Seldom mentioned among the motives behind the persistent drumming on alleged Russian interference was an over-arching need to help the Security State hide their tracks. The need for a scapegoat to blame for Hillary Clinton’s snatching defeat out of the jaws victory also played a role; as did the need for the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think-Tank complex (MICIMATT) to keep front and center in the minds of Americans the alleged multifaceted threat coming from...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
Ron Paul: Look to Switzerland for Path toward Peace
Former US presidential candidate and House of Representatives member Ron Paul says people seeking to advance peace can learn much from looking to Switzerland. Paul made his...
Video: TSA Supervisor Threatens Young Man Filming the Patdown Of His Father
We have yet another case of a police or security officer threatening a citizen for recording an encounter. The videotape below was taken by a young man who filmed the putdown of...
On Social Security? Obama Wants Your Gun!
In a move that Alan Zarembo of the Los Angeles Times reports could result in the US government barring millions of Americans from owning guns, President Barack Obama’s...
‘This Flag Never Goes Down’: Amazon Reportedly Takes Down Historical Book On Confederate Flag Due To Confederate Flag On Cover
The extensive move to remove the Confederate Flag from public and some commercial settings has raised serious concerns over both free speech and academic freedom. While the flag...
Praise for Swords into Plowshares from Charles Goyette
Bestselling author Charles Goyette, who hosted with Ron Paul a series of fascinating podcasts regarding current events, is praising Paul’s new book Swords into Plowshares: A life...
AIPAC Employees Told to Ax Summer Vacation Plans and Gear Up to Fight Iran Deal
Cancel your summer vacations. That was the order AIPAC’s executive director, Howard Kohr, gave his employees in a staff meeting convened this week at the American Israel Public...
Obama to Bibi: Want Some (More) Money?
Ron Paul has always said that US foreign policy is incredibly simple: do what we say and we will send you money; disobey and we will bomb you. While there is (fortunately) little...
Swords into Plowshares: Ron Paul Talks New Book to Alan Colmes
Alan Colmes makes the great point that Ron Paul's timing is spectacular for his new book Swords into Plowshares, as the forces of peace seem to have triumphed in the deal with...
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