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Rare Instance of a Professional Athlete Hospitalized for Coronavirus

by | Sep 21, 2021


Many politicians, including United States President Joe Biden, like to drone on about how everybody should take experimental coronavirus vaccine shots. Yet, even if we suppose the shots provide much help against coronavirus, many people are at so little risk from coronavirus that it seems very foolhardy for them to risk the side effects of the shots.

Two groups with apparently among the lowest risks of death or major sickness from coronavirus are children and professional athletes.

The rarity of children or professional athletes being hospitalized or dying from coronavirus is why we tend to hear about it when it does happen. Man bites dog is a bigger story than dog bites man.

Emma Kemp reported Sunday at the Guardian that 27-year-old Australian swimmer Madi Wilson, who won a gold medal at the Olympics this summer, was admitted to a European hospital with coronavirus while Wilson was in Italy for a professional swimming competition.

Seemingly trying to explain the reason for a young professional athlete like herself being hospitalized with coronavirus, Wilson, in an Instagram post included in the Guardian story, wrote, “It’s been a crazy few months and I believe being run down physically and mentally may have made me more susceptible.”

Wilson also wrote in her post that “Even though I am double vaccinated and took the right precaution set in place through the [International Swimming League], I have managed to fall to this virus.” From Wilson’s comments, it looks like she is among the many people for whom the much-lauded vaccines, some of which are not even vaccines under the normal meaning of the term, have been duds.

Hopefully, Wilson will recover quickly from what ails her. Hopefully, as well, she ended up at a hospital where medical professionals will look for other possible causes of her sickness and where innovative treatment is employed instead of just waiting for conditions to worsen so patients can be put on ventilators.


  • Adam Dick

    Adam worked from 2003 through 2013 as a legislative aide for Rep. Ron Paul. Previously, he was a member of the Wisconsin State Board of Elections, a co-manager of Ed Thompson's 2002 Wisconsin governor campaign, and a lawyer in New York and Connecticut.

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