Eight years ago, President Obama’s administration started with hope and change. Eight years later, we end up with a legacy of nothing but waste, death, and destruction.Libertarians never had any hope, of course, that Barack Obama would dismantle any aspect of the welfare state. As a died-in-the-wool liberal, his commitment to socialism, regulation, and economic interventionism is unwavering. When, for example, he addressed the healthcare crisis brought on my Medicare, Medicaid, regulation, and...
Featured Articles
Chelsea Manning Clemency: Did Obama Do The Right Thing?
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 18, 2017 | Featured Articles
President Obama's surprise move to grant clemency to whistleblower Chelsea Manning yesterday was cheered by those who support transparency for government and jeered by those who support the national security state. What did Manning reveal? Thousands of instances of the US government breaking the law and acting against the interests of its own citizens in its activities overseas. He revealed the astronomical amount of "collateral damage," i.e. killing of civilians, as a result of the US war on...
A Demand for Russian ‘Hacking’ Proof
by Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity | Jan 18, 2017 | Featured Articles
MEMORANDUM FOR: President Barack ObamaFROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)SUBJECT: A Key Issue That Still Needs to be ResolvedAs President-elect Donald Trump prepares to take the oath of office Friday, a pall hangs over his upcoming presidency amid an unprecedentedly concerted campaign to delegitimize it. Unconfirmed accusations continue to swirl alleging that Russian President Vladimir Putin authorized “Russian hacking” that helped put Mr. Trump in the White House.As...
‘John McCain Passed Dossier to Make Trump Look Bad; Now He’s Trying to Save His Hide’
by RT | Jan 18, 2017 | Neocon Watch
McCain had a private meeting with FBI Director James Comey to hand him a dossier on Trump in a ploy to make him look bad, claims Daniel McAdams, executive director of Ron Paul Institute. Now McCain is attempting to disassociate himself from it, he added.US Senator John McCain said last week's leak of an unverified report on Russia having compromising information on Donald Trump was “totally wrong” and that someone must be held responsible for it.RT: John McCain, who passed the unverified...
Obama’s Achievement: Whitewashing Permanent Warfare With Eloquence
by Nile Bowie | Jan 18, 2017 | Featured Articles
Judging from how the mainstream media has characterized the legacy of Barack Obama so far, the outgoing president will be most remembered for his many rousing aspirational speeches and well-timed shows of emotion.His talent as a persuasive public communicator and the strength of his personal brand, bolstered by years of apple-shining from liberal magazines and newspapers, has been Obama’s most valuable asset.This perception of Obama that has been propagated from the top, the view that he is...
Who Is Michael Morell?
by Jiri Valenta | Jan 16, 2017 | Featured Articles
“No doubt Putin is playing Trump!” Yes, former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell is indeed at it again. During the presidential campaign he repeatedly attacked Donald Trump as an “unwitting agent of the Russian Federation.” In the same vein, anonymous CIA officials have supposedly provided evidence of our new president’s nefarious dealings with the Kremlin and its agents.Didn’t Trump’s own lawyer, Michael Cohen, meet in Prague with a Kremlin agent in August 2016? And isn’t this final proof of...
Abolish the CIA
by Michael S. Rozeff | Jan 16, 2017 | Featured Articles
Every American who looks at the CIA objectively or in a balanced way and judges it by any number of criteria, such as moral, legal and pragmatic, should reach the conclusion that the CIA should be abolished. JFK wanted to break it into a million pieces. Trump is right to dismiss its intelligence reports about DNC hacking. The CIA war on Trump shows us immediately that the CIA is a rogue organization within the U.S. government and a severe threat to America.The CIA is an internal threat to the...
Protesters Succeed In Preventing Conservative Speakers From Appearing At The University of California At Davis
by Jonathan Turley | Jan 15, 2017 | Featured Articles
We have been discussing the largely successful efforts by students and faculty to prevent certain conservative speakers like Milo Yiannopoulos from being able to speak on campuses. The latest such example is University of California at Davis where protesters succeeded in preventing fellow students and faculty from hearing Yiannopoulos. There is one promising element to the story however. Unlike school administrators who have either supported or yielded to the “heckler’s veto,” Interim...

Will Trump Continue the Bush-Obama Legacy?
by Ron Paul | Jan 15, 2017 | Featured Articles
This week, Congress passed a budget calling for increasing federal spending and adding $1.7 trillion to the national debt over the next ten years. Most so-called “fiscal conservatives" voted for this big-spending budget because it allows Congress to repeal some parts of Obamacare via “reconciliation." As important as it is to repeal Obamacare, it does not justify increasing spending and debt. It is disappointing, but not surprising, that the Obamacare repeal would be used to justify increasing...
Is Trump Already Finished?
by Paul Craig Roberts | Jan 14, 2017 | Featured Articles
It did not take long before we knew there was no hope of change from President Obama. But at least he went into his inauguration with an unprecedented number of Americans on the Mall showing their support for the President of Change. Hope was abundant.But with Trump, we are already losing faith, if not yet with him, at least with his choice of those who comprise his government even before Trump is inaugurated.Trump’s choice for Secretary of State not only sounds like the neoconservatives in...
The Secret Trump Dossier — What Does It Mean?
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 13, 2017 | Featured Articles
The strange UK "former" spy-produced report on information the Russians may have to compromise President-elect Donald Trump has been widely denounced and the website that released it in its entirety, BuzzFeed, criticized for irresponsibility. However, Buzzfeed has actually done us a service by letting us look at the cockamamie report in its entirety rather than filtered through biased media sources. So says RPI Director Daniel McAdams in this RT panel discussion:
One Final Expansion of the Surveillance State as Obama Heads for the Door
by Scott Shackford | Jan 13, 2017 | Featured Articles
President Barack Obama's administration ending its eight-year rule by expanding the sharing of intercepted communications and data between federal agencies may feel a little bit like a final giant middle finger to the many critics of the massive, secretive surveillance state.Attorney General Loretta Lynch just signed off on changes that will increase the ability of the National Security Agency (NSA) to share some raw intercepted data with other agencies before the process of filtering out...
Did John McCain ‘Launder’ Dodgy Trump Intel Dossier?
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 12, 2017 | Neocon Watch
We all know what money laundering is. When you need to hide the fact that the money in your possession comes by way of nefarious sources, you transfer it through legitimate sources and it appears clean on the other end. It's standard practice among thieves, extortionists, drug dealers, and the like.The same practice can even be used to "clean" intelligence that comes by dubious sources, and sometimes even US Senators may involve themselves in such dark activities. Case in point US Senator John...
House Members Offered ‘Russian Hacking’ Briefing — Two Weeks After Obama Expelled Russian Diplomats
by Adam Dick | Jan 12, 2017 | Congress Alert
US House Member Justin Amash (R-MI) announced Wednesday on Twitter that the Obama administration has agreed to the request Amash and fellow House Member Walter Jones (R-NC) made to President Barack Obama on December 19 that a classified briefing be provided for all Congress members concerning evidence being used to support claims that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 US presidential election to help Donald Trump’s campaign. Amash says in his Twitter post that the briefing will...
Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich Ask President Obama to Free Chelsea Manning
by Adam Dick | Jan 12, 2017 | Featured Articles
Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich sent a letter this week to President Barack Obama requesting that Obama “grant the application for clemency submitted by Chelsea Manning and commute her sentence to time served.” The result of Obama taking this action would be the whistleblower’s prompt release from prison. Noting that Manning “has already spent more time in prison than anyone previously convicted for providing information to the media,” the two former US House Members who have both run for...
American Troops ‘Roll Into Poland’ In Largest Deployment Since The Cold War
by Tyler Durden | Jan 12, 2017 | Featured Articles
"American soldiers rolled into Poland on Thursday, fulfilling a dream Poles have had since the fall of communism in 1989 to have US troops on their soil as a deterrent against Russia." That's how the AP begins its report on the first deployment of US soldiers into the central European country, previewed here earlier in the week as "One Of Largest Deployments Since The Cold War," even as Russia warned that the move represented a threat to its national security, and the Kremlin said "Russia...
GOP Civil War? With DeSantis And Trump, Realists Take Both Top Slots
Florida Governor and presumptive Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis shocked the GOP establishment with a statement rebuking further involvement in the Ukraine/Russia...
GOP Civil War? With DeSantis And Trump, Realists Take Both Top Slots
Mar 15, 2023
Florida Governor and presumptive Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis shocked the GOP establishment with a statement rebuking further involvement in the Ukraine/Russia...
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