Month: October 2018

The White Helmets Ride Again

The White Helmets Ride Again

I am often asked to explain why countries like Iran appear to be so aggressive, involving themselves in foreign wars and seeking to create alliances that they know will provoke the worst and most paranoid responses from some of their neighbors. My response is...

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Michael Moore’s Dumbed-Down America

Michael Moore’s Dumbed-Down America

Michael Moore had epiphany while on the road to Rome. The filmmaker lambasted corporate media for placing more emphasis on frivolous entertainment than hard-hitting objective news. “If you allow rich corporations to buy up and control most of the media, and then put...

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Tucker Carlson’s Marijuana Malarkey

Tucker Carlson’s Marijuana Malarkey

In August, Tucker Carlson declared at his Fox News show that it would be an act of war on the United States for the Mexico government to cease engaging in a war on heroin. Carlson even supported his wacky conclusion by pointing to drug overdose deaths in America,...

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