Let Me Be Clear

by | Oct 8, 2024

We can learn a lot from the knuckleheads, airheads and sociopaths of death and slavery in Washington, and among US allies.

We are told by the federal state that Governor “knucklehead” Walz, Vice President Kamala “airhead” Harris, and “mass murderer” Netanyahu are patriots, friends and supporters of Americans.  What we can learn from these “patriots?”

From Timmy Walz, we learn that urban riots, and destruction of communities and businesses can be excellent, as long as you can watch from a safe place, and only smell the burning cars.

From Kamala the Momala, we learn to be unburdened by what has been.

From our ally Bibi, we learn that confident audacity and blatant rejection of “government rules” can take you far. You can even get away with murder of Americans, something he and the IDF have done repeatedly.

The message of all three, and by extension the US government, is simple and direct.

Rules are for everyone else.  Exercise control by breaking every moral code, and every accepted value, in a world where the everyone else is trying really hard to do the right thing.

States in general, and leaders like Bibi, Tim, and Kamala are above the law.  They do not comply with humanity’s accepted rules and norms.  We cry out for justice and liberty.  Maybe we should take a moment to analyze how these apparatchiks work, and test a theory.  I’m not advocating that we emulate the state’s coveting, lying, theft, and murder.  But how do they get away with it on such a massive and tragic scale?  Etienne De La Boetie knows.

At the recent Rescue the Republic rally, over and over again, everyone – including Jimmy Dore and national treasure Matt Taibbi, told us – pled with us – joked with us – cried out to us – DO NOT COMPLY!  Matt opened his speech with “Defiance is in our DNA!”

Solutions for the rescue and restoration of liberty in America are many and varied, but we are not planning for national cosmetic surgery or the odd knee replacement.  The US – as a nation – is currently laid out in the triage tent, and the first priority is to stop the bleeding, and a very likely amputation of Washington, DC.

To stop the bleeding, apply pressure, stay calm, stay awake.  This advice is for the patient, and those who will save her. In our case, that’s one and the same, all of us together.

Staying calm is a challenge.  Staying awake, with eyes open, is painful.  Each will need to find what works best for them – and no doubt prayer and fasting are going to come in handy here.

I’m more interested in how we apply pressure.  Elections are how the state would like us to exert our opinion about how “it” is doing.  We aren’t really allowed to change anything – but it is delicious how frightened the deep state is of a possible re-election of Donald Trump and his articulate hillbilly Vice President. Voting is fun, but it’s not a workable strategy for what is needed.

Happily, Kamala, Bibi, and Tim have inadvertently taught us some ways to restore our liberty.

First, there is nothing wrong with being unburdened by what has been.  Suppose you believed or even assumed that government, local, state or federal, would be interested or even capable of helping you in your time of need.  We all remember Homeland Security’s bureaucratized and militarized FEMA response after Katrina – started late, never ended, didn’t work, and obstructed the spontaneous community response all over the country, turning away both private and corporate deliveries of aid and assistance.  The Helene response western NC, northern and eastern Tennessee is everything we have come to expect from the state, this time on fentanyl.  FEMA is out of money at the start of hurricane season because of their excellent work on behalf of illegal aliens, Nazis in Ukraine, and assisting in the murder of hundreds of thousands of Gazans by our best ally ever.  Even if our government wasn’t busy killing Arabs, fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian, or helping conglomerates throughout the US acquire cheap labor without the paperwork while attempting to reverse population decline in blue states – FEMA, like every known government bureaucracy, is fundamentally unsuited for human or animal life.

Let us be unburdened by any belief that lulls us into complacency, or apologetics, about the anti-human nature of authoritarian rule. FEMA is not a government outlier – it is in fact the standard bearer for how the state deals with we the people.

Second, in dealing with the US government, let us follow the path of Bibi.  He will verbally respect the US federal government when needed, then proceed to do exactly as he wishes.  He’s rarely questioned, but when he is, he feigns confusion about what was “agreed upon” as he pays close attention to the “other factors” that support his every gamble. What in the Kamala Blahbala am I saying?  Citizens of the US, be like Bibi!  Let us politely lie and kindly steal from the federal government, in every accepted way, while taking care to understand its general and unique weaknesses.  Let us smile as we deeply study both the obvious, and the hidden, vulnerabilities of the authoritarian state and its mouthpieces.

We can’t all be murderous sociopaths like Bibi, but we do need to recognize that this class of moral degenerate is most often found in positions of government authority.  In peace and war, in crisis and routine, nod understandingly while you take from the state what you want, manipulate what you can, ignore, delay and misunderstand all government rules and requests, and remember what is important to you and your family.  For Bibi, it is all about staying out of jail and being an epic Zionist.  When the citizens of the former USSR did this, it was a major factor in that system’s collapse in 1989. For Americans, it should be little more than insisting on the letter of the first ten Amendments no matter what the state says, and maybe a small revolution or two.

Thirdly, weird Tim Walz and his wife are on to something, as they watched, over drinks, from a safe distance, Minneapolis burning down.  It’s just the kind of ju jitsu move that we as actual fighters for liberty should remember. Use the art of yielding to defeat the stronger enemy.

That “stronger enemy” will always defeat itself, something else Tim Walz can teach us. His Covid Snitch Line informants obeyed the state, and because we are Americans and not East Germans, all informant names and reports, and email addresses, were made public for eternal ridicule! If I did what the government asked in good faith, and it was based on a lie, and that same government later threw me under a bus, I would most certainly become an enemy of the state.  I would say “Enough!”  Wouldn’t we all?

The message is this.  Resist.  Do Not Comply.  Abandon what state media and schooling have taught you for ten or 60 years, and study reality. If you must comply, do it maliciously, extremely slowly, curiously incompletely – take what we have learned from our overweening bureaucracy and model it back in your every interaction with the state.

The bright legacy of the Founders is a hobbled and weak state, despite all appearance to the contrary. Even as the state has exceeded its role, authority and budget a million-fold in two centuries, its every drop of blood is nothing more than our continued obedience to it, and our continued tolerance of it.

Do not comply.  Do not tolerate.  Do not make excuses for the US government, and, let me be clear, laugh maniacally at the lies it tells, and the excuses it offers.

Reprinted with permission from LewRockwell.com.


  • Karen Kwiatkowski

    Karen is an American activist and commentator. She is a retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel whose assignments included duties as a Pentagon desk officer and a variety of roles for the National Security Agency. Since retiring, she has become a noted critic of the U.S. government's involvement in Iraq.

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