It is a treat to hear a non-rushed interview of Dr. Ron Paul that allows him to lay out more fully the reasoning behind his views. Paul, the chairman and founder of RPI, had such an interview this week with the Voice of Russia. Over 15 minutes, Paul discusses his petition for clemency for Edward Snowden as well as United States foreign policy generally and regarding Ukraine, Iran, Egypt, and Syria in particular.
Here is a short quote from Dr. Paul on the uproar over the Snowden revelations:
Governments have been notorious on spying, they are always looking for the next enemy. There have been too many lies told, we have been told that our government doesn’t spy on American citizens, and lo and behold they lied to us, and they were and it was massive. We were at least led to believe that we only did this on potential enemies, not on our close allies and found out that, that wasn’t true. I think the whole system has been just so out of control.
And Ron Paul’s recipe for peace and prosperity:
If the world would come around of thinking about non-intervention, non-violence, reasonable talk in smaller governments people could live a lot more peaceably and a lot happier.
Listen to and read a transcript of the interview here.