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Turn Out the Lights, Russiagate is Over

Turn Out the Lights, Russiagate is Over

Seldom mentioned among the motives behind the persistent drumming on alleged Russian interference was an over-arching need to help the Security State hide their tracks. The need for a scapegoat to blame for Hillary Clinton’s snatching defeat out of the jaws victory also played a role; as did the need for the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think-Tank complex (MICIMATT) to keep front and center in the minds of Americans the alleged multifaceted threat coming from...

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Turn Out the Lights, Russiagate is Over

Hacksawing the Economy: How Lockdowns Are in the Tradition of Civil War Surgeons

Politicians and government health officials’ justification for decreeing shutdowns of vast swaths of American life has been deterring the spread of COVID-19. According to Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell, almost 40 percent of households earning less than $40,000 per year have a member who has lost their job in recent months. Depression, drug abuse, and suicide are spiking as a result of the lockdowns and “shelter-in-place” commands. Infection rates and deaths have soared despite severe...

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Turn Out the Lights, Russiagate is Over

Coronavirus 'Contact Tracers' – The Tools Of Dictatorship

Thanks to trillions in "bailout money" passed by Congress, thousands of "contact tracers" will soon descend on the country demanding to test people for the coronavirus, to track down those they've been in contact with, and potentially to impose involuntary quarantine. Are we OK with the government tracking our every movement under the guise of fighting a virus that appears to have nearly run its course in the US? Also - Oregon fights back against dictatorial governor and several US states...

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Turn Out the Lights, Russiagate is Over

The Wimps of Major League Baseball

Major League Baseball is apparently going to replace "Take me out to the ballgame" with "Watch us cower before empty stands from the safety of your television". MLB has put together a draft health-and-safety manual in the wake of the COVID-19 panic, reports Yahoo Sports. Think of it as the cower manual. In many ways, it is dumber than the draconian measures implemented by power freak state and local government officials. MLB is a private organization so as far as I am concerned they can do...

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Turn Out the Lights, Russiagate is Over

Avoid The Beef Shortage With This One Simple Trick – With Guest Rep. Thomas Massie

With the ominous warnings of a meat shortage as the coronavirus scare destroys supply lines, US Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) has a great idea of how we can insure the safety and availability of food sources. Massie also pulls back the screen to reveal how Washington's endless covid bailout bills are working well for the well-connected instead of those really suffering. Don't miss this very special episode! Today on the Liberty Report:

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Turn Out the Lights, Russiagate is Over

Home of the Brave?

The United States of America was founded by brave men and women. People who were willing to put their very lives on the line to take a calculated risk in order to enjoy a better life of freedom, liberty and economic opportunity. They were not immune to fear but were willing to face those fears by leaving their ancestral homes. They willingly, even eagerly plunged into the wild unknown for what they hoped would be a brighter future for themselves, their families and their posterity.   Many of...

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Turn Out the Lights, Russiagate is Over

Listening to the Coronavirus 'Experts' Has Led to Death and Despair

On April 21st the Washington Post savaged Georgia governor Brian Kemp’s decision to begin opening his state after locking down for weeks. “Georgia leads the race to become America’s No. 1 Death Destination,” sneered the headline.The author, liberal pundit Dana Milbank, actually found the possibility of Georgians dying to be hilarious, suggesting that, “as a promotion, Georgia could offer ventilators to the first 100 hotel guests to register.”Milbank, who is obviously still getting paid while...

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The Media and Pundits Are Lying: The Flynn Unmasking Was Uncommon and Unusual

The Media and Pundits Are Lying: The Flynn Unmasking Was Uncommon and Unusual

The Deep State propaganda machine is spinning at hyperdrive. You are being repeatedly told that unmasking is common. Nothin unusual here. Move along. Reminds me of the scene from the Naked Gun when faux detective Frank Drebin tried to tell people they were not seeing what they were seeing. Leave it to lying Jimmy Clapper to pop up as one of the prevaricators eager to feed a false meme to a gullible public. He is caught up in the unmasking with his metaphorical pants down around his ankles and...

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Turn Out the Lights, Russiagate is Over

Washington Governor Jay Inslee’s Conscription of Restaurants to Surveil Diners

Isn’t lifting the prohibition on reopening businesses that were required to close in the coronavirus crackdown supposed to provide greater respect for individual rights? It seems that that is not the view of some politicians, including Washington Governor Jay Inslee. Inslee announced on Monday that some restaurants will be permitted to reopen for in-restaurant dining at 50 percent capacity. That is not great, but at least it is a start. But, here’s a catch: Inslee mandated that restaurants...

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Turn Out the Lights, Russiagate is Over

Do the Most Severe Lockdowns Coincide to the Highest COVID-19 Death Rates?

The organization Our World in Data is running an article on the severity of government lockdown policies used to deal with the Covid-19 disease, “How Are Governments Responding to the Coronavirus Pandemic?”. It is shows rankings of the severity (“stringency”) on nine measures of lockdown policies throughout the world; it also addresses testing and tracking. A click-able global map showing overall lockdown severity ratings for individual countries can be found here. The measures Our World in...

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In Times of Crisis, We Need Freedom More Than Ever

In Times of Crisis, We Need Freedom More Than Ever

In the past few weeks, all around the world, governments have held their own citizens hostage in the name of “protecting the people.” What they have failed to understand is that, every restriction they put in place comes at a cost. By forcing the lockdown on its citizens, the government has taken away the ability for private individuals to assess that cost for themselves. The wounds that coronavirus has inflicted on society will only be deepened by the unheralded amount of government...

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Turn Out the Lights, Russiagate is Over

The US is Dramatically Overcounting Coronavirus Deaths

Over 86,500 people have reportedly died in the United States from the Coronavirus, and the fear generated by those deaths is driving the public policy debate. But that number is a dramatic overcount. Our metrics include deaths that have nothing to do with the virus. The problem is even worse as the Centers for Disease Control over counts even some of these cases and the government has created financial incentives for this misreporting. Relying on these flawed numbers is destroying businesses...

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Laying Waste To The American Economy And The Doctors’ Plot

Laying Waste To The American Economy And The Doctors’ Plot

Today the Wall Street Journal has a story on how the debt-ridden households of America are coming to the end of their ropes. But its MSM narrative for the default calamity now gathering a ferocious head of steam could not be more ass-backwards: Lenders are declining to defer payments for some borrowers who were behind on their payments before the coronavirus laid waste to the U.S. economy. Baloney! Or as Dennis Prager tartly observed: The forcible prevention of Americans from doing anything...

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Twin Pillars of Russiagate Crumble

Twin Pillars of Russiagate Crumble

House Intelligence Committee documents released Thursday reveal that the committee was told two and half years ago that the FBI had no concrete evidence that Russia hacked Democratic National Committee computers to filch the DNC emails published by WikiLeaks in July 2016. The until-now-buried, closed-door testimony came on Dec. 5, 2017 from Shawn Henry, a protege of former FBI Director Robert Mueller (from 2001 to 2012), for whom Henry served as head of the Bureau’s cyber crime investigations...

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How Bad Is It?

How Bad Is It?

How bad is it? That is the question on everyone's mind as we come to grips with the economic carnage caused by global economic shutdowns, supply chain disruptions, and ongoing quarantines of million of people. Do we face another Great Depression, or simply a deep recession more like 2008? And equally important, are soft Americans prepared for either? Have we started to process all of this psychologically? Have we really come to terms with the enormity of the situation, with the unprecedented...

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Turn Out the Lights, Russiagate is Over

Does Trump know his own government indirectly bankrolls some key promoters of the ‘Russiagate’ hoax?

US President Donald Trump was elected on a promise to “drain the swamp.” Almost four years later, the Washington think-tank racket is as murky as ever, and the gravy train keeps rolling. The false "Trump/Russia collusion" narrative has been dead for so long now that it’s hard to remember what killed it, whether it was the Mueller Report or simply death by a thousand cuts. Here is what we know: "Russiagate" was a giant scam, and many of those who promoted it knowingly lied for a considerable...

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