RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Top spy chiefs, heads of state, and global business titans begin secret Bilderberg meetings in Portugal

by | May 19, 2023


The world’s most powerful and influential geopolitical voices are meeting from Thursday to Sunday in Portugal to navigate several global crises (many of which they’ve they’ve helped to facilitate), and oddly enough, the corporate media has no interest in reporting on this secretive gathering of powerful figures.

The attendees list for this year’s infamous Bilderberg Meetings has just been released, and just like years prior, global heavyweights inundate the 2023 roster. The list includes America and Europe’s top spy chiefs, several heads of state, and some of the world’s most powerful business executives.

What is essentially Davos on steroids, the annual Bilderberg confab includes some of the world’s most powerful and influential people. As The Dossier explained in our piece Wednesday:

“Although it is significantly staffed by publicly elected officials, the discussions that happen during Bilderberg conferences remain a closely guarded secret. Unsurprisingly, this has led many to suspect that the powerful globalist ideologues who attend these closed-door wargaming discussions are up to no good. Organizers defend the secretive nature of the conference by claiming that it allows attendees to speak informally among peers.”

Bilderberg meetings are held under Chatham House rules, which means that participants “are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s) nor of any other participant may be revealed.”

There is lots of new and returning star power to the 2023 attendees list.

The American contingent includes the likes of:

Albert Bourla of Pfizer

Sam Altman of ChatGPT

Avril Haines, America’s top intelligence official as the Biden Administration’s Director of National Intelligence

Henry Kissinger, who turns 100 years old at the end of the month

Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft

Matthew Pottinger, the former national security official who played a major role in pushing covid lockdowns.

Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google

Peter Thiel

Gen. Christopher Cavoli, the commander of US European Command

The non-American (mostly European) side includes:

Borge Brende, the president of the World Economic Forum

Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO

Bernard Emie, leader of France’s top spy agency

Jeremy Fleming, a longtime British top spy official

Chrystia Freeland, deputy prime minister of Canada and World Economic Forum leader, infamous for her crackdowns against free speech

Mette Frederiksen, prime minister of Denmark

Dmytro Kuleba, Ukrainian minister of foreign affairs

Sanna Marin, the Finnish prime minister

Radoslaw Sikorski, the Polish politician who thanked the US for bombing the NordStream pipeline

The topics of discussion this year include (new topics for 2023 are in bold):


Banking System


Energy Transition 


Fiscal Challenges


Industrial Policy and Trade



Transnational Threats


US Leadership

Particularly interesting is the inclusion of AI, fiscal/banking challenges, and the so-called energy transition, and the vague topic of “US leadership.”

If you are familiar with the names on the participants list, you will find that they largely subscribe to a globalist, hyper-interventionist worldview, making the annual Bilderberg confab an echo chamber of ruling class ideologues.

There remains a media blackout of the Bilderberg Meeting this weekend in the corporate press. Despite attendees including the leaders of several major publications, there has been virtually zero press coverage of this weekend’s gathering in Portugal.

Reprinted with permission from The Dossier.
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