Month: September 2013

Obama at the UN: Syrian Blues and a Persian Puzzle

Washington's Tyranny

The war criminal Barack Obama has declared his “outrage” over the 62 deaths associated with the takeover of a Nairobi, Kenya, shopping mall by al-Shabaab fighters. But the attack on the shopping mall was Obama’s fault. Al Shabaab spokesmen said that the attack on the...

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The ‘Promoting Democracy’ Trick

Neocons love to wrap themselves in the cloak of promoting “democracy” to justify their constant calls for war and destruction. Just last month, Max Boot explained this tough job that the neocons have assigned to themselves: “Promoting democracy can be messy in the...

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Obama at the UN: Syrian Blues and a Persian Puzzle

Serving America’s War Machine

For many years, I regarded “think tanks” as a godsend. As a news reporter chasing deadlines, I’d regularly call their “experts” for quotes. Usually, they could give me a few succinct lines that appeared to lend a story some intellectual heft. Then I started asking:...

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