House Speaker Mike Johnson betrayed liberty and the Constitution by making a full-court press to get a “clean” reauthorization of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) Act through the House. Section 702 authorizes warrantless surveillance of foreign citizens. When the FISA Act was passed, surveillance state boosters promised that 702 warrantless surveillances would never be used against American citizens. However, intelligence agencies have used a loophole in 702,...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
Restoring Some Vaccination Choice in Mississippi
Like every American state government, the Mississippi government pressures parents to ensure their children take a slew of vaccination shots as a condition for the children to...
Ron Paul’s TimCast Interview: The John F. Kennedy Assassination and Beyond
Ron Paul has stirred up some attention with his two-hours Tuesday interview at the TimCast show, including for his assessment that the United States government, and the Central...
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Registers Support in Poll a Week before Presidential Campaign Announcement Speech
It can be an arduous task to defeat the incumbent president in an American presidential primary. Yet, that is the task Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has taken upon himself. Kennedy is...
Republican Congress Members and Presidential Candidates Pushing for War in Mexico
Back in September of 2018, I criticized Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s suggestion that the United States military invade Mexico if Mexico legalizes heroin. Now, several...
Want to Attend a University where Free Speech is Respected? Don’t Write off Public Universities.
Some individuals seeking out a free speech respecting university to attend may write off state or public schools, assuming that private schools will better fit the bill. Survey...
Revisiting Ron Paul’s 2004 House Foor Speech Calling for Disbanding NATO, ‘the Sooner the Better’
On March 30, 2004 — just over 19 years ago, then-Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) concluded a United Sates House of Representatives statement with a strong admonition regarding the...
The Enriched Bread Scam
Back in grade school PE class the coach would, on occasion, have the students sit together on the gymnasium floor for a short lecture. One of those lectures I have thought about...
Hotels, a Refuge for Free Speech
This century we have seen a major crackdown on free speech in America. The crackdown has shut off much free speech, including at colleges and social media websites where free...
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