RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

Will the CIA Retaliate Against Trump?

Will the CIA Retaliate Against Trump?

In a truly remarkable bit of honesty and candor regarding the U.S. national-security establishment, new Senate minority leader Charles Schumer has accused President-elect Trump of “being really dumb.”Was Schumer referring to Trump’s ideology, philosophy, or knowledge about economics or foreign policy?None of the above. According to an article in The Hill, he told Rachel Maddow on her show that Trump was dumb for taking on the CIA and questioning its conclusions regarding Russia.“Let me tell...

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Where Was Meryl Streep When Obama Was Prosecuting Whistleblowers & Bombing Weddings?

Where Was Meryl Streep When Obama Was Prosecuting Whistleblowers & Bombing Weddings?

Okay, first let’s get one thing out of the way: I adore Meryl Streep. Judge all you want, but The Devil Wears Prada is a classic and I won’t apologize for saying it.Streep’s anti-Trump speech on Sunday night at the Golden Globes was a sublime performance. It was delivered with emotion and grace. A real tear-jerker for anyone worried about the oncoming era of Trump.And yet... it also stank. It reeked, in fact. Of pure, unadulterated hypocrisy. Because Streep, sadly, is that common breed of...

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Washington Invented Hacking and Interfering in Elections

Washington Invented Hacking and Interfering in Elections

Is the United States the victim of an unprovoked cyber and media attack by Russia and China or are the chickens coming home to roost after Washington’s own promotion of such activity worldwide? On Thursday Director of National Intelligence James Clapper asserted to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that while no foreign government had been able to interfere with actual voting machines, “US agencies are more confident than ever that Russia interfered in America’s recent presidential...

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The Globalists’ Russia Game

The Globalists’ Russia Game

Thanks to Barak Obama’s most recent expression of his low character and a foreign policy weirdly akin to fantasy-baseball gone bad, thirty-five US-resident Russian diplomats and their families targeted for rapid deportation feared a frantic search in the holiday crunch for open seats on flights to Moscow.On Friday, Russia sent an Ilyushin 11-96 to collect everyone and the families’ panic that they might not make their deportation deadlines receded. The embassy’s two retreats, one in New York...

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Trump Must Expose Obama-era Power Grabs

Trump Must Expose Obama-era Power Grabs

President-elect Donald Trump will face pervasive doubts about his legitimacy from the day he takes office. His opponents will likely portray him as governing in unprecedented and reckless ways. The best response to such charges is to open the books and expose how the Obama administration commandeered far more power than most Americans realized.Trump should follow the excellent precedent set by President Obama. In 2009, shortly after he took office, Obama released many of the secret Bush...

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Will Obama’s ‘Good War’ in Afghanistan Continue?

Will Obama’s ‘Good War’ in Afghanistan Continue?

Last week, as the mainstream media continued to obsess over the CIA’s evidence-free claim that the Russians hacked the presidential election, President Obama quietly sent 300 US Marines back into Afghanistan’s Helmand Province. This is the first time in three years that the US military has been sent into that conflict zone, and it represents a final failure of Obama’s Afghanistan policy. The outgoing president promised that by the end of his second term, the US military would only be present...

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Stop Demonizing North Korea and Talk Business

Stop Demonizing North Korea and Talk Business

North Korea has "entered the final stage of preparation for the test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile(ICBM)." So crowed North Korea’s young leader, Kim Jong-un, in his New Year’s Day message aimed at tough-talking US president-elect, Donald Trump.In case there was any doubt about Pyongyang’s meaning, Kim warned his nation would continue to build its ‘capability for preemptive strike’ as long as the US and its allies continued their nuclear threats and "war games they stage on...

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Is That All There Is? Intel Community Releases Its Russia ‘Hacking’ Report

Is That All There Is? Intel Community Releases Its Russia ‘Hacking’ Report

Cartoon of RT editor Margarita Simonyan from today's Intelligence Community AssessmentThe much-anticipated Intelligence Community report backing up its claims that the Russians hacked the US elections in November has just been released. Titled "Declassified Intelligence Community Assessment of Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections," the report is long on speculation and short on any evidence for the claims it was supposed to prove. It even came with a warning label stating...

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Here’s Why the US Elite Fear RT

Here’s Why the US Elite Fear RT

James Clapper, the US Director of National Intelligence, on the basis of his comments to the Senate committee on Thursday about RT, would appear to agree with Alex Jones in thinking ‘there’s a war on for your mind’. I happen to disagree. I think there’s a race to the bottom, in order to see how much the American deep state and Congressional supporters of Obama’s neo-liberal ideology can condescend to ordinary Americans.The truth behind the ‘media wars’ is far less exotic, let alone dramatic...

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‘Surreal Echo Chamber’ – Challenging the ‘Russia Hacked US Elections’ Narrative

Did the Russians hack the US elections? In a Senate hearing yesterday, National Intelligence Director James Clapper assured the Senators that Russia had indeed taken a role in affecting the outcome of the US election. The proof was not supplied, however, and Clapper's credibility as a witness is tainted by his admitted previous lie before Congress. RPI Director Daniel McAdams joins a panel on RT to discuss the Russia hacking claims, the credibility of the US mainstream media, and more in this...

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Purge the CIA

Purge the CIA

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified at a hearing on “Russian interference” in the election that there’s a difference between “skepticism” of the intelligence community’s assessment and “disparagement” of said community. While stopping short of asking for a “safe space,” this admitted liar used the opportunity to cry on the shoulders of Donald Trump’s assembled enemies: “We’re not perfect,” he burbled, but hey everybody makes mistakes.Clapper’s remarks were clearly aimed...

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The Coup Against Truth

The Coup Against Truth

Jon Rappoport’s mocking of the US presstitutes is superb: Vladimir Putin is the secret president of the United States.Yep. That’s it. The US is now the USSR. It’s all over. Trump is a Communist who took orders from Putin. Trump is a Red. That was his game all along. He’s a billionaire Commie. Ridicule is effective, and nothing deserves ridicule more than the Washington Post, New York, Times, CNN, and the rest of the presstitutes who pretend to be real journalists. But as I have emphasized, and...

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Foreign Policy Blowback in Germany

Foreign Policy Blowback in Germany

Ever since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, one of the things that has fascinated me most is the response of the mainstream media. Supporting the retaliatory invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, ever-increasing budgets for the national-security establishment, and constantly expanding infringements on civil liberties and privacy, mainstream reporters, commentators, and pundits have steadfastly resisted focusing on the root cause of anti-American terrorism: deadly foreign interventionism on the part of...

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America or Israel? Quislings in Congress and the Media Need to Decide Which Comes First

America or Israel? Quislings in Congress and the Media Need to Decide Which Comes First

I am reluctant to write about the “Israel problem” at the heart of US foreign policy two weeks in a row but it seems that the story just will not go away as the usual suspects pile on the Barack Obama Administration over its alleged betrayal of America’s “best and greatest friend and ally in the whole world.” Even as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his gaggle of war criminals continue to foam at the mouth over the United Nations vote it is, in truth, difficult to blame Israel for...

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Will Obama’s ‘Good War’ in Afghanistan Continue?

Good News: Washington Frozen Out of Syria Peace Plan

As the US mainstream media obsessed last week about Russia's supposed “hacking” of the US elections and President Obama’s final round of Russia sanctions in response, something very important was taking place under the media radar. As a result of a meeting between foreign ministers of Russia, Iran, and Turkey last month, a ceasefire in Syria has been worked out and is being implemented. So far it appears to be holding, and after nearly six years of horrible warfare the people of Syria are...

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Russia Hysteria Infects WashPost Again: False Story About Hacking US Electric Grid

Russia Hysteria Infects WashPost Again: False Story About Hacking US Electric Grid

The Washington Post on Friday reported a genuinely alarming event: Russian hackers have penetrated the US power system through an electrical grid in Vermont. The Post headline conveyed the seriousness of the threat: Russian operation hacked a Vermont utility, showing risk to U.S. electrical grid security, officials say The first sentence of the article directly linked this cyber-attack to alleged Russian hacking of the email accounts of the DNC and John Podesta – what is now routinely referred...

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Biden's Bank Bailout Isn't Fooling Anyone

President Biden's attempt to reassure Americans that the US banking sector is doing just fine had the opposite effect: banking stocks plunged after he spoke. Will his...

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