James Bovard

My Too-Intimate Relations With The TSA

TSA Bombs the Holidays

If you use hand sanitizer when traveling, the Transportation Security Administration can badger you as if you were a terrorist suspect. TSA is one of the biggest hassles many Americans will encounter this holiday season. I learned that firsthand while flying home from...

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Obama’s Global Anti-Corruption Cops Should Call Internal Affairs

Obama’s Phony Foreign-Aid Reform

Four years ago, President Obama promised in a United Nations speech to “change the way we do business” with foreign aid and “seek partners who want to build their own capacity to provide for their people.” A year earlier, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton complained...

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US Foreign Food Aid Hurts the Poor

US Foreign Food Aid Hurts the Poor

The U.S. government loves to preen about its generosity to the world’s downtrodden. However, a long series of presidents and their tools have scorned the evidence that their aid programs perennially clobber recipients. Nowhere is this clearer than in the sordid...

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