RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

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Dear ‘Insurrectionists’: Welcome to the Anti-State Movement

by | Jun 30, 2021


American Greatness website’s Julie Kelly is a hero of modern journalism. She embodies the spirit of Mencken and so many others who refused to bow to the career-advancing zeitgeist of worshipping the state. She has doggedly reported on the incredible — beyond-Stalinist — persecution of a rag-tag group of “insurrectionist” Trump supporters who found themselves in a trap sprung by the deep state and its storm-trooping FBI to set-up MAGA-ists as enemies of the state to justify a broader persecution of the very right-wing populism that propelled Trump into the Oval Office – to the shock of the elites – in the first place.

Trump was a “knuckle-dragger” who had the gall to successfully challenge the anointed successor to the “peace” president Obama on the slogan of “why not get along with Russia?” and “Blue collar America: I am not a Washington elite. I’ve got your back.”

Trump was, sadly, a disaster once in place – Pompeo? Barr? Sessions? Bolton? – he kept his enemies close but, unfortunately, not in the manner of Don Corleone.

Still we remain remotely sympathetic because we understand that for all his faults his enemies are far more evil than he is.

Just like the Soviet empire, the US empire is frail, weak, and cannot brook any criticism rooted in logic or any semblance of reality as understood by the unwashed masses.

With that said, Kelly’s recent article does offer some major Scooby-snacks to anti-empire and anti-state peace and prosperity activists.

She captures the deep and breathtaking corruption of the Capitol Hill Cops in setting up the Trump supporters as insurrectionists, pointing to the cops’ off-camera use of violent crowd-control devices against peaceful and patriotic protesters with the intent of provoking them to violent responses. The 14,000 hours of video surveillance has been suppressed in favor of tiny bites without context to make innocent Americans look like criminals.

To be honest, I was not all that shocked when I read of the corruption of the Capitol Hill Police Department on that day. As a 12 year Congressional staffer I experienced it up close and personal on many occasions. One Capitol Hill officer was notorious for yelling at staffers who crossed against the light even when there were no cars visible in any direction. It was pure power trip for him.

I have never before revealed this in public, but one time when he threatened me for crossing the street against the light when there was no traffic anywhere remotely in sight I challenged him. I asked him why he was threatening staffers when clearly there was no reason for us to wait for three or more minutes on a very minor side street to cross to get to work. I may even have framed my question in a rude manner, as he was such an absurd bully.

He forced me to go with him behind the guard shack on the corner of C and First Street – out of public view. He said to me, “I will file a report that you came up on me and threatened me with violence and you will be arrested. It’s my word against yours and you will go to jail.”

I was shocked because I did not threaten him in any way; just questioned his bullying of staffers. But he threatened to lie to his superiors about me to get me charged with a serious crime. And of course go to jail.

That’s when I understood that the US Capitol Hill Police Department was as corrupt as a banana republic dictatorship. They did the bidding of their masters, the heads of the House and Senate. You want threats? We’ll give you threats. You want arrests? We’ll give you arrests.

So that’s why I looked with some amusement at the MAGA demonstrators who thought upon confronting Capitol Hill Police Officers they were given the opportunity to give a deep embrace to the thin Blue Line.

As one “insurrectionist” was quoted as saying to the corrupt Capitol Hill Cops were carrying out their anti-Trump operation, “We’ve always supported you!”

As the old Soviet joke goes:

“I love the Party.”

“But does the Party love you?”

So yes I will continue to argue that the bogus “insurrectionists” should immediately be set free. But I will also argue much more forcibly that these same MAGA protesters finally digest the nature of the state: the state hates you!

Who do you think will actually come and take it? It’s always the corrupt Capitol Hill Cops, directed by monsters Pelosi and McConnell.

This is not a “defund the police” argument. There are plenty of decent cops. This is about the political police – something far more dangerous.

MAGA “insurrectionists” are you ready to join the non-interventionist movement? Because the Party that you still embrace wants you to go to the gulag. Has any major Republican figure uttered a word about the injustice?

Open your eyes: the state is evil because it is directed by evil people like Pelosi and Biden and McConnell and Schumer et al. Let us know when you have finally freed your mind and we will welcome you to the freedom movement.


  • Daniel McAdams

    Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity and co-Producer/co-Host, Ron Paul Liberty Report. Daniel served as the foreign affairs, civil liberties, and defense/intel policy advisor to U.S. Congressman Ron Paul, MD (R-Texas) from 2001 until Dr. Paul’s retirement at the end of 2012. From 1993-1999 he worked as a journalist based in Budapest, Hungary, and traveled through the former communist bloc as a human rights monitor and election observer.

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