Daniel McAdams

Big PR’s Info Wars

Big PR’s Info Wars

Thanks to the Guardian, we can all get our daily dose of full-spectrum fascism in one easy swallow. The high-minded, omniscient people from among others and for example, Burson Marsteller, who brought you Russian Economic Reform nonstop starring Anatoli Chubais in the...

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Breedlove…or Strangelove?

Breedlove…or Strangelove?

NATO's Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, Gen. Philip Breedlove, wants to light a torch under the rapidly reconstituting Cold War with Russia. According to the Times (UK), NATO's top military commander has plans to transform an old military base in Poland into a tip...

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We Made It To A Million!

We Made It To A Million!

This week marked a milestone for the Ron Paul Institute's Facebook page. For the first time in our short 15 months of existence we chalked up one million people reached over a one week period! This is most certainly due to the several crises in the world today,...

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