Here is more on the absurd and very curious order from the CDC to count any death of a COVID-19 infected person who has died as a "COVID-19 death."Democrat Washington governor Jay Inslee, whose daughter-in-law works for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, oversees...
Month: May 2020
Power Freaks Losing Control As Public Laughs At Coronavirus Lockdowns
by Daniel McAdams | May 26, 2020 | Featured Articles
From the Lake of the Ozarks to the Texas Gulf Coast, Americans spent Memorial Day weekend in defiance of the forced "lockdown" orders of the politicians. Dr. Birx was furious over people refusing to wear masks at the beach. Other local tyrants screamed and threatened....
Washington’s tall tale of Iranian-Al Qaeda alliance based on questionably sourced book ‘The Exile’
by Gareth Porter | May 26, 2020 | Featured Articles
The US assassination of Qassem Soleimani in January touched off a new wave of disinformation about the top Iranian major general, with Trump administration allies branding him a global terrorist while painting Iran as the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism. Much...
The 'Science' Behind Social Distancing
by Jeff Harris | May 25, 2020 | Featured Articles
The world has been turned upside down with draconian government orders to “flatten the curve” with what is called Social Distancing. Schools have been closed for months, businesses have been involuntarily shut down and travel restrictions have idled 90 percent of the...
Why Didn't the 1958 and 1918 Pandemics Destroy the Economy? Hint: It's the Lockdowns
by Ryan McMaken | May 25, 2020 | Featured Articles
Media pundits and politicians are now in the habit of claiming it was the pandemic itself that has caused unemployment to skyrocket and economic growth to plummet. The claim is that sick and dying workers, fearful consumers, and disrupted supply chains would cause...
One Good Thing about the Lockdown
by Ron Paul | May 25, 2020 | Featured Articles
One of the few good things to come out of the government-mandated shutdown is that many parents have started homeschooling their children. Many of these parents are likely to continue homeschooling after the government schools reopen.Last week, the Centers for Disease...
Jacob Hornberger Comes in Second for Libertarian Presidential Nomination
by Adam Dick | May 24, 2020 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Future of Freedom Foundation President Jacob Hornberger failed to win the Libertarian Party presidential nomination in Saturday evening online voting by party delegates. Hornberger, who has spoken at Ron Paul Institute (RPI) events and whose articles have been...
The CDC confirms remarkably low coronavirus death rate. Where is the media?
by Daniel Horowitz | May 24, 2020 | Featured Articles
Most people are more likely to wind up six feet under because of almost anything else under the sun other than COVID-19. The CDC just came out with a report that should be earth-shattering to the narrative of the political class, yet it will go into the thick pile of...
‘Nothing can justify this destruction of people’s lives’
by Spiked Online | May 23, 2020 | Featured Articles
Countries across the world have been in lockdown for months in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The costs of the policy are enormous – in terms of life, liberty and the economy. But is it worth it to save lives? Yoram Lass was once the director-general of...
Will the Texas Supreme Court Follow the Wisconsin Supreme Court in Rejecting Much of the Coronavirus Crackdown?
by Adam Dick | May 23, 2020 | Featured Articles
Last week the Wisconsin Supreme Court became the first among the highest state courts in America to void much of a state government’s coronavirus crackdown. With legal challenges being pursued in response to liberty suppression through the expanding of government...
Danger: Cops are on the Road
by Adam Dick | May 22, 2020 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
“Once police stop you, a ticket is the least of your worries,” writes Jacob Sullum early on in his new Reason article “10 Ways a Roadside Police Stop Can Go Wrong.” After starting off with a short examination of the discretion police have to pull over vehicles on the...
The CIA’s Murderous Practices, Disinformation Campaigns, and Interference in Other Countries Still Shape the World Order and US Politics
by Glenn Greenwald | May 22, 2020 | Featured Articles
In the weeks before the 2016 presidential election, the most powerful former leaders of the Central Intelligence Agency did everything they could to elect Hillary Clinton and defeat Donald Trump. President Obama’s former acting CIA chief Michael Morrell published a...
Ohio Judge Deems the State's COVID-19 Lockdown 'Arbitrary, Unreasonable, and Oppressive'
by Jacob Sullum | May 22, 2020 | Featured Articles
Ohio's COVID-19 lockdown is illegal, a state judge ruled today, because it exceeds the powers granted by the statute under which it was imposed. Responding to a May 8 lawsuit filed by the 1851 Center for Constitutional Law on behalf of 35 gyms, Lake County Court of...
Coronavirus Overkill, as Stats, New Facts Belie Panic
by Cheryl K. Chumley | May 21, 2020 | Featured Articles
Stay home, stay away from strangers, shut down the schools and for God’s sake, whatever happens, do not touch plastic or stainless steel. That was COVID-19, April. Now? A few hop, skip and jump days later? Oops. Oopsies. Oppose-daisies. “Coronavirus ‘does not spread...
600 Doctors Warn Trump: Lockdown May Be More Deadly Than Coronavirus!
by Daniel McAdams | May 21, 2020 | Featured Articles
Hundreds of doctors have sent a letter to President Trump warning that the nationwide lockdown is killing thousands of Americans. It may end up more deadly even than the coronavirus it is intended to defeat. Doctors understand that you don't kill the patient to save...
Will the Political Class Be Held Liable For What They’ve Done?
by James Bovard | May 21, 2020 | Featured Articles
Politically-dictated lockdowns and prohibitions have recently destroyed tens of millions of American jobs. Politicians have effectively claimed a right to inflict unlimited economic damage in pursuit of zero COVID-19 contagion. The perverse incentives driving the...
Test Positive for Coronavirus, End Up in a Police Database
by Adam Dick | May 20, 2020 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
So you are curious whether you have coronavirus? You could take a coronavirus test to find out. Well, not really find out, since the test results are not reliable. Nonetheless, you can take a test to obtain at least a Magic 8 Ball level answer of if you are or are not...
The Shutdown May Soon Collapse in Pennsylvania Thanks to Local Resistance
by Zachary Yost | May 20, 2020 | Featured Articles
As in the rest of the country, life in Pennsylvania has been greatly disturbed by the COVID-19 pandemic and the chaos that has resulted from the state government’s attempts to handle the situation. On March 16, Governor Wolf ordered that all “nonessential” businesses...
The Case of General Michael Flynn: The Use of Law as a Political Weapon
by Paul Craig Roberts | May 20, 2020 | Featured Articles
The audacious corruption of the FBI and the US Department of Justice (sic) is demonstrated by their frame-up of the three-star general, former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and National Security Adviser to President Donald Trump. US Department of...
Trump's Taking Hydroxychloroquine. Good Idea? Bad Idea? With Guest Robin Armstrong, M.D.
by Daniel McAdams | May 20, 2020 | The Liberty Report
The media elites and their cheering section in the medical community are apoplectic over President Trump's announcement that he is taking a common anti-malaria drug as a protection against Covid-19. While many doctors have experienced successes in trials with the...
Recent Posts
- Three Cheers For Rep. Thomas Massie!by David Stockman
- My Weekend in Moscowby Andrew P. Napolitano
- DOJ Deploys ‘Antisemitism Task Force’ to Four US Cities as Part of Crackdown on Pro-Palestine Protestsby Dave DeCamp
- Trump Opts For More War With Russiaby Moon of Alabama
- The Genesis of Sectarian Violence in Syria: The Fall of Assad to US Supported Extremists and the Massacre of Christians and Alawitesby Dennis J. Kucinich
- When Dissent Becomes a Crime: The War on Political Speech Beginsby John W. And Nisha Whitehead
- MAGA should embrace Thomas Massieby Emily Jashinsky
- Mr. Trump, you would’ve been lucky to have Dan Davis on your teamby Kelley B. Vlahos
- Professor at Center of Columbia University Deportation Scandal is Former Israeli Spyby Alan MacLeod
- Europe Faces a MAGA ‘Vibe-Shift’ as Trump Moves to his Primordial Objective – The Global Resetby Alastair Crooke
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