“The things we were worried would happen are happening.”—Angus Johnston, professor at the City University of New York No one is safe. No one is immune. No one gets spared the anguish, fear and heartache of living under the shadow of an authoritarian police state. That’s the message being broadcast 24/7 with every new piece of government propaganda, every new law that criminalizes otherwise lawful activity, every new policeman on the beat, every new surveillance camera casting a watchful eye,...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
Time For a Cleansing
The NAACP is demanding that the giant carving at Stone Mountain, GA, of Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, and Stonewall Jackson be sandblasted into oblivion. Off with the pagan...
Ron Paul Takes on Neocon: ‘We’ve Got a Schizophrenic Foreign Policy’
We're with the Iranians because we are both fighting ISIS but we're against the Iranians because they are on the side of Assad. That is why RPI Chairman Ron Paul described our...
Kiev’s Contradictions
With the extremist "Right Sector" militias beginning to foment unrest in western Ukraine, will US-backed president Poroshenko move against his most dedicated storm troopers or...
You Are Invited to Ron Paul’s Birthday Party! — Saturday, August 15 in Lake Jackson, Texas
Former US House Member and presidential candidate Ron Paul is having a birthday party the afternoon of Saturday, August 15 in his hometown of Lake Jackson, Texas. And you are...
Hey, Obama, How About Freeing the Nearly 100,000 Drug War Victims in US Prisons?
With President Barack Obama announcing Monday the commutation of the sentences of 46 US government prisoners, Reuters calculates that the president “has now commuted the...
Ron Paul Talks ‘Swords into Plowshares’ on the Tom Woods Show
Former US presidential candidate and US House member Ron Paul and libertarian multi-bestselling author Tom Woods offered an enticing preview of Paul’s new book Swords into...
RPI’s Adam Dick Tells Alaska Radio Listeners of Politicians Gone Bad
On Saturday, July 4, Ron Paul Institute Senior Fellow Adam Dick took Fairbanks, Alaska KFAR radio listeners on a tour of American politicians gone bad. Taking calls and speaking...
New Ron Paul Book!
Ron has written many important books, but I think his latest is the most important for our time: Swords into Plowshares. Ron, movingly and eloquently, describes his lifetime of...
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