Featured Articles

Don’t Tax the Rich. End the Fed!

Don’t Tax the Rich. End the Fed!

Select politicians, government officials, economic elites, and experts arriving at the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland were greeted with an open letter signed by more than 250 billionaires and millionaires. The signers request their respective governments raise their taxes. The letter signers are concerned about “inequality” that they say “has reached a tipping point.” The cost of this inequality “to our economic, societal and ecological stability risk,” the letter...

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Watch Those Houthis – They Are Pretty Tough

Watch Those Houthis – They Are Pretty Tough

The first time I went to remote Yemen, this wild, mountainous nation was just creeping into the 7th Century AD. That was 45 years ago. There was only one hotel in the capital, Sanaa, and it was booked up with European businessmen trying to sell junk to the Yemenis. I had to sleep on a cot in the dining room and be up before breakfast. The ruler back in the day was a despot known to his less than loving subjects as ‘Ahmed the Devil.’ He liked to nail subjects who displeased him to the palace...

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The Emperor’s New Clothes

The Emperor’s New Clothes

Just as a fictional emperor paid his tailors a fortune for clothes that no one could see, and then marched naked in a grand public procession while his subjects roared with laughter, so, too, is President Joe Biden attempting to march clothed with the Constitution he dishonors. He will have the same fate as the emperor. Last week, Biden used the U.S. Navy to attack militias in Yemen. He did so after learning that the militias had attacked non-American ships carrying goods and fuel destined for...

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Gut Feelings Make for Strategic Errors – US Lured Into Battlescape in Gaza, Yemen and Now Iraq

Gut Feelings Make for Strategic Errors – US Lured Into Battlescape in Gaza, Yemen and Now Iraq

China and Russia have been remarkably quiet, watching carefully the global tectonic plates shifting around in response to the “two wars” (Ukraine and Israel’s “multiwar”). Really it is not surprising; both states can sit back to simply watch Biden and his team persist with their strategic mistakes in Ukraine and in Israel’s multiple wars. The interlacing of the two wars will, of course, shape the new era. There are substantive risks, but for now they can observe with comfort from afar as a...

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MLK Was Right

MLK Was Right

Martin Luther King called the U.S. government the “greatest purveyor of violence in the world.” No one can legitimately deny that he was right. At the time he made his statement, King was referring to the untold death, suffering, and destruction that the Pentagon and the CIA were unleashing on the people of Vietnam. But after that war ended, the U.S. national-security establishment continued wreaking death, destruction, and suffering across the world. Of course, there was lots of death and...

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Killing the Messenger

Killing the Messenger

This article first appeared in an update to RPI subscribers. Subscribe for free here. One call from the White House or State Department could have saved California-born journalist Gonzalo Lira's life. Living in Ukraine-controlled Kharkov (to be close to his children), Lira saw early on, from his unique vantage point, that the propaganda being fed to the American people from the mainstream media about that "plucky little democracy" in Ukraine fighting to protect "our values" was, as is all...

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Don’t Tax the Rich. End the Fed!

Congress Asleep as Biden Makes War on Yemen

Late last week President Biden started a new US war on the tiny country of Yemen. US warships and fighter jets launched more than a hundred missiles at the country in a massive escalation that the Administration bizarrely claimed would “de-escalate” tensions in the Red Sea. Taking the US to war without a Congressional declaration of war is a grave crime against the Constitution. Not only did Biden show no interest in coming to Congress for a war declaration, he didn’t even ask for...

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American Citizen Gonzalo Lira Dies From Neglect in Ukrainian Prison

American Citizen Gonzalo Lira Dies From Neglect in Ukrainian Prison

Chilean-American war commentator Gonzalo Lira died shortly before noon on January, 11, 2024 at a hospital in Kharkiv, where he had been imprisoned for eight months since he was accused of justifying Russian war efforts in Ukraine. Lira came to prominence in 2022 when he emerged as a critical voice in an increasingly dictatorial Ukraine. His arrest in May 2023 on charges of “production and dissemination of materials justifying Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine” helped to...

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Israel Goes to Court for the Crime of Genocide

Israel Goes to Court for the Crime of Genocide

A friend of mine who follows international developments closely recently observed that the United States and Israel have “own goaled” themselves to become widely perceived as together the two most evil governments on earth. It is a judgement that is hard to disagree with regarding the Jewish state if one examines the abundant evidence that Israel is systematically committing war crimes against the largely unarmed Palestinian civilian population in an effort to bring about ethnic cleansing or...

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RFK Jr.’s ‘Unconditional’ Support for Israel is Costing His Campaign for President

RFK Jr.’s ‘Unconditional’ Support for Israel is Costing His Campaign for President

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s staffers keep resigning. Many antiwar Americans were thrilled when Kennedy announced last spring that he’d be running against Joe Biden in this year’s primaries and that he’d hired former Democratic congressman Dennis Kucinich to be his campaign manager. But Kucinich quit in the middle of October. At the beginning of November, Kennedy’s field team, led by former California congressman Dana Rorabacher’s wife Rhonda, quit too. Then in December,...

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Milk and the Police State

Milk and the Police State

Last week, in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, state troopers and investigators executed a search warrant on the farm of Amos Miller. Miller has been producing fresh unadulterated dairy products and grass-fed beef for 40 years. He does not sell to the public. Rather, he sells only to folks who join his club because they want pure raw dairy products, not pasteurized and not chemically treated, as the state commands. The members of Miller’s club believe that they own their own bodies and that...

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Rep. Nancy Mace’s ‘White Privilege’ Nonsense

Rep. Nancy Mace’s ‘White Privilege’ Nonsense

During a Wednesday United States House of Representatives Oversight and Accountability Committee meeting regarding whether President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden should be found in contempt for failing to show up to answer questions after receiving a House subpoena, Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) directed an astoundingly ridiculous comment toward Hunter Biden who was sitting in the front row of the audience. “You are the epitome of white privilege,” Mace told Biden. Hold on. Seriously? Hunter Biden is...

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Blinken’s Window Dressing Tour of Arab Capitals

Blinken’s Window Dressing Tour of Arab Capitals

The expectation raised by the United States in allowing a UN Security Council resolution on Gaza pass through on December 22, 2023 without having to exercise its veto — albeit a watered-down one that stopped short of calling for ceasefire — was that the manifest international isolation facing Washington and Tel Aviv would inevitably impact Israel’s options going forward.  However, there are contrarian trends. Israel started the new year by ordering the withdrawal of part of its military...

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Something Lost, Never to Be Found Again

Something Lost, Never to Be Found Again

A strange ennui and distracted attention envelops the West today. Hat-tip to Simplicius’ Bones of Tomorrow, in which he reflects on a Culture that has become debased; its lures that used to trap us into the “Myth of the West” lie withered, as patently false idols. The dimming fire has squandered any sense of “magic” in the guttering West, or indeed of hope to recoup this something “lost.” It is the wistful realisation that – as it stands – the myth is never likely to offer...

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A Nation of Non-Compliers

A Nation of Non-Compliers

The train wasn’t scheduled for another 20 minutes, so I had a chance to contemplate the official sign on the door of the huge elevator leading to the platform. It said that only four people are allowed in because we must all practice social distancing. There was a helpful map of the interior of the elevator with stick figures telling people exactly where to stand.  Yes, these stickers are still everywhere. I recall when they first went up, sometime in April 2020. They seemed oddly uniform...

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Family of Ashli Babbitt Files $30 Million Wrongful Death Action

Family of Ashli Babbitt Files $30 Million Wrongful Death Action

The long-awaited tort action from the family of Ashli Babbitt has now been filed in Southern California. Babbitt was shot and killed on Jan. 6th and her family is seeking $30 million in a wrongful death action. Equally important, the lawsuit could force additional answers to why Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd shot and killed the unarmed protester as she attempted to climb through a window near the House Chamber. I have previously raised concerns over the shooting as conflicting with...

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Peace & Prosperity Blog

New Jersey Eliminates a Tax

New Jersey Eliminates a Tax

New Jersey has a reputation as a high tax state. This month, something happened that should pare back that reputation some: The state eliminated its sales tax on medical...

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