Daniel McAdams

Who Is Protecting ISIS And Why?

The US and its allies have allowed their desire for regime change in Syria to outweigh their stated desire to get rid of ISIS. What does that result in? Implicit or explicit protection for ISIS and related extremist groups inside Syria. Turkey was enjoying big...

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Does ISIS Exist? Some Say No

Many observers believe that ISIS is simply a creation of the US government as a radical and violent force to further US policy goals in the Middle East. It seems farfetched, but of course the US did back bin Laden and the Mujahideen to take down the Soviets in...

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Saudi Arabia: Friend Or Foe?

Saudi Arabia's desire to be a regional leader in the Middle East has led it to act as a primary conveyor belt of jihadists into Syria, where the Saudis seek the overthrow of the secular Assad government. When Saudi-backed al-Qaeda rebels get hurt in southern Syria,...

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Who Would Dr. Ben Kill?

Who Would Dr. Ben Kill?

GOP Presidential candidate and retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson is unafraid to wear his Christian values on his sleeve. Indeed he has rocketed to frontrunner status on the strength of his popularity with Evangelical Christians in the US. But thanks to Lew Rockwell...

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