The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) has released a new survey of nearly 1,500 faculty members at four-year colleges in the US. Ideologically The survey of college faculty is consistent with other polls and surveys in showing that over half of the faculty nationwide is afraid to speak freely in the current atmosphere of intolerance and orthodoxy. What is most striking about this and other surveys is that the number of conservatives on faculties is comparably very small....
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
Ron Paul Presents Coronavirus Policy Common Sense in Fox Business Interview
Coronavirus policy at the national, state, and local levels has been largely characterized by the abandonment of common sense as governments have imposed a new array of draconian...
When a Mask Becomes Part of the Required Work Uniform
Wearing a mask at a store or other place where doing so is required of customers or visitors, or where there seems to be pressure either from the venue operators or the...
The New Viral Video of Doctors Talking About Coronavirus that Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter Have Removed
This week, video of a Washington, DC press conference of doctors was racking up millions of views. In the Monday press conference, several doctors of the group America’s...
What Would COVID-19 Sacrifice and Victory Really Look Like?
The COVID-19 related libertarian hate just doesn't seem to stop. It exists as much on the other side of the pond in this era of COVID-19 fear as it does in the US. Financial...
Say What? NPR Show Represents Libertarians as Supporting Wearing Masks and Imposing Mask Mandates
For months, much of the airtime at National Public Radio (NPR) has been devoted to interviews and stories that ramp up the coronavirus scare and advance all manner of draconian...
Beware Coronavirus Surveillance
“Concerns about curtailing contagion help to normalize detailed scrutiny of people's lives and drive us toward a pervasive surveillance state,” writes J.D. Tuccille in an...
Jo Jorgensen Praises Company for Firing an Employee for Posting ‘All Lives Matter’ at the Employee’s Private Facebook Page
Libertarian Party presidential nominee Jo Jorgensen is fond of posting the phrase “Black Lives Matter” and its hashtag variant “#BlackLivesMatter” at her Twitter page. Check out...
Mandatory Masks and Social Distancing for Many Students in the Fall Semester
In May, Ron Paul warned in an editorial about the United States government pushing for the imposing of mask and social distancing mandates on children in schools that reopen for...
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