The Ron Paul Institute's second annual Washington, D.C. conference got a shot in the arm over the weekend, as Wikileaks founder and chief editor Julian Assange agreed to open up the Whistleblowers Roundtable with a talk on the recent US Senate and Director of Central...
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One Way to End Drug War Violence
by Jacob G. Hornberger | Aug 26, 2017 | Featured Articles
Two police officers in Kissimmee, Florida, were recently shot and killed while investigating illegal drug activity in a dangerous part of town. According to the New York Times, government officials praised the officers for their service and asked Floridians to pray...
I Predict a ‘RIOT’ as Dissent in American Media Becomes Illegitimate
by Bryan MacDonald | Aug 26, 2017 | Featured Articles
Since the German Marshall Fund of the United States unveiled its “Alliance For Securing Democracy (AFSD)," I’ve resisted commenting, simply because the lobby group’s “Hamilton 68 dashboard” is too preposterous to merit serious analysis.It has rightly been ridiculed by...