Just as the mainstream press is reporting -- in astonishment -- that the Syrian government has actually abided by its unilaterally agreed upon pledge to submit its strategic chemical weapon deterrent to destruction by the international community, the international...
Daniel McAdams
Taming NSA? — Daniel McAdams on RT Television’s ‘CrossTalk’
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 30, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
RPI Director Daniel McAdams appeared on RT Television's CrossTalk program today to discuss the ongoing NSA spy scandal, what it might mean to US diplomacy, and the dangers of "reform."RT's program description: With the US global surveillance program under scrutiny,...
US/Saudi Relations — Daniel McAdams on Jay Taylor’s Show This Week
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 30, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Daniel McAdams and Jay Taylor discuss US/Saudi relations, NSA scandal, the Ron Paul Channel, and more. This week on "Turning Hard Times into Good Times."
Ron Paul Discusses the Ron Paul Institute on the Tom Woods Show
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 30, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Ron Paul, chairman and founder of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, discussed RPI and its work to "promote the idea of nonintervention in foreign policy" Tuesday on the Tom Woods Show.Listen to the 26 minutes wide-ranging interview here:
The Great American Spy Caper
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 30, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Poor James Clapper. The Director of National Intelligence -- a superfluous position born of the Intelligence Community's failures on 9/11 -- was again dragged before Capitol Hill, this time to explain the highly embarrassing revelations that the NSA had been...
Religious Tolerance of McCain’s Syrian Allies
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 29, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) took to the pages of the Washington Post over the weekend to pound sand over President Obama's refusal to invade Syria and overthrow its government. "President Obama specifically committed to us in the Oval Office...
Behind the Saudi Crack-Up
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 26, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
RPI Director Daniel McAdams has written an article for RT on the latest Saudi/US split -- what's behind it? What's going on with the Saudis?Writes McAdams: It was a great scene even if only apocryphal: There sat Saudi intelligence chief Bandar bin Sultan in Moscow,...
David ‘Curveball’ Albright Is Back With More ‘Scary Iran Stories’
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 25, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
David Albright of ISIS (AKA the "Institute for Scary Iran Stories") has never seen an alarmist allegation about Iran that he did not amplify in another somber "Iran is weeks (days, minutes, seconds) away from a nuclear weapon and must be stopped NOW" report.Four and a...
McCain Taken Down Over Support for Al-Qaeda
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 24, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
No more wool over their eyes, Americans continue to demand answers from political leaders like Senator John McCain over the US "we have always been at war with Eastsaia" policy in the Middle East.Witness this amazing video, in which Senator McCain settled in to what...
Beirut Bombings at 30: Interventionism Kills
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 23, 2013 | Featured Articles
Today, October 23, 2013, marks the 30th anniversary of the US Marine barracks bombing in Beirut, Lebanon. Some 241 American servicemembers were killed. These deaths were the direct result of US intervention in an area where there was neither US interest nor any threat...
Ambassador Michael Oren Worries About Growing US Non-Interventionism
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 22, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
The outgoing Israeli Ambassador to the US is worried about what we are doing here at RPI. Ambassador Michael Oren, who was born in New Jersey, has top academic credentials, plenty of foreign policy experience, and really gets around. He grew up in the US and while an...
Introducing ‘Background: A Deeper Look’
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 20, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Today the Ron Paul Institute premiers a new feature on its website. Background: A Deeper Look will take readers behind the current headlines, behind breaking news and analysis, to have a look at the history, philosophy, and context of the events we are following. Our...
British Press Shills for Syria War With 'Baby Snipers' Story
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 20, 2013 | Featured Articles
The Times of London yesterday published a sensational Syria story based on an interview with British doctor David Nott, who had volunteered his medical expertise in Syria over the past several weeks. Dr. Nott said that he had seen several pregnant women come in with...
Remember ‘Kony’?
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 19, 2013 | Congress Alert
Remember the bizarre "Kony 2012" video last year that was supposed to mobilize us all to fight the really bad guys in Uganda? (Or at least get behind the State Department and AFRICOM's efforts to fight the "really bad guys" in Uganda)? The video was supposedly viewed...
It’s Always Munich
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 18, 2013 | Neocon Watch
The P5+1 negotiations in Geneva have been fascinating thus far. Iran came to the table well-prepared and determined to make a deal, presenting a complex and reasonable proposal. Iran is reportedly prepared to accept more thorough inspections of its nuclear facilities...
Be Afraid: New Homeland Security Chief OK’d Drone Strikes on Americans
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 18, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
If the ubiquitous voice of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano in the metro (or Walmart, etc) demanding that you say something if you see something wasn't frightening enough, if TSA's cancer rays and gropings were not outrageous enough, if Homeland Security...
This Week in the World With Daniel McAdams and Jay Taylor
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 16, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Daniel and Jay discuss: Malala, Pakistan, Obama, Drones, Ron Paul was right, Judge Napolitano, Syria chemicals, and more. Don't miss a thing!
Bravo Malala!
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 13, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
It was supposed to be an approval ratings-boosting photo-op with the youngest ever nominee for a Nobel Peace Prize, but as any parent knows kids can be hard to control. They have a tendency to blurt out inconvenient truths at the most inconvenient of moments. So it...
Why Only Pro-War Pundits Allowed in US Corporate Media? Ask WaPo
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 11, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
The Washington Post finally realized today that virtually every pundit allowed space in its paper and allowed time on the mainstream corporate news is an advocate for war, and that, further, each of them seem to have a personal stake in the promotion of war. Today the...
Lions of Liberty Roar With RPI’s Daniel McAdams
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 11, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
RPI's Daniel McAdams speaks with Marc Clair of the Lions of Liberty. Working for Ron Paul, the origins of the Ron Paul Institute, the left-right coalition behind the Ron Paul Institute, the great value of counting Dennis Kucinich among our advisors, the Ron Paul...
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