RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

Blowback — The Washington War Party’s Folly Comes Home To Roost

Blowback — The Washington War Party’s Folly Comes Home To Roost

Exactly 26 years ago last week, peace was breaking out in a manner that the world had not experienced since June 1914. The Berlin Wall—-the symbol of a century of state tyranny, grotesque mass warfare and the nuclear sword of Damocles hanging over the planet—-had come tumbling down on November 9, 1989. It was only a matter of time before the economically decrepit Soviet regime would be no more, and that the world’s vast arsenal of weapons and nuclear bombs could be dismantled. Indeed, shortly...

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Paris and What Should Be Done

Paris and What Should Be Done

The horrific attacks in Paris on Friday have, predictably, led to much over-reaction and demands that we do more of the exact things that radicalize people and make them want to attack us. The French military wasted no time bombing Syria in retaliation for the attacks, though it is not known where exactly the attackers were from. Thousands of ISIS fighters in Syria are not Syrian, but came to Syria to overthrow the Assad government from a number of foreign countries -- including from France...

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Opting Out: A Small Step for Peace

Opting Out: A Small Step for Peace

Let’s discuss conscientious objection. For those who don’t know what it is, conscientious objection is a moral or religious opposition to war. It is essentially the refusal to participate on moral or religious grounds. So I am a conscientious objector. Interestingly enough, before I conscientiously objected, I was an F-15E fighter pilot. I deployed twice to Afghanistan, and I sincerely regret to say that I have killed people. That is a heavy burden for an honest person to carry whether it’s...

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Ron Paul is Right About Terrorism

Ron Paul is Right About Terrorism

I saw George Stephanopolous and his panel of Bill Kristol and 3 other neocons this morning. They all agreed: Trump is dead because people will want a man experienced in government and foreign and intelligence affairs, like the puppet Rubio. Or like the heads of the French state? Also, the US must invade Syria, murder Assad, install al-Qaeda, and finish the destruction of that country for the benefit of the empire and the local mini-empire. An anti-Islamist Arab leader cannot be allowed to...

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The City of Light Falls Dark

The City of Light Falls Dark

On Friday the 13th, Paris, the City of Light, was plunged into darkness and fear. At least eight young jihadists, allegedly from the so-called Islamic State group, attacked the national sports stadium, where President Francois Hollande was attending a soccer match with Germany’s foreign minister. They also attacked outdoor cafes, a pizzeria and a rock club. As of this writing, 127 civilians were killed and dozens wounded. All of the attackers are believed to have died. For the second time this...

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Paris: You Don’t Want to Read This

Paris: You Don’t Want to Read This

You don’t want to read this, and I take no pleasure in writing it, and no one really wants to hear it right now. But I believe it needs to be said. I join the world in grieving for the dead in Paris. I have grieved for the dead from 9/11 forward — the Australians who died in terror attacks on Bali in 2005, Londoners who died in terror attacks in 2005, the French citizens who died in the Charlie Hebdo attacks in January of this year, the Russians whose plane went down over the Sinai a week or...

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Paid Patriotism: The Artist Formerly Known as ‘Propaganda’

Paid Patriotism: The Artist Formerly Known as ‘Propaganda’

Last week, Senators Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and John McCain (R-AZ) released a report revealing the Department of Defense paid professional sports teams to host “patriotic events.” Anyone who has ever attended a sporting event knows these well. Military personnel are featured on the jumbotron, huge flags are spread across the field, returning veterans are named “hometown heroes,” or asked to participate in half-time contests, ceremonial first pitches, and other activities intended to honor the US...

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How Ukraine’s Finance Chief Got Rich

How Ukraine’s Finance Chief Got Rich

Before becoming Ukraine’s Finance Minister last December, Natalie Jaresko collected $1.77 million in bonuses from a US-taxpayer-financed investment fund where her annual compensation was supposed to be limited to $150,000, according to financial documents filed with the US Internal Revenue Service this year. The near 12-fold discrepancy between the compensation ceiling and Jaresko’s bonuses, paid in 2013, was justified in the IRS filing from the Jaresko-led Western NIS Enterprise Fund (WNISEF)...

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Thanking Iraq War Veterans For Their Service

Thanking Iraq War Veterans For Their Service

I wonder what goes through the mind of an Iraq War veteran when someone says, “Thank you for your service.” I wonder if he ever asks himself, “What exactly am I being thanked for?” Consider what the Bush administration did to US soldiers on the eve of the US invasion of Iraq. Bush and his people, many of whom had avoided the draft during the Vietnam War, knew that many soldiers had serious misgivings about invading Iraq. After all, neither the Iraqi people nor the Iraqi government had ever...

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Who Would Dr. Ben Kill?

Who Would Dr. Ben Kill?

GOP Presidential candidate and retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson is unafraid to wear his Christian values on his sleeve. Indeed he has rocketed to frontrunner status on the strength of his popularity with Evangelical Christians in the US. But thanks to Lew Rockwell for pointing out the shocking anti-Christian core of Ben Carson's "Christianity." Carson rips to shreds a central component of the ancient Christian "Just War" theory: the idea of distinction once war has begun (Jus in...

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The Deep State: The Unelected Shadow Government Is Here to Stay

The Deep State: The Unelected Shadow Government Is Here to Stay

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government, owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.” ― Theodore Roosevelt America’s next president will inherit more than a bitterly divided nation teetering on the brink of financial catastrophe when he or she assumes office. He will also inherit a shadow government, one that is fully operational and staffed by unelected officials who are, in essence, running the country. To be precise, however, the...

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Missile Test Terrorism Over Los Angeles

Missile Test Terrorism Over Los Angeles

“Wait, what the f*** is that?” Julien Solomita finally managed to spit that out after two minutes of dumbfounded silence, as he recorded an unidentified flying object from a rooftop parking lot in Van Nuys, California on Saturday night. He had been gathering footage for his video blog when he noticed a strange light in the sky. The light flared several times before developing a tail that expanded into a purple cone. The object then radiated nebulous purple rings and burst into a bright white...

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A Warmonger’s Guide to Militarism and Imperialism

A Warmonger’s Guide to Militarism and Imperialism

When Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton was an undergraduate at Harvard he took time out to become a “Publius Fellow” at the “Straussian” neocon Pentagon propaganda mill known as the Claremont Institute in Claremont, California. After graduating he returned to Claremont Graduate School to pursue graduate studies in “government” under the tutelage of the “Straussians” there, but dropped out to pursue a law degree instead. He then joined the US Army, eventually going to Iraq to kill Muslims. All of...

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Paris and What Should Be Done

Does the Bell Toll for the Fed?

Last week Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen hinted that the Federal Reserve Board will increase interest rates at the board’s December meeting. The positive jobs report that was released following Yellen’s remarks caused many observers to say that the Federal Reserve’s first interest rate increase in almost a decade is practically inevitable. However, there are several reasons to doubt that the Fed will increase rates anytime in the near future. One reason is that the official unemployment...

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Victoria Nuland’s Capitol Hill Comedy of Errors

Victoria Nuland’s Capitol Hill Comedy of Errors

Wednesday's hearing in the House Foreign Affairs Committee was a comedy of errors, starting with the loaded title: "US Policy After Russia’s Escalation in Syria." The hearing featured two Assistant Secretaries of State as witnesses, Victoria "cookies" Nuland, in charge of European and Eurasian Affairs, and Anne Patterson with Near Eastern Affairs duty at State. Starting with the title, yes, "escalation." Apparently four years of active US regime change policy in Syria is not "escalation." Four...

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Reinventing Guns and Butter Politics for the 21st Century

Reinventing Guns and Butter Politics for the 21st Century

The Center of American Progress (CAP) is a prominent Democratic "think tank" in the Hall of Mirrors that is Versailles on the Potomac. The CAP brands itself by saying it is "dedicated to improving the lives of Americans through progressive ideas and action." The Center also claims it presents a liberal viewpoint on economic issues. Its blog, inaptly named “Think Progress," is widely read among avant-garde "progressives." The blog and the CAP itself are quite useless for people trying to...

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