Demagogues on both sides are using the border "crisis" to score political points, both for and against President Trump. The real issues -- the cause of the problem rather than the symptoms -- are rarely debated on the mainstream media and in the halls of Congress....
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Julian Assange and the Mindszenty Case
by Ray McGovern | Jun 20, 2018 | Featured Articles
During World War II Cardinal Jozsef Mindszenty was a huge critic of fascism and wound up in prison. In Oct. 1945 he became head of the Church in Hungary and spoke out just as strongly against Communist oppression. He wound up back in prison for eight more years,...
The Texas Republican Party Now Supports Rolling Back Marijuana Prohibition. What’s Next?
by Adam Dick | Jun 19, 2018 | Featured Articles
Over the weekend, delegates at the Texas Republican Party’s statewide convention voted by wide margins in favor of several roll-backs of marijuana prohibition. With over 80 percent support, the delegates approved three state party platform planks calling,...