After all the screaming headlines and hysterical talk of “treason,” the Russia-gate hoax was almost entirely absent from the midterms. One would think that the other party being in the hands of a ruthless foreign dictator who has it in for America would be a major...
Justin Raimondo
The Final Truth of Russia-gate
by Justin Raimondo | Oct 8, 2018 | Featured Articles
The conspiracy to overthrow a sitting US President extends far beyond our own “Deep State.” As I’ve been saying in this space for quite some time, it’s been an international team effort from the beginning. Setting aside the British origins of the obscene “dossier”...
Defeat the Deep State – or Lose Your Freedom!
by Justin Raimondo | Sep 14, 2018 | Featured Articles
The crisis is upon us, and yet hardly anyone outside of a few old-fashioned liberals sees it. Their view is obscured by the Brobdingnagian figure of Donald J. Trump towering over us all as left and right battle it out in his shadow. Yet the real battle, and the actual...
The New Cold War Flops
by Justin Raimondo | Aug 23, 2018 | Featured Articles
Has there ever been a country so vilified as Russia, a leader so demonized as Vladimir Putin? It makes me dizzy just to think of all the crimes that have been laid at that particular doorstep. I could spend the rest of this column simply listing them, from the deaths...
Martyrs to the Cause: Carter Page and Julian Assange
by Justin Raimondo | Jul 23, 2018 | Featured Articles
In an unprecedented move, the Justice Department has released the FISA application submitted by the FBI to spy on Carter Page, the rather hapless would-be advisor to the Trump campaign who has been smeared as a “Russian agent” – but has not been charged after almost...
A Time to Remember: Some Memorial Weekend Reading
by Justin Raimondo | May 24, 2018 | Featured Articles
We’re headed into the Memorial Day weekend, and what better time to remember those stories that held your attention, briefly, weeks or even months and years ago ? Well, here’s some follow-up:Perfidious Albion, Revisited – Remember when Judge Andrew Napolitano, the Fox...
Trump: Is He Stupid or Dangerously Crazy?
by Justin Raimondo | Apr 9, 2018 | Featured Articles
A child could see through the fake “chemical attack” supposedly launched by Bashar al-Assad just as his troops defeated the jihadists and Trump said he wanted out of Syria. But our President can’t, which raises the question: is he as stupid or stupider than George W....
The Enemy Within – the ‘Intelligence Community’
by Justin Raimondo | Dec 11, 2017 | Featured Articles
It was the Holy Grail of #TheResistance, the smoking gun they had been desperately searching for, solid evidence that Trump had colluded with the Russians to steal the presidency from its rightful owner: an email written and sent before WikiLeaks published the DNC...
From ‘Russia-Gate’ to ‘Israel-Gate’
by Justin Raimondo | Dec 4, 2017 | Featured Articles
Life is full of surprises. Like that time you were counting on a new bike for Christmas, and were totally certain your parents were going to come through, and then – lo and behold! – on Christmas morning there it was: a spanking brand-new Segway! The final evidence...
Who’s A ‘Foreign Agent’?
by Justin Raimondo | Nov 21, 2017 | Featured Articles
You know life’s become a joke when the US Department of Justice starts requiring foreign media to register as foreign agents. Will the BBC be forced to issue a disclaimer with every broadcast and web posting: “Proceed with caution – British propaganda ahead”? Don’t...
McCain As Metaphor
by Justin Raimondo | Oct 19, 2017 | Featured Articles
Some people are living symbols, sheer embodiments of a concept that fits their persona as snugly as their skin: e.g. the Dalai Lama personifies Contemplative Piety, Harvey Weinstein is the incarnation of Brazen Vulgarity, and John McCain’s very person exudes the...
Why Did Robert Mueller Obstruct Congress’s 9/11 Probe?
by Justin Raimondo | Sep 11, 2017 | Featured Articles
Sixteen years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, we still don’t know what happened. How did a ragtag bunch of hijackers, armed only with box cutters, manage to gain control of those airliners? How did they get into the United...
The Bombast of Nikki Haley
by Justin Raimondo | Sep 8, 2017 | Featured Articles
How Nikki Haley got her job as UN ambassador, and a major foreign policy spokesperson for the Trump administration, is a mystery, at least to me. Her vicious personal attacks on Trump when he was a candidate should’ve ruled her out from the get-go. Where oh where is...
The Mini-Skirt Deception: How McMaster Got His Afghan ‘Surge’
by Justin Raimondo | Aug 23, 2017 | Featured Articles
According to reports, Gen. H. R. McMaster convinced President Trump to give up his longstanding opposition to the Afghan war by showing him this photograph, below, of Afghan women in what the media are describing as “miniskirts.” As the Washington Post put it: One of...
Trump Ends Syrian Regime Change Campaign
by Justin Raimondo | Jul 21, 2017 | Featured Articles
The headline in the Washington Post said it all: “Trump ends covert CIA program to arm anti-Assad rebels in Syria, a move sought by Moscow.” The madness that has infected what passes for journalism today could not be more starkly dramatized: everything is seen through...
Tucker Carlson, Neocon Slayer
by Justin Raimondo | Jul 14, 2017 | Featured Articles
Oh, it was glorious fun, yielding the kind of satisfaction that us anti-interventionists rarely get to enjoy: not one but two prominent neoconservatives who have been wrong about everything for the past decade – yet never held accountable – getting taken down on...
Russophobia Hits the Libertarian Movement
by Justin Raimondo | Jul 10, 2017 | Featured Articles
Fear and loathing of Russia is all the rage in Washington, D.C., as both liberal Democrats and neoconservative Republicans unite in a campaign to demonize the Kremlin as “the premier and most important threat, more so than ISIS," as Sen. John McCain recently put it....
Anti-Interventionist Voters Elected Trump
by Justin Raimondo | Jul 5, 2017 | Featured Articles
How did Donald Trump defy all the pollsters, the pundits, and the Twitterverse “experts” and take the White House? According to the Democrats, it was all a Russian plot – Kremlin-directed Twitter “bots” spread “misinformation” and “fake news,” Russian hackers stole...
Our Rush to War in Syria — It’s a Disaster in the Making
by Justin Raimondo | Jun 21, 2017 | Featured Articles
The downing of a Syrian fighter jet by the United States – and, more recently, of an Iranian drone – augurs a confrontation that could take us down the road to World War III. The US media is echoing the Pentagon’s explanation, which is that the Syrian jet bombed (or...
Hodgkinson’s Disease: Politics and Paranoia in the Age of Trump
by Justin Raimondo | Jun 19, 2017 | Featured Articles
James T. Hodgkinson, the would-be assassin of Republican congressmen, wasn’t a radical. If you look at his published output – a series of letters to his local newspaper in Belleville, Illinois, as well as the majority of his Internet postings – it’s mostly about...
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- Voice of America Has No Place in a Free Societyby Jacob G. Hornberger
- ‘Independent’ anti-Russia outlet Meduza faces collapse after US funding slashedby Kit Klarenberg
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