The war in Ukraine continues to grind on and Ukrainian troops are falling back all across the 600 mile front. Not a good start to the New Year for Zelensky and the future is bleak at best. Russia is methodically destroying Ukrainian factories set up to manufacture...
Larry C. Johnson
The US Navy is Unprepared for a Prolonged War with Yemen
by Larry C. Johnson | Dec 20, 2023 | Featured Articles
It looks like the United States, along with 9 allies — Great Britain, Italy, Bahrain, Canada, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Seychelles and Spain — are on the verge of entangling itself in a new Middle East quagmire as an international armada assembles in the...
Why is US Intelligence Lying About the War in Ukraine?
by Larry C. Johnson | Dec 16, 2023 | Featured Articles
The Biden Administration declassified a U.S. intelligence assessment on the war in Ukraine and it was promptly shared with the media as part of a Biden Administration full court press to persuade Congress to cough up more bucks for Ukraine. The information reported by...
Why the United States Military is Clueless When it Comes to Ukraine
by Larry C. Johnson | Dec 11, 2023 | Featured Articles
The two-part Washington Post report on the failed Ukraine counter offensive was written primarily to blame Ukraine for the debacle and exonerate the United States. My analysis of those articles (here and here) highlighted astounding miscalculations and...
Don't Mistake Cracks in the Biden Facade for Impending Surrender on Ukraine
by Larry C. Johnson | Sep 22, 2023 | Featured Articles
We are seeing the classic signs of the growing discontent within some key sectors of the military and intelligence bureaucracy over the Biden policy towards Ukraine (I will touch on those in a minute), but the Biden national security team continues to stridently...
Why are Retired American Generals so Consistently Wrong?
by Larry C. Johnson | Aug 31, 2023 | Featured Articles
The following retired Generals are popping up on cable news channels to offer their “sage” analysis on the war in Ukraine and they all share one thing in common — they are wrong to a staggering degree. I am shocked by their inability to objectively analyze the...
Why NATO Was Obsessed With Ukraine and is Now in a Panic
by Larry C. Johnson | Jul 20, 2023 | Featured Articles
To answer the question in my title you need only look at two numbers — 1) Ukraine’s rank in terms of natural resources and 2) the size of Ukraine’s Army in February 2022. Since the end of World War II the West has viewed Ukraine as a critical piece on the global chess...
CIA Chief Burns' Descent into Delusion
by Larry C. Johnson | Jul 5, 2023 | Featured Articles
Radio Sputnik called me first thing this morning and asked me to comment on the recent speech in Oxfordshire, England by the Director of the CIA, William Burns. I quickly scanned the news item and assumed it was a joke. I did a quick check to verify that this was a...
Is Moscow Burning as Prigozhin's Vast Network of Side Businesses is Exposed?
by Larry C. Johnson | Jul 3, 2023 | Featured Articles
Remember the book and movie, Is Paris Burning? "The title is taken from the question reportedly asked by Adolf Hitler following his order to destroy the city rather than let it be re-captured by the Allies. The story was adapted into a feature film by the same name in...
Biden Blows Up Blinken's Diplomatic Mission to China
by Larry C. Johnson | Jun 22, 2023 | Featured Articles
Dementia Joe does it again. Less than 24 hours after Secretary of State Blinken genuflected before the Chinese, assuring them that the United States really, really, really is sincere in supporting the One China policy and eschews calling for Taiwan’s independence,...
Biden and America Have a Major China Problem
by Larry C. Johnson | Jun 21, 2023 | Featured Articles
I hear that the Chinese are going to add the image of Antony Blinken to the dictionary definition of “Kow Tow.” He went to Beijing, hat in hand, and received a less than warm welcome. The term, “frosty” comes to mind. Blinken and his Chinese hosts engaged in a...
Welcome to 21st Century Kremlin Watching with a Ukrainian Twist
by Larry C. Johnson | Jun 15, 2023 | Featured Articles
Unless you are over the age of 45 you likely do not have living memory of the Kremlin “Watching” that accompanied major Soviet holidays. The term “Kremlin Watching” refers to the practice of examining photos like the one above to assess political status in the Soviet...
Khmelnytskyi — Did Russia Vaporize Depleted Uranium Shells?
by Larry C. Johnson | May 16, 2023 | Featured Articles
Russia’s aerial attack on the Ukrainian city of Khmelnytskyi is catching quite a bit of attention because of reports of a spike in Gamma rays following multiple, massive explosions. Educated speculation believes that the increase in Gamma radiation may be a...
Ukraine's Promised Counter-Offensive Destined for Abject Failure
by Larry C. Johnson | Apr 27, 2023 | Featured Articles
With each passing day, the Ukrainian Army is being carved up and decimated in Bakhmut. To use a cinematic metaphor, this is a preview of the coming attraction, with Ukraine facing intense pressure to launch a counter offensive that will push the Russians out of...
Will Jack Teixeira Get the General Petraeus Treatment for Mishandling Classified Intelligence?
by Larry C. Johnson | Apr 21, 2023 | Featured Articles
At this point Jack Teixeira is alleged to have posted classified intelligence documents to the web, but there is no direct evidence that he actually was the one who placed those documents in a chat room. That remains to be seen if the allegation, which comes from one...
More Unanswered Red Flags Regarding Jack Teixeira
by Larry C. Johnson | Apr 17, 2023 | Featured Articles
Several former military and intelligence professionals have contacted me and voiced similar doubts about the pat story being circulated regarding National Guard Airman Jack Texeira and the allegations that he removed TOP SECRET documents from a SCIF, photographed them...
The 21 Year Old Leaker — Something is Not Right
by Larry C. Johnson | Apr 16, 2023 | Featured Articles
The media obsession in vilifying Jack Texeira for “leaking” TOP SECRET and SECRET documents and judging him guilty without any benefit of doubt, is just another symptom of the authoritarian fever that grips many inhabitants of the United States. Forget the first...
Understanding the International Rules Based Disorder
by Larry C. Johnson | Mar 27, 2023 | Featured Articles
Have you heard of the “International Rules Based Order?” Russia, according to Washington and NATO, is violating those rules (China too) and must be punished. We can’t have “rule breakers” mucking up global tranquility can we? Since 1945, the United States has pursued...
Will China Send Weapons to Russia?
by Larry C. Johnson | Mar 3, 2023 | Featured Articles
Yes. I think they will. But not because Russia is running out of shells and rockets. Nope. I think China wants a chance to field test some of its weaponry and drones against a foe that shoots back in order to see how they perform in a combat environment. Firing...
Persistent Delusion Among the American and NATO Defense Establishment
by Larry C. Johnson | Feb 11, 2023 | Featured Articles
There are three recent articles I want to make sure you have read because they reveal the delusion that continues to afflict US military leaders, pundits and the establishment media. First up is US Army Gen. Christopher Cavoli, NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe,...
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