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Lockdown Hypocrisy: Why Are BLM And 'Pride' Exempt?

Lockdown Hypocrisy: Why Are BLM And 'Pride' Exempt?

Tens of thousands marched in a joint BLM/'Pride' rally over the weekend in Chicago (and elsewhere) with the blessing of the same officials who are threatening churches, forcing face masks, and ripping liquor licenses from bars that won't shut their doors (again). Claiming that "cases" are skyrocketing, officials from Texas and across the country are trying to return us to devastating lockdown. But why aren't they talking about the falling death rate? Watch today's Liberty Report:

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Lockdown Hypocrisy: Why Are BLM And 'Pride' Exempt?

New York Times takes anti-Russian hysteria to new level with report on Russian ‘bounty’ for US troops in Afghanistan

The New York Times published an article claiming that Russia was paying out monetary bounties to the Taliban to kill US troops in Afghanistan. There’s just one problem — none of what they reported was true. As news reporting goes, the New York Times article alleging that a top-secret unit within Russian military intelligence, or GRU, had offered a bounty to the Taliban for every US soldier killed in Afghanistan, was dynamite. The story was quickly “confirmed” by the Washington Post, the Wall...

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Lockdown Hypocrisy: Why Are BLM And 'Pride' Exempt?

The Media is Lying About the ‘Second Wave’

For months, the Washington Post and the rest of the mainstream media kept a morbid Covid-19 “death count” on their front pages and at the top of their news broadcasts. The coronavirus outbreak was all about the number of dead. The narrative was intended to boost governors like Cuomo in New York and Whitmer in Michigan, who turned their states authoritarian under the false notion that destroying people’s jobs, freedom, and lives would somehow keep a virus from doing what viruses always do:...

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Dick Cheney and the Neocon ‘Resistance’

Dick Cheney and the Neocon ‘Resistance’

Establishment Republicans are on the war path. They are determined, in unison with “woke” Democrats, to get rid of Donald Trump come November. In 2019, a number of these Republicans formed the so-called “Lincoln Project,” an organized effort to trash Trump and throw support behind Joe Biden, thus once again demonstrating there is very little difference between establishment Republicans and Democrats. On June 27, Darth Vader of the neocons, former vice president and war criminal Dick Cheney,...

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Cash4Covid – How hospitals are making money off the coronavirus

Cash4Covid – How hospitals are making money off the coronavirus

Hospitals in the US are getting money for diagnosing Covid19. They get more money if those patients are then put on ventilators. It’s time we really started thinking about what that means. Early on in the launch of the Sars-Cov-2/Covid19 “pandemic”, it was revealed by Dr Scott Jensen that hospitals in the US were getting paid bonuses for diagnosing Covid19 in their patients, and then larger bonuses again if those patients were put on ventilators. We’re not fact-checking that. We don’t need to....

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Cash4Covid – How hospitals are making money off the coronavirus

Washington Sailing on Collision Course With China

As of this month, the United States is deploying three of its aircraft carriers simultaneously to patrol the Pacific in what is designed to be a clear threat to China. Each carrier strike group comprises destroyers, aircraft and submarines. The US has 11 aircraft carriers in total. Rear Admiral Stephen Koehler, director of operations at Indo-Pacific Command, is quoted as saying of the unusual deployment. “Carriers and carrier strike groups writ large are phenomenal symbols of American naval...

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Lockdown Hypocrisy: Why Are BLM And 'Pride' Exempt?

Again, What Were the Benefits of Locking Down?

The school closures, stay home orders, shuttering of businesses, banning of elective surgeries, closure of physical entertainment events, blocked flights, and sudden imposition of a central plan – it all happened suddenly from mid-March in the course of only a few days, and to enormous shock on the part of people who had previously taken their freedom and rights for granted.  Despite enormous pressure from Washington, eight states did not lock down or used a very light touch: South Dakota,...

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Lockdown Hypocrisy: Why Are BLM And 'Pride' Exempt?

The 'Greatest' Generation’s Refusal to Fight the 'Good War'

The most sacred shibboleth of US foreign interventionists is World War II. Whenever the issue of foreign interventionism arises, you can count on interventionists to raise what they call the “good war” and the “greatest” generation who fought it. If the “greatest” generation had not intervened in the “good war,” they exclaim, Nazi Germany and imperial Japan would have ended up conquering the United States and the rest of the world. Yet, there is an important oddity about World War II that is...

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Lockdown Hypocrisy: Why Are BLM And 'Pride' Exempt?

We left Libya in ruins. Now, it's a crucible of terror that has come back to haunt us

The CIA calls it ‘blowback’, when the unintended consequences of what seemed like a good policy at the time come back to bite you. The classic example is Western sponsorship of radical Islamist fighters against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s. That covert war against the Kremlin was a significant factor in crippling Communism in Russia which was a good thing, surely? It certainly seemed cost-free for America — until that bright morning of September 11, 2001, when Afghan-based...

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Lockdown Hypocrisy: Why Are BLM And 'Pride' Exempt?

D.C. Delegate Asks The Right Question After Bizarre Incident Near White House

NBC correspondent Andrea Mitchell and Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) had a bizarre encounter yesterday when a man dressed only in a bra and panties rushed then near Black Lives Matter Square and the area claimed earlier as the “Black House Autonomous Zone.” Mitchell immediately asked “where’s the police” and Norton added “where’s the police when you need them?” It is a question that many of us have been asking D.C. officials for weeks as police have stood by and watched statues...

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Lockdown Hypocrisy: Why Are BLM And 'Pride' Exempt?

‘Stay Home Stay Safe’ … Say What?

Near the top at a Dallas County, Texas government COVID-19 web page, just below a link people can click on to find out about a “job opportunity” in the county’s new “contact tracing” surveillance program begun in the name of countering coronavirus, there is a chart titled “TODAY’S COVID-19 RISK LEVEL.” Lit up is the highest risk level on the chart, appearing on a red background: “STAY HOME STAY SAFE.” You can see other governments across America promoting a similar message of fear at their...

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Cash4Covid – How hospitals are making money off the coronavirus

Year Zero in America

I’ll bet most Americans don’t know who Pol Pot was. Pol Pot was a Marxist-Leninist, a student of Mao, and the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Kampuchea from 1963 to 1981. He turned Cambodia into a one-party dictatorship. He dreamed of converting his country into an agrarian socialist society he believed would evolve into a communist society. In order to realize that objective, millions were forced to toil in the countryside. “Bad elements” and “New People”—intellectuals, government...

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Lockdown Hypocrisy: Why Are BLM And 'Pride' Exempt?

The Federal Reserve is Getting Desperate

In a sign that the Federal Reserve is growing increasingly desperate to jump-start the economy, the Fed’s Secondary Market Credit Facility has begun purchasing individual corporate bonds. The Secondary Market Credit Facility was created by Congress as part of a coronavirus stimulus bill to purchase as much as 750 billion dollars of corporate credit. Until last week, the Secondary Market Credit Facility had limited its purchases to exchange-traded funds, which are bundled groups of stocks or...

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Lockdown Hypocrisy: Why Are BLM And 'Pride' Exempt?

‘Pro-liberty’ Texas Governor Greg Abbott Supports Governments Ordering Businesses to Order People to Wear Masks

Texas Governor Greg Abbot, in an April 27 executive order concerning coronavirus, declared: “Individuals are encouraged to wear appropriate face coverings, but no jurisdiction can impose a civil or criminal penalty for failure to wear a face covering.” This executive order provision stopped in their tracks local governments that sought to enforce mask mandates as part of their coronavirus crackdowns. Because of his stand against mask mandates, Abbott gained praise for defending liberty. But,...

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Lockdown Hypocrisy: Why Are BLM And 'Pride' Exempt?

Black Lives Matter protests win medical approval, but not Trump rallies. Is Covid-19 a card-carrying Democrat?

As Donald Trump prepares for his first political rally in months, Liberals are hand-wringing over the event, saying it will be a coronavirus “super spreader.” Where were such fears just days ago, amid massive anti-police protests? Oh, what a difference a Black Lives Matter protest, and a Trump political rally in an election year, can make. As destructive as the Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa protests may have been, they did carry, for one faint moment, a silver lining: America seemed to...

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