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A New State of Segregation: Vaccine Cards Are Just the Beginning

A New State of Segregation: Vaccine Cards Are Just the Beginning

Imagine it: a national classification system that not only categorizes you according to your health status but also allows the government to sort you in a hundred other ways: by gender, orientation, wealth, medical condition, religious beliefs, political viewpoint, legal status, etc. This is the slippery slope upon which we are embarking, one that begins with vaccine passports and ends with a national system of segregation. It has already begun. With every passing day, more and more private...

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General Milley’s Imaginary Coup

General Milley’s Imaginary Coup

We need to clear some things up before they get any further out of hand, as the Dems insist on making this stuff every day’s front page. For starters, stop saying “Reichstag moment.” And when Grandpa Simpson and Kamala “Silent Shadow” Harris tottered into the White House, they became president. Between the two of them they’ll get their four years. Done. Some 500 protesters taking selfies inside the Capitol building is a tantrum, not a coup. Among other things, a coup must have some path...

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Why Americans No Longer Trust the Biden Administration

Why Americans No Longer Trust the Biden Administration

For libertarians – and even many non-libertarians – it’s not shocking to discover that a US Administration lies and deceives the electorate. For government on all levels, lying to the American people is as American as apple pie. Sometimes the liars are held to account for their deception, but most often they are not.Watching these early months of the Biden Administration it’s hard not to think that lying, deceiving, and manipulation is rising to a whole new level.Take “ending the endless war”...

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Seven Words That Curse the State

Seven Words That Curse the State

What we say can shape how we think, and what we do. For example, the use of profanity when you stub your toe can actually help ease the pain. Trust the science on this one! Sadly, the world is far beyond the toe-stubbing stage. But profanity by itself is not the answer. There are other words we should be using daily, words far more powerful and effective for what we face today. For example, this week, Congressman Thomas Massie repeatedly used two words that we should keep handy, in his video...

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Twitter Suspends Science Writer After He Posts Results Of Pfizer Clinical Test

Twitter Suspends Science Writer After He Posts Results Of Pfizer Clinical Test

Just yesterday, we discussed the censoring of a commentator by Twitter for merely expressing an opinion over the need for a “pause” on any federal mandates on Covid-19 as new research is studied. Now, a former New York Times science reporter, Alex Berenson, has been suspended for simply quoting the results from a clinical trial by Pfizer and raising questions over any vaccine mandate. In the meantime, the White House accused both the Washington Post and New York Times of irresponsible...

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The CDC Is a Threat to Science

The CDC Is a Threat to Science

I’m still trying to wrap my brain around the astonishing shift from the CDC on Tuesday, July 27, 2021. It is not just that the CDC is re-recommending masks for people indoors in many parts of the country, which could include your neighborhood or not, and this could change tomorrow. (Hint: right now, it disportionately affects red states.) Whether and to what extent you “protect” yourself from disease with a paper strapped to your mouth and nose is now wholly contingent on data reporting and...

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The Shadow State: Twitter Suspends Commentator for Criticizing Vaccine Policies

The Shadow State: Twitter Suspends Commentator for Criticizing Vaccine Policies

I recently discussed how the Biden Administration was actively encouraging corporations to limit speech and impose vaccines mandates as a type of shadow state. Rather than take such actions directly ( and face both legal and political challenges), the Administration is relying on its close alliance with Big Tech and other companies to carry out such tasks. That surrogate relationship is particularly clear in the expanding censorship program carried out by the Twitter, Facebook and other...

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No To Vaccine ‘Mandates’ & ‘Passports’!

No To Vaccine ‘Mandates’ & ‘Passports’!

When the ideas of Liberty dominate - humanity flourishes.When the ideas of tyranny and authoritarianism dominate - humanity suffers.Back and forth the pendulum seems to swing. From light to dark; and then dark to light.We live in dark times.Many people now look back on 2020 with regret, shame and anger. Rolling over to fear did not work out at all. Allowing government to take unprecedented unconstitutional control over society produced nothing but disaster, as it always has (and always...

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The CDC’s Hysterical Delta Flip-Flop Might Be Its Final Undoing

The CDC’s Hysterical Delta Flip-Flop Might Be Its Final Undoing

The crazy, convoluted, mixed up messaging from the CDC – it's been this way from the beginning of the pandemic until now – has taken yet another turn. Now the CDC is recommending masks not just for the unvaccinated but for the vaccinated too. This is supposedly because of the discovery that the variant known as Delta is making an end-run around the vaccines, causing not only infections but infectious spread. So we have an odd situation developing. The layperson’s understanding of a vaccine is...

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Authoritarians Drunk on Power: It Is Time to Recalibrate the Government

Authoritarians Drunk on Power: It Is Time to Recalibrate the Government

It is time to recalibrate the government. For years now, we have suffered the injustices, cruelties, corruption and abuse of an entrenched government bureaucracy that has no regard for the Constitution or the rights of the citizenry. By “government,” I’m not referring to the highly partisan, two-party bureaucracy of the Republicans and Democrats. Rather, I’m referring to “government” with a capital “G,” the entrenched Deep State that is unaffected by elections, unaltered by populist movements,...

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Wrong Lessons from the Afghanistan Debacle and Defeat

Wrong Lessons from the Afghanistan Debacle and Defeat

Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, interventionists are not learning the real lessons in their defeat in Afghanistan. Instead, they are coming up with all sorts of reasons as to why their Afghanistan intervention turned out to be such a big debacle. They say that they’ve learned how to do better with future interventions. One of the favorite lessons they have learned from this fiasco is encapsulated in the phrase “forever wars.” Some interventionists now say that converting the Afghanistan...

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Why Americans No Longer Trust the Biden Administration

The Jan. 6th Show Trials Threaten All of Us

The recent felony conviction and eight month prison sentence of January 6th protester Paul Hodgkins is an affront to any notion of justice. It is a political charge and a political verdict by a political court. Every American regardless of political persuasion should be terrified of a court system so beholden to politics instead of justice.We’ve seen this movie before and it does not end well.Worse than this miscarriage of justice is the despicable attempt by the prosecutor in the case to...

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Politics over science: Biden Admin signals intent to force FDA approval of COVID vaccines

Politics over science: Biden Admin signals intent to force FDA approval of COVID vaccines

The Biden Administration has signaled its next move as part of the White House’s full court press to pressure Americans into taking COVID-19 vaccines. It seems the White House intends to strongarm the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) into fully approving COVID vaccines, while completely dismissing evolving safety and efficacy concerns in the process. It began during a CNN town hall this week, when President Biden appeared to let it slip (in difficult to comprehend language) that he was...

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Daily COVID Deaths in Sweden Hit Zero, as Other Nations Brace for More Lockdowns

Daily COVID Deaths in Sweden Hit Zero, as Other Nations Brace for More Lockdowns

Sweden's Anders TegnellMore than 100,000 people flooded streets in France over the weekend and multiple COVID vaccination centers were vandalized as opposition grew to the government’s most recent pandemic strategy. In President Emmanuel Macron’s latest incarnation of lockdowns, government officials have decreed that unvaccinated individuals will no longer be allowed to enter cafes, restaurants, theaters, public transportation and more. Needless to say, people were not happy. France’s approach...

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Could The Arrest of FBI Agent Undermine The Whitmer Kidnapping Case?

Could The Arrest of FBI Agent Undermine The Whitmer Kidnapping Case?

FBI Agent Richard TraskThe arrest of an FBI agent would always be newsworthy. Richard Trask of Kalamazoo has gone from making cases to being a case for prosecution. He faces up to ten years for allegedly assaulting his wife with intent to do great bodily harm. However, Trask was also key to the arrest of men in the alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Those defendants — and some observers — have criticized the FBI for entrapping the men by pushing them into the conspiracy and...

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In Radical Affront To Civil Liberties, The Government Is Branding Non-Violent Jan. 6 Defendants ‘Terrorists’

In Radical Affront To Civil Liberties, The Government Is Branding Non-Violent Jan. 6 Defendants ‘Terrorists’

'Terrorist' Paul HodgkinsThis week, the first felony sentence was handed down in relation to what’s popularly called the “insurrection” of January 6, 2021. Though he only pleaded guilty to a single count of “obstruction of an official proceeding,” defendant Paul Hodgkins — whose criminal act entailed milling around the Senate chamber for approximately 15 minutes — nonetheless found himself branded a “terrorist” in open court by the US Government. Per prosecutors’ own admission, Hodgkins...

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