Month: December 2013

Life in the Emerging American Police State: What’s in Store for Our Freedoms in 2014?

We're The Good Guys

My Christmas holiday frequently includes a series of reunions with other former CIA people, often grouped by the overseas stations that we served in. This year the Istanbul gathering preceded Spain and the Rome Station ca. 1980 soon followed. Some of the retirees are...

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Life in the Emerging American Police State: What’s in Store for Our Freedoms in 2014?

Ron Paul Rewind: North Korea?

When North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, ordered the arrest and execution of his uncle, the status quo in the country was strongly shaken. As can be expected, the American chattering class is attempting to come up with an angle for more U.S. troublemaking. Here is Dr....

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Jennifer Rubin’s Gunboat Diplomacy

We can all be thankful that Obama doesn’t use neocon commissar Jennifer Rubin as one of his negotiators. Rubin, who almost daily mentions that Israel should “act” (i.e., drop bombs on Iran) is fed up with US negotiations. This is how she sees it: What Obama is doing...

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