While Inspector General Michael Horowitz did a pretty fair job of documenting the crimes of the FBI in getting the green light from a Federal Judge to spy on Carter Page as an ostensible agent of the Russians, he utterly failed to investigate the cornerstone (aka the...
Larry C. Johnson
Here is What the Horowitz Report Should Conclude
by Larry C. Johnson | Nov 25, 2019 | Featured Articles
You do not have to wait for the Horowitz report. I can give you a preview of what he should have found if he conducted an honest audit. The following is not my opinion. It is based on the flood of information that has come out over the past two and a half-years...
Growing Indicators of Brennan’s CIA Trump Task Force
by Larry C. Johnson | Nov 3, 2019 | Featured Articles
The average American has no idea how alarming is the news that former CIA Director John Brennan reportedly created and staffed a CIA Task Force in early 2016 that was named, Trump Task Force, and given the mission of spying on and carrying out covert actions against...
The Failed FBI Plot to Paint Trump Doing Deals with Putin
by Larry C. Johnson | Oct 31, 2019 | Featured Articles
Felix SaterTo appreciate the lies and corruption that are the foundation of the conspiracy to destroy the Presidency of Donald Trump by the FBI, the CIA and the DNI, one need only look at how Robert Mueller lied about FBI informants who were targeting the Trump team....
‘Understanding the Intel and Law Enforcement Plot to Destroy the Trump Presidency’
by Larry C. Johnson | Oct 26, 2019 | Featured Articles
Former CIA officer Larry C. Johnson breaks into detail the three year intelligence community plot to overturn the 2016 elections at the Ron Paul Institute's 2019 Washington Conference, "Breaking Washington's Addiction to War." This is among the best insider...
Barr Changes the Dynamic, The Threat of Obstruction of Justice
by Larry C. Johnson | Oct 25, 2019 | Featured Articles
I do not believe in coincidence. I do not believe that it is a mere coincidence that these three events occurred late last night:1. The investigation of the roots of the plot to destroy Donald Trump and his Presidency is now a criminal matter.2. A letter from...
FBI/DOJ Likely to Throw the CIA and Clapper Under the Bus
by Larry C. Johnson | Oct 21, 2019 | Featured Articles
Law Enforcement versus the Intel Community. That's the battle we will likely see unleashed when the Horowitz report comes out next week. The New York Times came out Saturday with info clearly leaked from DOJ that can be summarized simply--the FBI was relying on the...
Empty Desks at the NSC
by Larry C. Johnson | Oct 11, 2019 | Featured Articles
Looks like President Trump finally realizes that he is working in a snake pit. When he took office on January 20, 2017, he left an enormous cadre of Obama/Hillary sycophants in place. He could have (and should have) moved them out and reassigned them to the...
Rumorblower, Not Whistleblower
by Larry C. Johnson | Sep 27, 2019 | Featured Articles
Now that we have seen the whistleblower complaint filed by a CIA officer against President Trump, there should be little doubt that it is a fraud and represents an abuse of the whistleblower process. I know genuine whistleblowers (e.g., Bill Binney, Kirk Wiebe, Ed...
Iran, We Got to Do Something?
by Larry C. Johnson | Sep 20, 2019 | Featured Articles
Like a Japanese Kabuki dance Washington is in the grasp of War theater. Many pundits and members of Congress are filling the airwaves and offering up quotes demanding action. Demanding retaliation. We have to stand up to Iran. Only one little problem, the intel on the...
John Brennan’s and Jim Clappers’ Last Gasp?
by Larry C. Johnson | Sep 11, 2019 | Featured Articles
A flood of news in the last 24 hours regarding Russiagate. I am referring specifically to reports that the CIA ex-filtrated Oleg Smolenkov, a mid-level Russian Foreign Ministry bureaucrat who reportedly hooked himself on the coat-tails of Yuri Ushakov, who was...
Keep Your Powder Dry, Comey Is Not Out of the Woods
by Larry C. Johnson | Aug 29, 2019 | Featured Articles
There is no doubt that Jim Comey was part of a conspiracy to destroy Donald Trump and his Presidency. But all the evidence is not yet on the record. There is some understandable frustration reverberating around the web that Comey is not being indicted in the wake of...
The FBI Tried and Failed to Entrap Donald Trump Using his Business Associate, Felix Sater
by Larry C. Johnson | Aug 27, 2019 | Featured Articles
I am revisiting a story I did nine months ago about Felix Sater and the Steele Dossier (you can read it here). Let me cut to the chase--Felix Sater was an FBI informant since 1998. He was originally signed on as a "cooperator" in December 1998 by Robert Mueller's...
Joseph Mifsud, British Intel Asset, Not Russia’s Boy
by Larry C. Johnson | Aug 21, 2019 | Featured Articles
Joseph Mifsud, the Maltese Diplomat who reportedly told George Papadopoulos that Russia had Hillary's emails, was a British intelligence asset. But the Brits did not keep Mifsud for themselves. They offered him to the CIA and the FBI, and those two US agencies, in a...
Understanding the Roots of the Obama Coup Against Trump
by Larry C. Johnson | Jul 27, 2019 | Featured Articles
The full details of the plot to take out Donald Trump remain to be revealed. But there should now be no doubt that his effort was not the work of a few rogue intelligence and law enforcement officials acting on their own. This was a full blown covert action undertaken...
Will Donald Trump Kill His Presidency Over Iran
by Larry C. Johnson | Jul 21, 2019 | Featured Articles
Donald Trump appears to be on the verge of doing what the "Never Trumpers" could not - destroy his Presidency and make re-election impossible. It all boils down to whether or not he decides to launch military strikes on Iran. The bottomline is this: if Trump launches...
Mueller Does Not Have Evidence That The IRA Was Part of Russian Government Meddling
by Larry C. Johnson | Jul 12, 2019 | Featured Articles
In the criminal case against alleged Russian operatives - Internet Research Agency and Concord Management and Consulting LLC - a Federal judge has declared that Robert Mueller has not offered one piece of solid evidence that these defendants were involved in any way...
More Evidence of the Russian Meddling Lie
by Larry C. Johnson | Jun 3, 2019 | Featured Articles
The American public, with the enthusiastic support of most of the media, have been sold a big lie about Russian meddling in the 2016 Presidential election. As I have noted in previous pieces, there was nothing new nor special nor unique about Russian espionage...
Nope, Guccifer 2.0 Was Not a Russian Creation
by Larry C. Johnson | May 23, 2019 | Featured Articles
Photo creditRussia did not hack the DNC. This is not an opinion. It is a conclusion that flows from one very specific claim made by the Special Counsel—i.e., Guccifer 2.0 was a fictional identity created by Russian Military Intelligence, the GRU. If Guccifer was in...
Iran Is Not a Major Sponsor of Terrorism, Not Even Close
by Larry C. Johnson | May 16, 2019 | Featured Articles
Self-delusion and denial with regards to Iran's alleged status as the leading sponsor of international terrorism are rampant in Washington and among the punditry. It is crazy, it is dishonest and it is wrong. This is not my opinion. I can do math. I can count. If Iran...
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