RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

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Neocon Senators Seek To Tighten The Iranian Noose

The Daily Beast reports: Defying the wishes of President Obama, six Republican senators Tuesday proposed an amendment to a defense spending bill that would introduce a new round of sanctions on Iran on the eve of diplomatic talks the president hopes will end Iran’s quest for a nuclear weapon.The amendment, offered by Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Il.) and co-sponsored by five other Republican senators, including Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) as well as Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Sen. John...

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Rep. Walter Jones: Congress Should Decide if US Military Stays in Afghanistan

Rep. Walter Jones, speaking on the US House of Representatives floor yesterday morning, called on Congress to exercise its constitutional power over US military policy in Afghanistan. In particular, Jones insisted that Congress debate and vote on the matter instead of acquiescing to keeping the US military in Afghanistan for ten more years under a bilateral security agreement being negotiated by US President Barack Obama and Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai. Near the conclusion of his four...

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Veterans Day and Foreign Interventionism

Veterans Day and Foreign Interventionism

Commemorating Veterans Day, people honored Americans who have served in the U.S. military, especially those who have fought and died in America’s foreign wars. In doing so, however, it’s easy to forget the fact that what the soldiers fought for and died for in those foreign wars wasn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. Consider World War I. American soldiers fought and died in that war under the notion that it would finally be the war that would end all European wars into the future. It was also...

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Your Congressional Guide for the Week, Nov. 18

Do you follow Congress? Let us make it easier for you. Here is your guide to House and Senate hearings and mark-ups of interest to RPI readers for the week beginning Nov. 18, 2013.House of Representatives: Foreign Affairs Committee Subcommittee Hearing: Crisis in the Central African Republic Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations. 2172 House Rayburn Office Building Washington, DC 20515Nov 19, 2013 10:00am Witnesses Panel I The Honorable...

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Veterans Day and Foreign Interventionism

Drones, Tanks, and Grenade Launchers: Coming Soon to a Police Department Near You

“The argument for up-armoring is always based on the least likely of terrorist scenarios. Anyone can get a gun and shoot up stuff. No amount of SWAT equipment can stop that.”—Mark Randol, former terrorism expert with the Congressional Research Service Why does a police department which hasn’t had an officer killed in the line of duty in over 125 years in a town of less than 20,000 people need tactical military vests like those used by soldiers in Afghanistan?  For that matter, why does a...

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Veterans Day and Foreign Interventionism

Understanding Media Propaganda About Recent Talks Over Iran’s Nuclear Program

There are a couple points worth noting about recent reporting on the recent talks between the U.S. and its Western allies and Iran over its nuclear program. 1) The first is that the media effectively accepts the U.S. government’s framework that Iran’s rights derive from Washington, D.C. Here’s the New York Times this week: As Secretary of State John Kerry and foreign ministers from other world powers sought to work out an interim agreement to constrain Iran’s nuclear program, the Iranian...

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Veterans Day and Foreign Interventionism

The Iran Question – What Next?

It is only natural if there is a sense of deja vu over the inconclusive end to the P5+1 and Iran talks in Geneva over the weekend – and of course its photo finish dripping with high drama. The United States-Iran standoff has edged tantalizingly close to resolution many a time in the past in its three decades of history but only to remain on track.  This time around, however, there could be a qualitative difference, although the templates of an adversarial relationship hardened through decades...

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Victor Davis Hanson’s Magical Mystery Tour

Victor Davis Hanson, the neocons' favorite historian, goes off on a wild ride that would surely make for good copy in government schoolbooks: The United States has ridden — and tamed — the wild global tiger since the end of World War II. The frantic ride has been dangerous, to us, but a boon to humanity. In other words, peace and trade were not chosen after World War II, but instead the U.S. decided to jump on a fictional “global tiger”. With a Federal Reserve ready to print up as much money...

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Veterans Day and Foreign Interventionism

Quitting Over Syria

The release of the White House “Government Assessment” on August 30, providing the purported evidence to support a bombing attack on Syria, defused a conflict with the intelligence community that had threatened to become public through the mass resignation of a significant number of analysts. The intelligence community’s consensus view on the status of the Syrian chemical-weapons program was derived from a National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) completed late last year and hurriedly updated this...

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Jennifer Rubin Botches Ron Paul’s Position on Israel

Neocon commissar, Jennifer Rubin, writes: You see, just about every pol except [Rand] Paul’s father would say Israel is a great friend, and we need to stand by our closest ally in the region. Before we get to the big error, let’s knock out the initial sloppiness first. Ron Paul is no longer a politician, or “pol”. Rubin may feel like Ron Paul is still in politics, since the neocons must now constantly battle the ideas of non-interventionism, but Ron Paul himself has left for bigger and better...

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Veterans Day and Foreign Interventionism

Handing Off Ron Paul's Chevette 'Green Pea'

We gathered last weekend at Dr. Paul's house in Texas to hand over the keys to the famous 1979 Chevette "green pea" to generous Ron Paul Institute donors Jonathan and Nita Cole. Readers will recall that this is the car that made then-Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill see red when Paul's then-chief of staff Lew Rockwell had the House photographer take a picture of it parked next to the Speaker's gas guzzler as he was calling for rationing for everyone else. In addition to the Chevette, Mr. Cole...

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Veterans Day and Foreign Interventionism

What Is The Real Agenda Of The American Police State?

In my last column I emphasized that it was important for American citizens to demand to know what the real agendas are behind the wars of choice by the Bush and Obama regimes. These are major long term wars each lasting two to three times as long as World War II. Forbes reports that one million US soldiers have been injured in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. RT reports that the cost of keeping each US soldier in Afghanistan has risen from $1.3 million per soldier to $2.1 million per soldier. ...

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Veterans Day and Foreign Interventionism

Obama’s Refusal to Respect Iran’s Sovereignty and Treaty Rights is Leaving America on the Self-Defeating Path to War

Notwithstanding France’s simultaneously arrogant and craven grandstanding over Iran’s Arak heavy water reactor, the main reason for the failure of last week’s nuclear talks between the Islamic Republic and the P5+1 was the Obama administration’s imperious refusal to acknowledge Tehran’s right to enrich uranium under international safeguards.  On this point, we want to highlight a recent post by Dan Joyner on Arms Control Law, titled, “Scope, Meaning and Juridical Implication of the NPT Article...

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Veterans Day and Foreign Interventionism

FBI v. The First Amendment: The US Government's Investigation of Antiwar.com

Federal Bureau of Investigation documents released last week reveal the FBI investigated Antiwar.com, a website regularly publishing content critical of US foreign policy, for at least six years based on the content and audience of the antiwar.com website, as well as an asinine mistake by the FBI. According to Julia Harumi Mass of the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, which is representing Antiwar.com in a lawsuit against the FBI, the FBI produced in response to a document...

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Veterans Day and Foreign Interventionism

Thoughts on Veterans Day

Of course I have a lot of thoughts on Veterans Day. It’s kind of hard not too, as you are basically hit with a torrent of gratitude, most of it applied with the same amount of care and specificity of a fire hose.I wrote this last year, but it still encapsulates much of my feelings towards Veterans Day. I am less angry than I was a year ago, but that anger is still there and will always be. It is something I have recognized about myself and something I will have to manage the rest of my life.A...

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As Peace Threatens To Break Out WIth Iran, Warmongers Flip Out

Talks are progressing between Iran and “the international community” (i.e., the U.S.). A peaceful resolution may be on the horizon. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could not be more blunt in his opposition to a deal: Israel understands that there are proposals on the table in Geneva today that would ease the pressure on Iran for concessions that are not concessions at all. This proposal would allow Iran to retain the capabilities to make nuclear weapons. Israel totally opposes these...

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