RPI Director Daniel McAdams is interviewed on RT. Transcript below; video here.Victoria Nuland’s anti-Russian rhetoric comes from the neocon camp of US politics, seeking to stir the Ukraine crisis, thrilled by the prospect of defense industry expansion and more arms...
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Hillary Mann Leverett on Netanyahu’s Nearly 20 Years of Scaremongering Americans
by Adam Dick | Mar 5, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Tuesday speech to the United States Congress is a continuation of his nearly 20 years of scaremongering the US government to encourage both US intervention in the Middle East and US military aid for Israel says Ron Paul...
Neocon Nuland Lies About Ukraine Before Congress
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 5, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland appeared before the House International Relations Committee yesterday to beat the war drums against Russia over Ukraine. Her testimony was full of lies, RPI Director Daniel McAdams told RT, starting with her claim that...