye Dollar, It Was Nice Knowing You!
by Philip Giraldi | Jul 4, 2019 | Featured Articles
Over the past two years, the White House has initiated trade disputes, insulted allies and enemies alike, and withdrawn from or refused to ratify multinational treaties and agreements. It has also expanded the reach of its unilaterally imposed rules, forcing other...
June Madness Strikes Washington. Iranians, Russians and Britons Beware!
by Philip Giraldi | Jun 21, 2019 | Featured Articles
It has been a lively June so far in light of Washington’s apparent zeal to remake the world in its own image. There is considerable buzz among those networking in ex- or current government circles that the White House is preparing to “do something” about Iran. The...
False Identities Become the New Weapon: War with Iran Promoted by Fake Journalists
by Philip Giraldi | Jun 17, 2019 | Featured Articles
*(MEK members working in the ‘Twitter troll factory’ in Manez Camp, Albania)One of the claims made about alleged Russian interference in the 2016 US election was that Kremlin-controlled entities were using fake identities to create dissension and confusion on social...
Pence Goes to War: America Will Be Fighting Forever
by Philip Giraldi | Jun 13, 2019 | Featured Articles
On May 25th Vice President Mike Pence was the featured speaker at the United States Military Academy commencement. His speech was predictably an encomium celebrating both the diversity and the success of the newly commissioned officers as well as of the system at West...
Tulsi Gabbard Pushes No War Agenda – and the Media Is Out to Kill Her Chances
by Philip Giraldi | Jun 6, 2019 | Featured Articles
Voters looking ahead to 2020 are being bombarded with soundbites from the twenty plus Democratic would-be candidates. That Joe Biden is apparently leading the pack according to opinion polls should come as no surprise as he stands for nothing apart from being the...
Washington’s Mighty Warriors: Draft Dodgers and Scoundrels
by Philip Giraldi | May 30, 2019 | Featured Articles
Remember Shakespeare’s line “he jests at scars that never felt a wound?” That epithet could have been written with National Security Advisor John Bolton in mind. Bolton was notoriously a draft dodger during the Vietnam War, like his current boss, not due to any...
Pandering to Israel Means War With Iran
by Philip Giraldi | May 9, 2019 | Featured Articles
The United States is moving dangerously forward in what appears to be a deliberate attempt to provoke a war with Iran, apparently based on threat intelligence provided by Israel. The claims made by National Security Advisor John Bolton and by Secretary of State Mike...
Jared Kushner, Not Maria Butina, Is America’s Real Foreign Agent
by Philip Giraldi | Apr 25, 2019 | Featured Articles
The Mueller Special Counsel inquiry is far from over even though a final report on its findings has been issued. Although the investigation had a mandate to explore all aspects of the alleged Russian interference in the 2016 US election, from the start the focus was...
The Conspiracy Against Trump
by Philip Giraldi | Apr 23, 2019 | Featured Articles
The real “deplorable” in today’s United States is the continuation of a foreign policy based on endless aggression to maintain Washington’s military dominance in parts of the world where Americans have no conceivable interest. Many voters backed Donald J. Trump...
Rumors of War: Washington Is Looking for a Fight
by Philip Giraldi | Apr 18, 2019 | Featured Articles
It is depressing to observe how the United States of America has become the evil empire. Having served in the United States Army during the Vietnam War and in the Central Intelligence Agency for the second half of the Cold War, I had an insider’s viewpoint of how an...
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