Currently the United States is assisting Ukraine against Russia by providing some non-lethal military equipment as well as limited training for Kiev’s army. It has balked at getting more involved in the conflict, rightly so. With that in mind, I had a meeting with a...
Philip Giraldi
Unending War on Terror
by Philip Giraldi | Apr 28, 2015 | Featured Articles
The admission by the White House that two western hostages were killed by an errant drone strike in Pakistan serves as only an ugly little footnote to what has been nearly fifteen years of undeclared war waged by Washington against a large part of the world. The New...
For Once, Don’t Blame the Israelis
by Philip Giraldi | Mar 26, 2015 | Featured Articles
The recent revelation that the Israelis had obtained classified information relating to the P5+1 negotiations with Iran over the latter’s nuclear program should not really surprise anyone. Israel has invested a great deal of political capital in confronting Iran and...
Targeting Iran
by Philip Giraldi | Apr 2, 2014 | Featured Articles
I am going to explain why Gareth Porter’s new book Manufactured Crisis: the Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare is possibly the most important expose of political corruption and government malfeasance to appear in the past ten years. Investigative reporter Porter’s...
Simple Stuff About Ukraine
by Philip Giraldi | Mar 18, 2014 | Featured Articles
On March 6th President Barack Obama signed an executive order "Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine" which permits Washington to seize the assets of any "United States person" who opposes current US policies vis-à-vis that...
We're The Good Guys
by Philip Giraldi | Dec 26, 2013 | Featured Articles
My Christmas holiday frequently includes a series of reunions with other former CIA people, often grouped by the overseas stations that we served in. This year the Istanbul gathering preceded Spain and the Rome Station ca. 1980 soon followed. Some of the retirees are...
Congress Scares The People
by Philip Giraldi | Dec 13, 2013 | Featured Articles
Terrorism has become as all-American as apple pie. It is ingrained in our civic DNA, it fills our newspapers and is the backstory for every foreign policy discussion on talk radio and television. One might reasonably expect that American mothers might now cajole their...
Quitting Over Syria
by Philip Giraldi | Nov 15, 2013 | Featured Articles
The release of the White House “Government Assessment” on August 30, providing the purported evidence to support a bombing attack on Syria, defused a conflict with the intelligence community that had threatened to become public through the mass resignation of a...
Crying Wolf Over Iran
by Philip Giraldi | Oct 26, 2013 | Featured Articles
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been trying to convince the audience in both the United States and Europe that new Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is a "wolf in sheep’s clothing" intent on beguiling the west with empty promises while proceeding full...
Does Our Military Spending Really Make Us Better Off?
by Philip Giraldi | Oct 18, 2013 | Featured Articles
The ill-advised launching of a few barrages of cruise missiles at Syria, which was the White House’s fervent desire back in August could have cost as much as five billion dollars or so by the time it was all over, an act of war carried out just to establish the...
What's the Evidence Behind the Case for War?
by Philip Giraldi | Sep 10, 2013 | Featured Articles
If the arguments being presented by President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry for attacking Syria seem increasingly shrill and disjointed that might well be because a legitimate case cannot be made for going to war. The central argument—i.e., that punishing...
Boston Becomes Toxic
by Philip Giraldi | May 16, 2013 | The Liberty Report
A number of articles about the Boston terrorist attack that I have read recently reminded me that what is either kept out of the media or otherwise hidden is often more important than what actually appears. One was a feature article entitled “Ron Paul Slams Boston...
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